
Formation of Gradient Structures in the Zone of Joining a Deformable Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic Alloy during Thermodiffusion Pressure Welding and Subsequent Heat Treatment
Povarova K., Valitov V., Drozdov A., Bazyleva O., Galieva E., Arginbaeva E.
Homogenization Processes in Single-Crystal and Granular ZhS32-VI High-Temperature Alloys
Orlov M., Petrushin N., Evgenov A., Karachevtsev F.
Behavior of Rare-Earth Metals in Vacuum Melting and Directional Solidification of Nickel Superalloys
Sidorov V., Min P.
Key Differences between the Technology of Production of GTE Disk Blanks from Nickel Superalloy Granules and the Technology of Isothermal Deformation: A Review
Volkov A., Karashaev M., Letnikov M., Bakradze M.
Adhesion energy in the metal/oxide system for the case of high-temperature oxidation of nickel-based superalloys
Moskvichev V., Sukhodoeva N., Fedorova E., Popov A.
Effect of the Deformation during Pressure Welding of a Wrought EP975 Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic VKNA-25 Alloy on the Structure and Properties of the Welded Joints
Drozdov A., Povarova K., Valitov V., Bazyleva O., Galieva E., Bulakhtina M., Arginbaeva E.
Effect of the selective laser melting parameters on the structure–phase state of a ZhS6K-VI nickel superalloy
Lukina E., Bazaleeva K., Petrushin N., Treninkov I., Tsvetkova E.
Low-Cycle Fatigue of a VZh175 Nickel Superalloy during Asymmetric Loading
Gorbovets M., Khodinev I., Belyaev M., Ryzhkov P.
Effect of the temperature–rate parameters of directional solidification on the structure formation in high-temperature materials
Svetlov I., Neiman A.
Reduction of Silicon from a Ceramic Mold during Directional Solidification of Single-Crystal Nickel Superalloys
Min P., Sidorov V., Vadeev V.
Development and research of a rhenium-free high-temperature nickel superalloy for the turbine rotor blades in aviation GTE
Shmotin Y., Logunov A., Leshchenko I., Danilov D.
Structure and Properties of the Solid-Phase Joints of a Wrought EP975 Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic VKNA-25 Alloy Formed by Pressure Welding at a Strain of 24% under the Superplasticity of the EP975 Alloy
Galieva E., Povarova K., Drozdov A., Valitov V.
Resource-saving technologies of making advanced cast and deformable superalloys with allowance for processing all types of wastes
Kablov E., Sidorov V., Kablov D., Min P., Rigin V.
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