Long-term outcomes and formation of chronic disease of the kidneys in patients with a history of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

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Aim. To evaluate renal function, persistence of renal dysfunction and probability of chronic renal pathology in convalescents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Material and methods. A total of 370 HFRS convalescents were examined with estimation of renal functional reserve, albuminuria, uric acid clearance, activity of urine N-acetil-beta-D-hexosaminidase in the urine, 18-h deprevation test, duplex scanning of renal vessels. Correlation between prevalence of chronic renal failure in Udmurtia and HFRS incidence was analysed. Results. Glomerular and tubular dysfunctions in HFRS convalescents (intraglomerular hypertension, albuminuria, regress of a concentration ability of the kidneys, impairment of tubular transport) are characterized by persistence in the presence of renal hypoperfusion and hypoexcretory hyperuricemia. 13% convalescents developed chronic disease of the kidneys (CDK) which clinically presented as chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis. HFRS may contribute to formation of population of patients with chronic renal failure in the territory of active natural foci. A significant positive correlation was registered between mean annual levels of HFRS morbidity and prevalence of chronic renal failure in different regions of Udmurtia. According to clinical data, chronic renal failure develops in patients who earlier have suffered from renal disease. Conclusion. Persistance of renal dysfunctions in HFRS convalescents and possible onset of chronic disease of the kidneys necessitate active follow-up of the disease convalescents.

About the authors

M V Dudarev

ГОУ ВПО Ижевской государственной медицинской академии Росздрава

L T Pimenov

ГОУ ВПО Ижевской государственной медицинской академии Росздрава


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