Effect of the If channel blocker ivabradine on the parameters of external respiration function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in its stable course period

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Aim. To evaluate the effect of the If channel blocker ivabradine on bronchial patency and the volume parameters of external respiration function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in remission in order to determine whether the drug may be used in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) concurrent with COPD.
Subjects and methods. Heart rate, bronchial patency, and lung volume were studied by body plethysmography in 59 patients with COPD before and 14 days after administration of ivabradine in a daily dose of 10 mg.
Results. The If channel blocker ivabradine that is a highly selective bradycardiac agent fails to affect the velocity and volume parameters of external respiration function, thus it may be used to treat CHD concurrent with COPD.
Conclusion. The If channel blocker ivabradine exerts no effect on external respiration function parameters (bronchial patency, volume parameters) and it can find clinical use in the treatment of angina pectoris and chronic heart failure in patients with CHD concurrent with COPD.

About the authors

A D Komlev

ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

Отдел пульмонологии и аллергологии; ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

A I Kuzyaev

ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

Отдел пульмонологии и аллергологии; ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

G M Laskin

ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

Отдел пульмонологии и аллергологии; ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

V E Kuzenkova

ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

Отдел пульмонологии и аллергологии; ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

M V Kolosova

ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

Отдел пульмонологии и аллергологии; ВЦЭРМ им. А. М. Никифорова МЧС России

A D Komlev

A I Kuzyaev

G M Laskin

V E Kuzenkova

M V Kolosova


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