Incidence rate of heart rhythm disorders in rural population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

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Aim. To evaluate occurrence of heterotopic cardiac arrhythmia in rural population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material and Methods. 1203 persons (474 males, 729 females) aged 16 and older from rural population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the response rate 76.1%) filled in the questionnaires, have undergone ECG examination in 12 standard leads with continues registration of 100 cardiocycles in one of the leads. Holter monitoring was conducted in 215 random examinees.
Results. By ECG, the population was characterized by supraventricular extrasystole (SVE -8.9%), ventricular extrasystole (VE -6.4%) and cardiac fibrillation (1.5%). Overall, heterotopic disorders of heart rhythm were registered in 14.3% examinees. By Holter monitoring, heterotopic arrhythmia was detected much more often - in 68.4% examinees. SVE and VE occurred in 56.7 and 34.4%, respectively. Paroxysms of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia occurred in 10.2% cases. Conclusion. In the examined population incidence of heterotopic arrhythmia and its variants increased with age. Incidence of heterotopic arrhythmias did not differ statistically between men and women, except VE which was encountered more often in males.

About the authors

N G Gogolashvili

НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

Красноярск; НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

N Ya Novgorodtseva

НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

Красноярск; НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

L S Polikarpov

НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

Красноярск; НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

R S Karpov

НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН

Красноярск; НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН; НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра СО РАМН


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