Regulators of fibrinolysis in chronic viral pathology of the liver

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Aim. To investigate a clinicopathogenetic role of fibrinolysis regulators in chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) and viral cyrrhosis of the liver (CL).
Material and methods. Seventy patients entered the study: 10 patients with CVH B, 33 - with CVH C, 6 - with CVH D, 21 - with viral CL (HCV-associated in 14 cases and HBV-associated in 7 cases. A concentration and activity of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), the level of plasminogen-1 activator inhibitor (PAI-1) in blood plasma were estimated with enzyme immunoassay (Technoclone GmbH, Austria). PAI-1/TPA was estimated.
Results. Increased TPA, PAI-1 concentrations and TPA activity in plasma with maximal values in CL were found. Most severe imbalance in the system of fibrinolysis regulators occurs in poor-prognosis cirrhosis and decompensated portal hypertension. High TPA concentration and activity in CL have a positive correlation with the Child-Pugh index, while low PAI-1/TPA correlates negatively with this index.
Conclusion. TPA and PAI-1 correlations with hemorrhagic manifestations and prognosis of the disease suggest an essential clinical role of fibrinolysis regulators in chronic viral pathology of the liver.

About the authors

Aleksandr Valentinovich Yagoda

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия

проф., зав. кафедрой внутренних болезней № 1 с курсом поликлинической терапии; Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия

P V Kopoy

A V Yagoda

P V Koroi


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