Gastrointestinal symptoms in adult population of Novosibirsk city: prevalence and risk factors

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Aim. To study prevalence of dyspepsia symptoms, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and irritable bowel syndrome (ICS) in city population and to detect relevant risk factors.
Material and methods. Gastrointestinal symptoms were investigated with a validated questionnaire Bowel Disease Questionnaire and dyspepsia, GER, ICS syndromes were identified in a representative sample of adult Novosibirsk population (1040 patients, 492 males and 548 females aged 45-69 years). Risk factors were studied by social-demographic and antropometric parameters, smoking, drinking and administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAD). Depression was assessed by CESD questionnaire. Helicobacter pylori infection and the level of pepsinogen I were studied with enzyme immunoassay Biohit GastroPanel (Biohit, Finland).
Results. Incidence of dyspepsia was 38%, GER - 30%, ICS - 19%. One of the illnesses was found in 56% cases, combination of the conditions - in 24%. Females had dyspepsia and ICS much more frequently. Social-demographic parameters (age, marital status, education, labor activity), alcohol consumption, intake of NSAD, Helicobacter pylori infection had no significant effect on the incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms. GER occurred more frequently in smoking males. Overweight was characteristic both for GER males and females. Severe depression was associated with the risk of dyspepsia and ICS both in females and males. Hyperpepsinogenemia increased the rate of GER detection in males and dyspepsia in females.
Conclusion. Dyspepsia, GER and ICS were seen in 50% adult population and often combine, but the risk factors differ. Some of the latter can be modified and prevented.

About the authors

Oleg Veniaminovich Peshetnikov

ГУ НИИ терапии СО РАМН

д. м. н., ведущий научный сотрудник; ГУ НИИ терапии СО РАМН

S A Kupilovich

M Bobak

S K Malyutina

E D Pylenkova

O V Reshetnikov

S A Kurilovich

M Bobak

S K Malyutina

E D Pylenkova


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