Outpatient ronkoleukin treatment of gastric ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori

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Aim. To determine clinicoimmunological and microbiological efficacy of ronkoleukine in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric ulcer (GU).
Material and methods. A total of 108 H. pylori-associated GU were randomized into two groups. Patients of group 2 received standard 3 or 4 component therapy including proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics (amoxicillin and clarithromycin). Patients of group 1 received the same treatment but antibiotics were replaced for recombinant interleukine-2 ronkoleukine (Biotech, Russia) which was delivered via gastroscope and injected submucously along the periphery of the ulcer defect in 4-6 points in a dose 0.1 mg; 0.4 mg of the drug was simultaneously injected intravenously. The procedure was made 3 times with a 72 hour interval.
Results. One month after the treatment H. pylori eradication was 81.5 and 95.4% in groups 1 and 2, respectively. Mean duration of ulcer epithelization was 35.23 ± 1.58 and 10.79 ± 0.46 days, respectively.
Conclusion. Clinically and pathogenetically sound method of H. pylori-associated GU with application of systemic and local (paraulcer) immunotropic ronkoleukine therapy is more cost and immunologically effective than standard treatment and can be used both in hospital and outpatient setting.

About the authors

Tat'yana Aleksandrovna Smipnova

Гастроэнтерологический центр поликлиники СКАЛ МУЗ городской больницы № 2 "КМЛДО"

врач; Гастроэнтерологический центр поликлиники СКАЛ МУЗ городской больницы № 2 "КМЛДО"

E P Ponomapeva

P A Khanfepyan

V V Kolesnikov

T A Smirnova

E P Ponomareva

R A Khanferyan

V V Kolesnikov


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