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Том 60, № 4 (2019)


Partially Commutative Metabelian Pro-P-Groups

Afanaseva S., Timoshenko E.


We prove two theorems about a partially commutative metabelian pro-p-group. The first theorem concerns the structure of annihilators for the commutators of nonadjacent vertices of the defining graph, and the second discusses the centralizers of the vertices of the defining graph.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):559-564
pages 559-564 views

The Operator Ln on Quasivarieties of Universal Algebras

Budkin A.


Let n be an arbitrary natural and let be a class of universal algebras. Denote by Ln() the class of algebras G such that, for every n-generated subalgebra A of G, the coset a/R (aA) modulo the least congruence R including A × A is an algebra in . We investigate the classes Ln(). In particular, we prove that if is a quasivariety then Ln() is a quasivariety. The analogous result is obtained for universally axiomatizable classes of algebras. We show also that if is a congruence-permutable variety of algebras then Ln() is a variety. We find a variety of semigroups such that L1() is not a variety.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):565-571
pages 565-571 views

The Partial Clone of Linear Formulas

Denecke K.


A term t is linear if no variable occurs more than once in t. An identity st is said to be linear if s and t are linear terms. Identities are particular formulas. As for terms superposition operations can be defined for formulas too. We define the arbitrary linear formulas and seek for a condition for the set of all linear formulas to be closed under superposition. This will be used to define the partial superposition operations on the set of linear formulas and a partial many-sorted algebra Formclonelin(τ, τ′). This algebra has similar properties with the partial many-sorted clone of all linear terms. We extend the concept of a hypersubstitution of type τ to the linear hypersubstitutions of type (τ, τ′) for algebraic systems. The extensions of linear hypersubstitutions of type (τ, τ′) send linear formulas to linear formulas, presenting weak endomorphisms of Formclonelin(τ, τ′).

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):572-584
pages 572-584 views

Noethericity and Index of a Characteristic Bisingular Integral Operator with Shifts

Efimov S.


We consider a characteristic bisingular operator with rather arbitrary shifts that decompose into one-dimensional components. We reduce the problem about the Noethericity and index to that about an operator without shifts. The results obtained are straightforwardly applicable to the two-dimensional boundary-value problem with shifts which is a natural generalization of the Haseman and Carleman problems.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):585-591
pages 585-591 views

Lax Pairs for Linear Hamiltonian Systems

Zheglov A., Osipov D.


We construct Lax pairs for linear Hamiltonian systems of differential equations. In particular, the Gröbner bases are used for computations. It is proved that the mappings in the construction of Lax pairs are Poisson. Under study are the various properties of first integrals of the system which are obtained from Lax pairs.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):592-604
pages 592-604 views

Intersections of Three Nilpotent Subgroups of Finite Groups

Zenkov V.


Under study is the conjecture that for every three nilpotent subgroups A, B, and C of a finite group G there are elements x and y such that ABxCyF(G), where F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. We prove that a counterexample of minimal order to this conjecture is an almost simple group. The proof uses the classification of finite simple groups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):605-612
pages 605-612 views

Polyhedral Divisors of Affine Trinomial Hypersurfaces

Kruglov O.


We find the general form of the polyhedral divisors corresponding to the natural torus action of complexity 1 on affine trinomial hypersurfaces. Some explicit computations of the divisors for the particular classes of the hypersurfaces are given.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):613-623
pages 613-623 views

Estimate for the Entropy Numbers of the Weighted Hardy Operators that Act from Banach Space to q-Banach Space

Lomakina E., Nasyrova M.


We study weighted Hardy operators from the Banach space Lp to the q-Banach space Lq and obtain estimates for the entropy numbers of one- and two-weighted Hardy operators with nonnegative measurable weight functions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):624-635
pages 624-635 views

Tests for the Oscillation of Autonomous Differential Equations with Bounded Aftereffect

Malygina V.


Considering autonomous delay functional differential equations, we establish some oscillation criterion that reduces the oscillation problem to computing the only root of the real-valued function defined by the coefficients of the initial equation. Using the criterion, we obtain effectively verifiable oscillation tests for equations with various aftereffects.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):636-643
pages 636-643 views

Existence of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for Some Class of Sobolev-Type Equations in the Space of Tempered Distributions

Pavlov A.


We give sufficient conditions for existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for the equation P1(Dx)tuP0(Dx)u = 0 in the space of tempered distributions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):644-660
pages 644-660 views

Plane Wave Solutions to the Equations of Electrodynamics in an Anisotropic Medium

Romanov V.


Under examination is the system of equations of electrodynamics for a nonconducting nonmagnetic medium with the simplest anisotropy of permittivity. We assume that permittivity is characterized by the diagonal matrix ϵ = diag(ε1, ε1, ε2), with the functions ε1 and ε2 equal to positive constants beyond a bounded convex domain Ω ⊂ ℝ3. Two modes of traveling plane waves exist in a homogeneous anisotropic medium. The structure is studied of the solutions related to the traveling plane waves incident from infinity on an inhomogeneity located in Ω.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):661-672
pages 661-672 views

On Double Wave Type Flows

Rubina L., Ulyanov O.


We study the potential double wave equation and the system of spatial double wave equations. In the class of solutions of multiple wave type, these equations are reduced to an ODE and the system of ODEs respectively. We find some exact solutions and obtain formulas for the contact lines of the corresponding double waves with a simple wave, show that in a neighborhood of an arbitrary point in the plane of self-similar variables there exists a special flow of potential double wave type, and construct a spatial double wave type flow around a specified smooth body.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):673-684
pages 673-684 views

Parametric Control of Solutions to a Linear Evolution Problem in a Neighborhood of an Unstable Equilibrium

Sedipkov A.


Under study is some control problem for a linear system of ordinary differential equations with unstable equilibria. We construct the control under which the solution remains in a neighborhood of an unstable equilibrium however long.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):685-689
pages 685-689 views

Characterization of the Orlicz Spaces Whose Convergence is Equivalent to Convergence in Measure on Reflexive Subspaces

Strakhov S.


We obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence in measure to be equivalent to norm convergence on the reflexive subspaces of Orlicz spaces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):690-698
pages 690-698 views

The Root Class Residuality of the Tree Product of Groups with Amalgamated Retracts

Tumanova E.


Given a root class \(\mathscr{K}\) of groups, we prove that the tree product of residually \(\mathscr{K}\)-groups with amalgamated retracts is a residually \(\mathscr{K}\)-group. This yields a criterion for the \(\mathscr{K}\)-residuality of Artin and Coxeter groups with tree structure. We also prove that the HNN-extension X of a residually \(\mathscr{K}\)-group B is a residually \(\mathscr{K}\)-group provided that the associated subgroups of X are retracts in B and \(\mathscr{K}\) contains at least one nonperiodic group.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):699-708
pages 699-708 views

The Moduli Space of D-Exact Lagrangian Submanifolds

Tyurin N.


This paper studies the Lagrangian geometry of algebraic varieties. Given a smooth compact simply-connected algebraic variety, we construct a family of finite-dimensional Kähler manifolds whose elements are the equivalence classes of Lagrangian submanifolds satisfying our new D-exactness condition. In connection with the theory of Weinstein structures, these moduli spaces turn out related to the special Bohr-Sommerfeld geometry constructed by the author previously. This enables us to extract from the moduli spaces some stable components and conjecture that they are not only Kähler but also algebraic.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):709-719
pages 709-719 views

On Strongly Π-Permutable Subgroups of a Finite Group

Hu B., Huang J., Skiba A.


Let σ = {σi | iI} be some partition of the set of all primes ℙ,let ∅ ≠ Π ⊆ σ, and let G be a finite group. A set of subgroups of G is said to be a complete Hall Π-set of G if each member ≠ 1 of is a Hall σi-subgroup of G for some σi ∈ Π and has exactly one Hall σi-subgroup of G for every σi ∈ Π such that σiπ(G) ≠ ∅. A subgroup A of G is called (i) Π-permutable in G if G has a complete Hall Π-set such that AHx = HxA for all H and xG; (ii) σ-subnormal in G if there is a subgroup chain A = A0A1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ At = G such that either Ai−1Ai or Ai/(Ai−1)Ai is a σk-group for some k for all i = 1,…,t; and (iii) strongly Π-permutable if A is Π-permutable and σ-subnormal in G. We study the strongly Π-permutable subgroups of G. In particular, we give characterizations of these subgroups and prove that the set of all strongly Π-permutable subgroups of G forms a sublattice of the lattice of all subgroups of G.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):720-726
pages 720-726 views

On Fully Idempotent Homomorphisms of Abelian Groups

Chekhlov A.


We provide some examples of irregular fully idempotent homomorphisms and study the pairs of abelian groups A and B for which the homomorphism group Hom(A, B) is fully idempotent. We show that if B is a torsion group or a mixed split group and if at least one of the groups A or B is divisible then the full idempotence of the homomorphism group implies its regularity. If at least one of the groups A or B is a reduced torsion-free group and their homomorphism groups are nonzero then the group is not fully idempotent. The study of fully idempotent groups Hom(A, A) comes down to reduced mixed groups A with dense elementary torsion part.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):727-733
pages 727-733 views

Finiteness and Infiniteness of 3-Generated Lattices with Distributive Elements Among Generators

Shushpanov M.


We consider 3-generated lattices whose generators are distributive, dually distributive, right modular, dually right modular elements, or elements possessing a combination of these properties. For these lattices, we find all triples of generators that suffice for the generated lattice to be finite.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(4):734-740
pages 734-740 views

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