Clinical and biochemical syndromes of cadmium-induced acute porphyrinopathy

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Aim. To study the specific features of porphyrin metabolic disturbances in cadmium poisoning.
Material and methods. The paper describes a patient who has developed clinical and biochemical syndromes of acute porphyrinopathy after exposure to cadmium-containing paint the vapors. The levels of δ-aminolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen, coproporphyrin, and uroporphyrin in urine and those of coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin in feces were measured. The concentrations of lead, cadmium, and copper were determined in whole blood and urine; selective screening of amino acids for hereditary metabolic diseases was made.
Results. The clinical signs of acute porphyrinopathy developed in the patient mimicked those of acute porphyries known by the current classification. The biochemical syndrome more corresponded to lead poisoning. However, the blood and urinary lead levels were not greater than the normal values, but the blood showed a 4-fold increase in cadmium, which seemed to induce porphyrin dysmetabolism.

About the authors

Aleksandr Borisovich Krivosheev

ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, проф., каф. факультетской терапии; ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Boris Nikiforovich Krivosheev

ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, проф.-консультант каф. факультативной терапии; ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Elena Leonidovna Poteryaeva

ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. профпатологии и медицинской экологии; ГОУ ВПО НГМУ Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава

Larisa Vladimirovna Parulikova

МУЗ ГКБ № 34

канд. мед. наук, зам. гл. врача по терапии; МУЗ ГКБ № 34

Ol'ga Ivanovna Mikhaylenko

МУЗ ГКБ № 34

врач высшей категории, зав. неврологическим отд-нием; МУЗ ГКБ № 34

A B Krivosheyev

B N Krivosheyev

E L Poteryaeva

L V Parulikova

O I Mikhailenko


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