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Volume 59, Nº 2 (2018)


Generalized Angles in Ptolemaic Möbius Structures

Aseev V.


We show that each Ptolemaic semimetric is Möbius-equivalent to a bounded metric. Introducing generalized angles in Ptolemaic Möbius structures, we study the class of multivalued mappings F: X → 2Y with a lower bound on the distortion of generalized angles. We prove that the inverse mapping to the coordinate function of a quasimeromorphic automorphism of ℝ̅n lies in this class.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):189-201
pages 189-201 views

Algebraic Sets in A Divisible 2-Rigid Group

Afanas’eva S.


We answer the following question: Which finite unions of special irreducible algebraic sets in a divisible 2-rigid group are algebraic?

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):202-206
pages 202-206 views

Preservation of ω-Categoricity In Expanding The Models of Weakly o-Minimal Theories

Baĭzhanov S., Kulpeshov B.


Studying the model-theoretic properties that are preserved under expansion of the models of countably categorical weakly o-minimal theories of finite convexity rank with convex unary predicates, we show that countable categoricity and convexity rank are among these properties.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):207-216
pages 207-216 views

Estimates of The Fourier Widths of the Classes Of Periodic Functions With Given Majorant of the Mixed Modulus of Smoothness

Balgimbayeva S., Smirnov T.


We obtain some order-sharp estimates for the Fourier widths of Nikol'skii–Besov and Lizorkin–Triebel function classes with given majorant of the mixed modulus of smoothness in the Lebesgue space for a few relations between the parameters of the class and the space. The upper bounds follow from estimates of the approximation of functions of these classes by special partial sums of their Fourier series with respect to the multiple system of periodized Meyer wavelets.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):217-230
pages 217-230 views

Solutions Almost Periodic at Infinity to Differential Equations With Unbounded Operator Coefficients

Baskakov A., Strukova I., Trishina I.


The new class of functions almost periodic at infinity is defined using the subspace of functions with integrals decreasing at infinity. We obtain spectral criteria for almost periodicity at infinity of bounded solutions to differential equations with unbounded operator coefficients. For the new class of asymptotically finite operator semigroups we prove the almost periodicity at infinity of their orbits.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):231-242
pages 231-242 views

Ideal Spaces of Measurable Operators Affiliated to A Semifinite Von Neumann Algebra

Bikchentaev A.


Suppose that M is a von Neumann algebra of operators on a Hilbert space H and τ is a faithful normal semifinite trace on M. Let E, F and G be ideal spaces on (M, τ). We find when a τ-measurable operator X belongs to E in terms of the idempotent P of M. The sets E+F and E·F are also ideal spaces on (M, τ); moreover, E·F = F·E and (E+FG = E·G+F·G. The structure of ideal spaces is modular. We establish some new properties of the L1(M, τ) space of integrable operators affiliated to the algebra M. The results are new even for the *-algebra M = B(H) of all bounded linear operators on H which is endowed with the canonical trace τ = tr.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):243-251
pages 243-251 views

The Δ0α-Computable Enumerations of the Classes of Projective Planes

Voĭtov A.


Studying computable representations of projective planes, for the classes K of pappian, desarguesian, and all projective planes, we prove that Kc/≃ admits no hyperarithmetical Friedberg enumeration and admits a Friedberg Δ0α+3-computable enumeration up to a Δ0α-computable isomorphism.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):252-263
pages 252-263 views

Intersections of Primary Subgroups in Nonsoluble Finite Groups Isomorphic to Ln(2m)

Zenkov V.


Given a finite group G with socle isomorphic to Ln(2m), we describe (up to conjugacy) all ordered pairs of primary subgroups A and B in G such that ABg ≠ 1 for all gg.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):264-269
pages 264-269 views

On Products of F-Compact Spaces

Ivanov A.


An F-compactum or a Fedorchuk compactum is a Hausdorff compact space that admits decomposition into a special well-ordered inverse system with fully closed neighboring projections. We prove that the square of Aleksandroff’s “double arrow” space is not an F-compactum of countable spectral height. Using this, we demonstrate the impossibility of representing the Helly space as the inverse limit of a countable system of resolutions with metrizable fibers. This gives a negative answer to a question posed by Watson in 1992.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):270-275
pages 270-275 views

On Shemetkov’s Theorem About The Complementedness of the Residual

Yi X., Kamornikov S.


A formation F of finite groups is called a GWP-formation if the F-residual of the group generated by two F-subnormal subgroups is the subgroup generated by their F-residuals. The main aim of the article is to find some sufficient conditions for a finite group to split over its F-residual.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):276-282
pages 276-282 views

On the Extension of Seminormal Functors to the Category of Tychonoff Spaces

Kashuba E., Stepanova E.


Chigogidze proposed a construction of extending a normal functor from the category Comp to the category Tych. We can apply his scheme to seminormal functors and study the properties of the original functor which are preserved under extension. We introduce the concept of functor having an invariant extension from Comp to Tych because the very existence of this invariance plays a key role in the preservation of the properties of a seminormal functor in its extension. It is proved that the superextension functor λ has an invariant extension. We check that if a seminormal functor has an invariant extension then its extension preserves a point, the empty set, intersection and is a monomorphic functor. If this functor has finite degree then its extension is continuous and hence a seminormal functor in Tych. If the functor is of infinite degree then continuity may be lost. Namely, we show that the extension of λ for Tych is not continuous.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):283-287
pages 283-287 views

Contribution to the General Linear Conjugation Problem for A Piecewise Analytic Vector

Kiyasov S.


Establishing an analogy between the theories of Riemann–Hilbert vector problem and linear ODEs, for the n-dimensional homogeneous linear conjugation problem on a simple smooth closed contour Γ partitioning the complex plane into two domains D+ and D we show that if we know n−1 particular solutions such that the determinant of the size n−1 matrix of their components omitting those with index k is nonvanishing on D+ ∪ Γ and the determinant of the matrix of their components omitting those with index j is nonvanishing on Γ ∪ D {∞}, where \(k,j = \overline {1,n} \), then the canonical system of solutions to the linear conjugation problem can be constructed in closed form.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):288-294
pages 288-294 views

Complexity of the Isomorphism Problem for Computable Free Projective Planes of Finite Rank

Kogabaev N.


Studying computable representations of projective planes, we prove that the isomorphism problem in the class of free projective planes of finite rank is an m-complete Δ03-set within the class.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):295-308
pages 295-308 views

A Semifield Plane of Odd Order Admitting an Autotopism Subgroup Isomorphic to A5

Kravtsova O., Durakov B.


We develop an approach to constructing and classifying semifield projective planes with the use of a spread set. The famous conjecture is discussed on the solvability of the full collineation group of a finite semifield nondesarguesian plane. We construct a matrix representation of a spread set of a semifield plane of odd order admitting an autotopism subgroup isomorphic to the alternating group A5 and find a series of semifield planes of odd order not admitting A5.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):309-322
pages 309-322 views

The Groups of Motions of Some Three-Dimensional Maximal Mobility Geometries

Kyrov V., Bogdanova R.


We find the groups of motions of eight three-dimensional maximal mobility geometries. These groups are actions of just three Lie groups SL2(RN, SL2(C)R, and SL2(R)⊗SL2(R) on the space R3, where N is a normal abelian subgroup. We also find explicit expressions for these actions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):323-331
pages 323-331 views

The Lower Semicontinuity of Distortion Coefficients of the Homeomorphisms Inducing Bounded Composition Operators of Sobolev–Orlicz Spaces

Menovshchikov A.


We determine the conditions under which the locally uniform limit of mappings generating bounded composition operators of Sobolev–Orlicz spaces also generates an operator of this kind. We estimate the distortion coefficient of the limit mapping.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):332-340
pages 332-340 views

Prime Algebras Connected With Monsters

Pchelintsev S.


We study the overalgebras and the ideals of the Jordan algebras possessing prime (−1, 1)-envelopings. If a Jordan algebra possesses a prime nonassociative (−1, 1)-enveloping then we prove that it is also prime; furthermore, its every ideal is a prime algebra. In particular, the overalgebras and metaideals of Jordan monsters are prime.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):341-356
pages 341-356 views

On Open and α-Covering Mappings

Storozhuk K.


We prove that an open mapping of compact metric spaces can be made α-covering if the metric of the image is changed. An example is given in which this cannot be achieved by changing the metric in the departure space.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):357-362
pages 357-362 views

Abelian Groups with Annihilator Ideals of Endomorphism Rings

Chekhlov A.


We describe the periodic groups whose endomorphism rings satisfy the annihilator condition for the principal left ideals generated by nilpotent elements. We prove that torsion-free reduced separable, vector, and algebraically compact groups have endomorphism rings with the annihilator condition for the principal left (right) ideals generated by nilpotent elements if and only if these rings are commutative. We show that the almost injective groups (in the sense of Harada) are injective, i.e. divisible.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):363-367
pages 363-367 views

Irreflexive Modality, the Dummett Logic, and Continual Chains

Yashin A., Makarov A.


We construct a countable family of extensions of the logic of finite chains (the Dummett logic) in the language containing the standard logical connectives and a new connective (irreflexive modality), each of which determines in the Dummett logic a new logical connective in the sense of Novikov. Two arbitrary logics on this list are incompatible over the Dummett logic; i.e., their union contains a formula absent from the Dummett logic.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(2):368-374
pages 368-374 views

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