
Effect of High-Pressure Torsion on the Lattice Parameters of α-Fe and α-Fe-Based Solid Solutions
Zhukov O., Filippova V., Tomchuk A., Neumoin K., Basov S., Glezer A., Perlovich Y., Krymskaya O., Muradimova L.
FCC → FCT martensitic transformation in two-phase Mn–Cu alloys
Nosova G.
Interaction of niobium and tungsten monocarbides in molten copper
Bodrova L., Fedorova O., Shubin A., Pastukhov E.
Effect of Samarium on the Properties of Mg–Y–Gd–Zr Alloys
Luk’yanova E., Rokhlin L., Dobatkina T., Korol’kova I., Tarytina I.
Effect of dysprosium on the kinetics and structural transformations during the decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution in magnesium–samarium alloys
Rokhlin L., Luk’yanova E., Tabachkova N., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Korol’kova I.
Mechanical Properties of Mg–Dy–Sm–Zr Magnesium Alloys
Rokhlin L., Lukyanova E., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Korol’kova I.
Effect of high-rate deformation on the structure, the properties, and the thermal stability of copper alloyed with chromium and zirconium
Khomskaya I., Zel’dovich V., Shorokhov E., Frolova N., Kheifets A., Dyakina V.
Aging-Induced Recovery of Magnesium Alloys with Various Rare-Earth Metals
Rokhlin L., Dobatkina T., Tabachkova N., Luk’yanova E., Tarytina I.
Effect of Cerium and Erbium on the Aging Kinetics and the Properties of an IMV7-1 Alloy of the Mg–Y–Gd–Zr System
Luk’yanova E., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Temralieva D., Ovchinnikova O., Rokhlin L.
In situ formation of the composite structure of a eutectic Nb–Si alloy during directional solidification in a liquid-metal coolant
Bondarenko Y., Echin A., Kolodyazhnyi M.
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