Diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis in patients with HIV-infection

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Aim. To study specific features of the incidence, course and diagnosis of tuberculosis pericarditis (TP) in patients with HIV-infection.
Material and methods. We analysed results of diagnosis of 304 primary patients with organ tuberculosis in combination with HIV infection treated in Moscow tuberculosis hospital N 7 in 2006-2010. CD4 lymphocyte count median in tuberculosis onset was 140 in 1 mcl, 63.2% patients had a baseline level of CD4 lymphocytes under 200 in 1 mcl.
Results. TP incidence in primary patients with tuberculosis and HIV-infection was 6.3% while in patients with tuberculosis of multiple locations - 13.7%. Cardiac tamponade symptoms were registered only in one case. Pericardial effusion was classified as moderate and large in 68.4% patients. Patients with large effusion (more than 20 mm in isolation of pericardial leaves) have undergone diagnostic pericardiocentesis and, in some cases, microdrainage. Sensitivity of exudate test for M. tuberculosis DNA with use of polymerase chain reaction was 100%.
Conclusion. Active surgical policy in massive effusion tuberculosis pericarditis in line with adequate antituberculosis and antiretrovirus therapy in HIV-infecterd patients results in rapid resorption of the effusion.

About the authors

Mikhail Vasil'evich Toshchevikov

Туберкулезная клиническая больница № 7

Email: tkb7@mosgorzdrav.ru
зав. торакальной хирургией ТКБ № 7, тел. 8-499-268-56-30; Туберкулезная клиническая больница № 7

Vera Nikolaevna Zimina

ГУ Центральный НИИ туберкулеза РАМН

Email: vera-zim@yandex.ru
канд. мед. наук, ЦНИИ туберкулеза РАМН, докторант отд. фтизиатрии; ГУ Центральный НИИ туберкулеза РАМН

Farit Akhatovich Batyrov

Туберкулезная клиническая больница № 7

Email: tkb7@mosgorzdrav.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., гл. врач ТКБ № 7, тел.: 8-499-268-66-30; Туберкулезная клиническая больница № 7

Aleksey Viktorovich Kravchenko

ФГУН Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора

Email: kravtchenko@hivrussia.net
д-р мед. наук, проф., вед. науч. сотр. СНИО ЭП СПИД ФГУН ЦНИИЭ Роспотребнадзора, тел.: 8-495-366-05-18; ФГУН Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора

Irina Anatol'evna Vasil'eva

ГУ Центральный НИИ туберкулеза РАМН

Email: vasil39@list.ru
д-р мед. наук, зав. отд. фтизиатрии ЦНИИ туберкулеза РАМН; ГУ Центральный НИИ туберкулеза РАМН

M V Toschevikov

Tuberculosis hospital N 7, Moscow

Tuberculosis hospital N 7, Moscow

V N Zimina

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow

F A Batyrov

Tuberculosis hospital N 7, Moscow

Tuberculosis hospital N 7, Moscow

A V Kravchenko

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow

I A Vasilieva

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow


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