
Fundamentals and Prospects of the Development of Reduction Steelmaking
Tleugabulov S., Abikov S., Koishina G., Tatybaev M.
Structural heat-resistant β-NiAl + γ′-Ni3Al alloys of the Ni–Al–Co system: II. Oxidation
Povarova K., Drozdov A., Bazyleva O., Morozov A., Antonova A., Arginbaeva E., Alad’ev N., Sirotinkin V.
Phase States of Carbon, Oxygen, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Silicon, and Lead Impurities. Thermodynamics of Formation and Kinetics of Removal of the Impurities in a Cast ZhS36-VI Nickel Superalloy
Kablov D., Simonov V., Simonov N.
Transmission electron microscopy study of the heavy-ion-irradiation-induced changes in the nanostructure of oxide dispersion strengthened steels
Möslang A., Vladimirov P., Klimenkov M., Rogozhkin S., Bogachev A., Orlov N., Korchuganova O., Nikitin A., Zaluzhnyi A., Kozodaev M., Kulevoy T., Kuibeda R., Fedin P., Chalykh B., Lindau R., Hoffman Y.
Comparison of the Reducibilities of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide for Iron Oxides
Kuznetsov Y., Mikhailov G., Kachurina O.
Effect of liquid–solid pouring on the as-cast structure and the distribution of nonmetallic inclusions in a 24.2-t steel 38KhN3MFA ingot
Rutskii D., Gamanyuk S., Zyuban N., Petrova V., Palatkina L.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Joint Aluminothermic Reduction of ZrO2 and Nb2O5
Agafonov S., Ponomarenko A., Russkikh A.
Effect of the intermetallic compound composition of the character of interphase interactions during aluminothermic coreduction of titanium, nickel, and molybdenum from their oxides
Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Pichkaleva O., Ponomarenko A., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S., Chentsov V.
Influence of Niobium and Tantalum on the Phase Formation during the Metallothermic Interaction of Aluminum with Titanium Dioxide
Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Agafonov S., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S.
Calculation of the titanium and zirconium activities in an aluminum–calcium oxide melt
Zhilina E., Krasikov S., Agafonov S.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
Plasma Carbothermic Reduction of Rare-Earth Metals
Cherednichenko V., An’shakov A., Serikov V., Faleev V.
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