Postinfection irritable bowel syndrome


Aim. To characterize pathogenesis, clinicolaboratory criteria and treatment of postinfection irritable bowel syndrome (PICS).
Material and methods. The examination including histological study of the small and large intestine mucosa, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), coagglutination reaction using shigella, salmonella, yersinia, campilobacter jejuni diagnosticums, indirect hemagglutination reaction for identification of antibodies to these agents in the blood serum was conducted in 750 patients with PICS. Fecal seeding on selective media was made as well as the respiratory test for bacterial growth in the small intestine. Immune status was studied with laser cytometry, chemiluminescence, immunodiffusion, immunofluorescence, flow laser cytofluorometry. Personality profile was assessed by MMPI.
Results. PICS was diagnosed in 599 (79.9%) of 750 patients. Most of them had diarrhea, abnormal fecal microflora, antigens of acute intestinal infection agents in circulating immune complexes of the serum and coprofiltrates. Immune system was characterized by low phagocytic activity, attenuation of cell and humoral immunity. Etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment including intestinal antiseptics, probiotics and immunomodulators produced persistent remission during a year in 79.3% PICS patients.
Conclusion. PICS is described which differs from ICS by registration of markers of acute intestinal infections in biological media, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and dysbiosis in the large intestine, immunodeficiency. A positive response was observed to treatment with intestinal anticeptic and enterosorbent drugs, probiotics and immunomodulators.


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