Helicobacter pylori and gastric adenoma in outpatient practice

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Aim. To study the role of Helicobacter pylori (HP) persistance in generation of gastric mucosa adenoma.
Material and methods. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy of the mucosa from the antral portion and body of the stomach was made for diagnosis of HP and morphological changes in 28 patients \ aged 47 to 86 years with gastric adenoma. Results. Chronic gastritis with HP was diagnosed in 57.1% patients. HP contamination was, as a rule, weak (32.1%) or moderate (53.5%). It correlated with activity of inflammatory and dystrophic changes (thefirst degree - 35.7%, the second one - 39.3%; atrophy - 99.6%, metaplasia - 92.8%, respectively).
Conclusion. The morphological study revealed a strong correlation between gastric adenomas and HP persistance. As adenomas are characterized by a high risk of malignant transformation and must be removed, it is recommended to eradicate HB infection.

About the authors

O N Minushkin

Поликлиника № 1

Москва; Поликлиника № 1

E G Burdina

МЦ УД Президента РФ

Москва; МЦ УД Президента РФ


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