Long- and short-term results of staged treatment of ulcer patients engaged in oil production

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Aim. To determine clinical and cost-effect efficacy of staged (hospital-day hospital-outpatient clinic) treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ulcer disease (UD).
Material and methods. Of 160 patients with duodenal ulcer 80 patients (controls) received treatment in hospital and 80 patients (the study group) were treated in hospital and day hospital. Efficacy of the treatment was assessed by clinical data, results of device and cost-effect investigations.
Results. Clinical and endoscopic remission of duodenal ulcer was achieved for the same time in both the groups. The cost of the treatment of 1 patient was 23393 and 21163 rub in the controls and in the study group, respectively. Therefore, treatment in a day hospital reduced cost of the treatment. Later, the remission was consolidated by active follow-up in an outpatient clinic.
Conclusion. Staged treatment of UD provides good therapeutic and economic effects compared to hospital treatment.


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