
Thermodynamic description of the interaction processes in the Cu–Ce–O system in the temperature range 1100–1300°C
Samoilova O., Mikhailov G., Makrovets L., Trofimov E.
Thermodynamic Simulation of the Influence of the Temperature and the Basicity of a Boron-Containing Slag on Steel Desulfurization
Salina V., Sychev A., Zhuchkov V., Leont’ev L., Babenko A.
Thermodynamic simulation of the oxidation of radioactive graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–NiO and Na2CO3–K2CO3–CuO melts
Barbin N., Shavaleev M., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in Molten Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 in a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alexeev S.
Analytical representation of the concentration dependences of the thermodynamic functions of liquid binary metallic systems with negative deviations from ideal behavior
Morachevskii A., Firsova E.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Joint Aluminothermic Reduction of ZrO2 and Nb2O5
Agafonov S., Ponomarenko A., Russkikh A.
Thermodynamic Simulation of the AIII–BV Semiconductor Melts
Il’inykh N., Malkova I.
Thermodynamic Simulation of the Manufacture of Fe–Si–Ni–Cr Alloys
Zhuchkov V., Zayakin O., Salina V.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 Melt in an Argon Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in a Multicomponent Melt in an Inert Atmosphere
Barbin N., Kobelev A., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Influence of Niobium and Tantalum on the Phase Formation during the Metallothermic Interaction of Aluminum with Titanium Dioxide
Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Agafonov S., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
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