
Vacancy Void Growth Rate as a Function of the Neutron Irradiation Parameters at the Initial Stage of Transient Swelling
Kozlov A., Portnykh I.
Phase and Chemical Transformations of the β–Radioactive Intermetallics in Fast-Neutron-Irradiated Uranium–Plutonium Nitride
Bondarenko G., Lyubimov D., Bulatov G., Gedgovd K.
Effect of Pulsed Helium Ion Fluxes and Helium Plasma on the Inconel 718 Alloy
Borovitskaya I., Gribkov V., Grigorovich K., Demin A., Maslyaev S., Morozov E., Pimenov V., Sprygin G., Zepelev A., Gusakov M., Logachev I., Bondarenko G., Gaidar A.
Atom probe tomography of the evolution of the nanostructure of oxide dispersion strengthened steels under ion irradiation
Orlov N., Rogozhkin S., Bogachev A., Korchuganova O., Nikitin A., Zaluzhnyi A., Kozodaev M., Kulevoy T., Kuibeda R., Fedin P., Chalykh B., Lindau R., Hoffmann Y., Möslang A., Vladimirov P.
Transmission electron microscopy study of the heavy-ion-irradiation-induced changes in the nanostructure of oxide dispersion strengthened steels
Möslang A., Vladimirov P., Klimenkov M., Rogozhkin S., Bogachev A., Orlov N., Korchuganova O., Nikitin A., Zaluzhnyi A., Kozodaev M., Kulevoy T., Kuibeda R., Fedin P., Chalykh B., Lindau R., Hoffman Y.
Nanoindentation Study of the Effect of Low-Temperature Ion Irradiation on the Hardness of a Ferritic–Martensitic EK-181 Steel
Nikitin A., Rogozhkin S., Kulevoi T., Fedin P., Iskandarov N., Kravchuk K., Gladkikh E., Leont’eva-Smirnova M., Mozhanov E.
Effect of the Neutron Irradiation Characteristics on the Irradiation-Induced Swelling in a Kh18N9 Steel
Kozlov A., Asiptsov O., Portnykh I.
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