Ileocecal valve insufficiency as a visceral manifestation of undifferentiated dysplasia of the connective tissue

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Aim. To study prevalence of markers of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) in patients with primary insufficiency of ileocecal valve (PIIV).
Material and methods. The trial included 87 patients (21 men and 66 women aged 13 to 64 years) with irrigoscopy-documented barium reflux into the small intestine. The occurrence of external phenotypical markers of CTD was studied at general examination and antropometry, of visceral ones - at ultrasound investigation of the heart, abdominal organs and the kidneys. The state of the connective tissue was assessed by skin biopsy histology.
Results. PIIVpatients demonstrated a great number of dysembryogenic stigms typical for CTD: asthenic constitution, hypotrophy, chest deformation, foot and spine ligaments weakness, etc. A radial-lacunar type of the iris of the eye was described for the first times among external CTD phenotypical markers. Such visceral CTD markers as mitral prolapse, left ventricular false chorda, gallbladder deformity, nephroptosis occurred in the PIIV patients significantly more frequently. Morphological characteristics of the skin in PIIVpatients were similar to those registered in patients with cardial manifestations of CTD. Conclusion. The above external and visceral phenotypical markers and skin morphology give arguments for referring PHVto signs of CTD. Such position can open new prospects for pathogenetic treatment of PI IV.

About the authors

A V Klemenov

Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия

Нижний Новгород; Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия

V L Martynov

Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия

Нижний Новгород; Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия

N S Torgushina

Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия

Нижний Новгород; Военно-медицинский институт ФПС РФ; Государственная медицинская академия


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