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Aim. To assess efficacy of combined immunocorrection in the treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (CVHC). Material and methods. Routine clinicobiochemical tests, examination of immunological homeostasis (cellular immunity, the level of circulating immune complexes - CIC and their molecular composition, macrophagal phagocyting system — MPS) were made in two groups of CVHC patients: the study group (n=68) and control group (n=66). The control patients received standard treatment, the study group received also cyclopheron in combination with reamberin. Cyclopheron was given per os in a single daily dose 600 mg 2 days, then 3 times a week in a dose 150 mg for 48 weeks. Reamberin infusions in a single daily dose 400 m l were made for 5 — 7 days. Results. CVHC in exacerbation phase is characterized by the presence of secondary immunodeficiency running with T-lymphopenia, low count of peripheral blood lymphocytes with CD4+ phenotype and low immunoregulatory index CD4/CD8, depression of functional activity of T-cells as evidenced by lymphocyte blasttransformation test with phytohemagglutinin, inhibition of phagocyting activity of monocytes and inhibition of dermal macrophages. This shows subnormal functional activity of MPS. CVHC runs with accumulation of CIC in blood serum primarily due to increased content of most pathogenic mid- and low-molecularfractions of immune complexes. Addition of cyclopheron and reamberin in combined treatment of CVHC patients promotes normalization of immunological homeostasis which clinically occurs in parallel with achievement of persistent and long-term CVHC remission. Conclusion. The results of the above investigation support pathogenetic validity and prospects of cyclopheron and reamberin inclusion into combined treatment of CVHC.

About the authors

V M Frolov

State Medical University; Ukrainian Research Center for Medical Genetics National Academy of Medical Sciences

Department of Ecological Genetics and Immunology Lugansk, Ukraine

Ya A Sotskaya

State Medical University; Ukrainian Research Center for Medical Genetics National Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: v_m_frolov@mail.ru
Department of Ecological Genetics and Immunology Lugansk, Ukraine


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