Carbohydrase activity in proximal and distal segments of small intestine in health, irritated bowel syndrome and enteropathy with membrane digestion disturbance

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Diagnostics of enteropathy with membrane digestion disturbance (EMDD) is based on the evaluation of carbohydrase activity in duodenal mucosa (DM). There is no information about diagnostic value of ileum mucosa (IM) carbohydrases.

Aim. Assess the diagnostic value of carbohydrases activity in mucous membrane of duodenum and distal ileum in patients with EMDD and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Materials and methods. The study includes 12 patients with EMDD, 16 patients with IBS and 12 relatively healthy persons (control group). Study design included analysis of food tolerance and evaluation of activity of sucrase, glucoamylase, maltase and lactase in mucous membrane of duodenum and ileum based on the method of Dahlquist with N.I. Belostotsky modification. Microsoft Office Excel and Statistica 10.0 were used for statistical evaluation of material. Mann–Whitney criterion was used to evaluate the differences between quantitative parameters. The differences were considered to be significant at p<0.05. Control group was used for comparison.

Results. In control group the carbohydrases activity in duodenum mucosa was not significantly statistically different from the one in IM. In patients of the IBS group, the activity of glucoamylase and maltase in the IM was significantly higher than in the duodenum: glucoamylase by 2.2 times, maltase by 2 times. In patients with EMDD the activity of glucoamylase, maltase and sucrase in IM is higher than in DM by 5.2, 3.8 and 2 times respectively, which signifies the formation of compensatory reaction of adaptive shift, initially described by A.M. Ugolev in 1985.

Conclusion. The evaluation of carbohydrase activity in IM provides more information about pathogenesis of EMDD and its differential diagnosis with IBS.

About the authors

Elena A. Kondrashova

LLC «Yauza Medical Center»

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-6754-849X

врач – гастроэнтеролог-эндоскопист

Russian Federation, Moscow

Nickolai I. Belostotsky

Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4400-1227

д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. доклинических методов исследования 

Russian Federation, Moscow

Asfold I. Parfenov

Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center


д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. отд. патологии кишечника 

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The ileum/duodenum ratio of maltase activity (%).

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3. Fig. 2. The ileum/duodenum ratio of glucoamylase activity (%).

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4. Fig. 3. The ileum/duodenum ratio of sucrase activity (%).

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5. Fig. 4. The ileum/duodenum ratio of lactase activity (%).

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