Siberian Mathematical Journal

Siberian Mathematical Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of studies in various branches of mathematics. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries.

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卷 60, 编号 6 (2019)


Modules Coinvariant Under the Idempotent Endomorphisms of Their Covers
Abyzov A., Le V., Truong C., Tuganbaev A.

We study the modules that are coinvariant under the idempotent endomorphisms of their covers. Some generalizations of discrete and continuous modules are introduced and inspected on using the theory of covers and envelopes of modules. By way of application, we consider the cases of flat covers, injective envelopes, and pure injective envelopes.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):927-939
pages 927-939 views
A General Integral of a Quasilinear Equation and Application to a Nonlinear Characteristic Problem
Baghaturia G., Menteshashvili M.

We describe a method for constructing general integrals for some nonstrictly hyperbolic quasilinear equations and prove a nonlinear analog of Asgeirsson’s mean value theorem. Using a general integral, we study the nonlinear version of the Goursat characteristic problem.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):940-951
pages 940-951 views
Metrics on Projections of the Von Neumann Algebra Associated with Tracial Functionals
Bikchentaev A.

Let φ be a positive functional on a von Neumann algebra \(\mathscr{A}\) and let \(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\) be the projection lattice in \(\mathscr{A}\). Given \(P,Q \in \mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), put ρφ(P, Q) = φ(∣PQ∣) and dφ(P, Q) = φ(PQPQ). Then ρφ(P, Q) ≤ dφ(P, Q) and ρφ(P, Q) = dφ(P, Q) provided that PQ = QP. The mapping ρφ (or dφ) meets the triangle inequality if and only if φ is a tracial functional. If τ is a faithful tracial functional then ρτ and dτ are metrics on \(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\). Moreover, if τ is normal then (\(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), ρτ) and (\(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), dτ) are complete metric spaces. Convergences with respect to ρτ and dτ are equivalent if and only if \(\mathscr{A}\) is abelian; in this case ρτ = dτ. We give one more criterion for commutativity of \(\mathscr{A}\) in terms of inequalities.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):952-956
pages 952-956 views
Integro-Local Theorems in Boundary Crossing Problems for Compound Renewal Processes
Borovkov A.

We find sharp asymptotics for the probability that the moment when the trajectory of a compound renewal process crosses an arbitrary remote boundary lies in a prescribed small time interval. As a key step in our proof, we obtain limit theorems for the conditional distribution of jumps of the process when the endpoint of the trajectory of a compound renewal process is fixed.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):957-972
pages 957-972 views
Study of the Convergence of Interpolation Processes with Splines of Even Degree
Volkov Y.

We study the convergence of interpolation processes by Subbotin polynomial splines of even degree. We prove that the good conditionality of a system of equations for constructing an interpolation spline via the coefficients of the expansion of the kth derivative in B-splines is equivalent to the convergence of the interpolation process for the kth derivative of the spline in the class of functions with continuous kth derivative.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):973-983
pages 973-983 views
A Method of Constructing Almost Periodic Solutions to a System of Neutral Type with Linear Delay
Grebenshchikov B.

Under consideration is the possibility of constructing an almost periodic solution for one inhomogeneous system of linear differential equations with delay that is a linear function of the argument (time) under some assumptions about the right-hand side of the system. This solution is proved to be asymptotically stable. Also, we study the existence of an almost periodic solution to another system without neutral terms; in this event the solution is stable.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):984-992
pages 984-992 views
Punctual Copies of Algebraic Structures
Zubkov M., Kalimullin I., Melnikov A., Frolov A.

We estimate the complexity of constructing a punctual “online” copy of an algebraic structure. We establish a general upper bound as well as optimal bounds for classes of Boolean algebras, abelian p-groups, and linear orders. Moreover, the methods developed here are applied to solving Montalbán’s open problem (2013) about copyable linear orders.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):993-1002
pages 993-1002 views
Absoluteness of the Solovay Set Σ
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

We prove that the Solovay set Σ is absolutely definable in a sufficiently wide sense; in particular, Σ does not depend on the choice of the ground model.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1003-1006
pages 1003-1006 views
On Local Metric Characteristics of Level Sets of CH1-Mappings of Carnot Manifolds
Karmanova M.

Considering the level surfaces of the mappings of class CH1 which are defined on Carnot manifolds and take values in Carnot—Carathéodory spaces, we introduce some adequate local metric characteristic that bases on a correspondence with a neighborhood of the kernel of the sub-Riemannian differential. Moreover, for the mappings on Carnot groups we construct an adapted basis in the preimage which matches local sub-Riemannian structures on the complement of the kernel of the sub-Riemannian differential (including those meeting the level set) and on the arrival set.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1007-1021
pages 1007-1021 views
Subtwistor Structures and Subtwistor Bundle
Kornev E.

We introduce the notions of subtwistor structure and subtwistor bundle. Under consideration is some particular case of subtwistor structures, sub-Kähler structures. The subtwistor bundle for the four-dimensional sphere is described. We also provide some examples of the manifolds that admit or do not admit any subtwistor structure. For a real manifold of arbitrary dimension, we give conditions for the existence of a sub-Käahler structure, which implies the existence of sub-Käahler submanifolds.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1022-1031
pages 1022-1031 views
On Mutual Definability of Operations on Fields
Korotkova R., Kudinov O., Morozov A.

We study the possibilities of defining some operations on fields via the remaining operations. In particular, we prove that multiplication on an arbitrary field can be defined via addition if and only if the field is a finite extension of its prime subfield. We give a sufficient condition for the nondefinability of addition via multiplication and demonstrate that multiplication and addition on the reals and complexes cannot be mutually defined by means of the relations with parameters which are preserved under automorphisms. We also describe the mutual definability of addition, multiplication, and exponentiation via the remaining two operations.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1032-1039
pages 1032-1039 views
Necessary Conditions for the Residual Nilpotency of Certain Group Theory Constructions
Kuvaev A.

Consider a graph G of groups such that each vertex group locally satisfies a nontrivial identity and each edge subgroup is properly included into the corresponding vertex groups and its index in at least one of them exceeds 2. We prove that if the fundamental group F of G is locally residually nilpotent then there exists a prime number p such that each edge subgroup is p′-isolated in the corresponding vertex group. We show also that if F is the free product of an arbitrary family of groups with one amalgamated subgroup or a multiple HNN-extension then the same result holds without restrictions on the indices of edge subgroups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1040-1050
pages 1040-1050 views
Application of Nilpotent Approximation and the Orbit Method to the Search of the Diagonal Asymptotics of Sub-Riemannian Heat Kernels
Kuznetsov M.

We propose a general scheme for the search of a fundamental solution to the hypoelliptic diffusion equation in a “sufficiently good” sub-Riemannian manifold and the small-time asymptotics for the solution, which includes the generalized Fourier transform and the orbit method closely related to it, as well as an application of the perturbative method to the nilpotent approximation, and Trotter’s formula.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1051-1074
pages 1051-1074 views
On the Mishou Theorem with an Algebraic Parameter
Laurinčikas A.

The Riemann zeta-function and the Hurwitz zeta-function with transcendental or rational parameter are universal in the sense of Voronin: their shifts approximate broad classes of analytic functions. The universality of the Hurwitz zeta-function with an algebraic irrational parameter is an open problem since 1979. Mishou proved the joint universality of the Riemann zeta-function and the Hurwitz zeta-function with transcendental parameter. Mishou’s theorem with an algebraic irrational parameter is also an open problem. Here we obtain first results in this direction. We prove that there exists a nonempty closed subset of a two-dimensional set of analytic functions such that every pair in it is approximated by the shifts mentioned.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1075-1082
pages 1075-1082 views
Maximal Solvable Subgroups of Size 2 Integer Matrices
Matyukhin V.

Studying the solvable subgroups of 2 × 2 matrix groups over Z, we find a maximal finite order primitive solvable subgroup of GL(2, Z) unique up to conjugacy in GL(2, Z). We describe the maximal primitive solvable subgroups whose maximal abelian normal divisor coincides with the group of units of a quadratic ring extension of Z. We prove that every real quadratic ring R determines h classes of conjugacy in GL(2, Z) of maximal primitive solvable subgroups of GL(2, Z), where h is the number of ideal classes in R.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1083-1088
pages 1083-1088 views
Elementary Definability of the Class of Universal Planar Automata in the Class of Semigroups
Molchanov V.

Universal planar automata are universal attracting objects in the category of semigroup automata whose set of states and set of output signals are equipped with algebraic structures of the planes that are invariant under the actions of the transition and output functions. We establish the elementary definability of the class of universal planar automata in the class of semigroups and study the problem of the elementary classification of universal planar automata with the use of first-order theories of input signal semigroups of these automata.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1089-1098
pages 1089-1098 views
Two Observations on Groups with Engel Elements
Sozutov A.

We answer (in the negative) Questions 16.15(a) and 17.3 of The Kourovka Notebook: “Is the set of all restricted Engel elements a subgroup in every group?” and “Is it true that a group is binary nilpotent if any 4-element subset therein contains two elements generating a nilpotent subgroup?”

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1099-1100
pages 1099-1100 views
Best Linear Approximation Methods for Some Classes of Analytic Functions on the Unit Disk
Shabozov M., Langarshoev M.

Considering Banach Hardy spaces and weighted Bergman spaces, we find the sharp values of the Bernstein, Kolmogorov, Gelfand, and linear n-widths for the classes of analytic functions on the unit disk whose moduli of continuity of the rth derivatives averaged with weight are majorized by a given function satisfying some constraints.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(6):1101-1108
pages 1101-1108 views