
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Layered Composites Made of Multicomponent Niobium Alloys and Hardening Silicon–Carbon Compounds Formed by Solid-Phase Sintering
Korzhov V., Kiiko V., Zheltyakova I.
Oxygen Solubility in Titanium-Containing Melts of the Ni–Co System
Aleksandrov A., Dashevskii V.
Effective Wills–Harrison Pair Interaction in Liquid Au
Dubinin N., Bhuiyan G., Abbas F.
Electroslag Treatment of Liquid Cast Iron
Grachev V.
Effect of the off-Diagonal dd Electron Overlappings on the Effective Pair Interaction in the Equiatomic Cu–Ag Melt
Dubinin N.
Behavior of Rare-Earth Metals in Vacuum Melting and Directional Solidification of Nickel Superalloys
Sidorov V., Min P.
High-Temperature Interaction in the ZrSi2–ZrSiO4 System and Its Mechanism
Astapov A., Lifanov I., Prokofiev M.
Thermodynamics of the oxygen solutions in the aluminum-containing Ni–Co melts
Aleksandrov A., Dashevskii V., Leont’ev L.
Model for the Interaction of a Rigid String with a Deformable Target
Goloveshkin V., Myagkov N.
Interaction of niobium and tungsten monocarbides in molten copper
Bodrova L., Fedorova O., Shubin A., Pastukhov E.
Interaction of a Liquid Metal with Dispersed Steel Inclusions during Lost-Foam Casting
Vorontsov B., Nesterov N.
Effect of an atmosphere on the wetting of titanium carbide with liquid low-carbon steel
Chumanov I., Anikeev A.
Formation of the Structure and the Properties of Multicomponent Iron-Based Alloys as a Function of Hydrogenated Melt Solidification Conditions
Belyakova R., Polukhin V., Sidorov N.
Effect of the intermetallic compound composition of the character of interphase interactions during aluminothermic coreduction of titanium, nickel, and molybdenum from their oxides
Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Pichkaleva O., Ponomarenko A., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S., Chentsov V.
Interaction of Exogenous Zirconia Nanoparticles with Tin in Model Complex Nickel Alloys
Anuchkin S., Samokhin A.
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