
Amorphous-Alloy-Based Composites Prepared by High-Pressure Torsion
Permyakova I., Blinova E., Shchetinin I., Savchenko E.
Effect of Megaplastic Deformation in a Bridgman Chamber at Various Temperatures on the Corrosion Resistance of VT1-0 Titanium
Cheretaeva A., Shurygina N., Glezer A., Rakoch A., Tomchuk A., Medvedeva A.
Effect of High-Pressure Torsion on the Lattice Parameters of α-Fe and α-Fe-Based Solid Solutions
Zhukov O., Filippova V., Tomchuk A., Neumoin K., Basov S., Glezer A., Perlovich Y., Krymskaya O., Muradimova L.
Structure Formation and Hardening of the Hybrid Material Based on Vanadium and Zirconium Alloys during High-Pressure Torsion
Rogachev S., Nikulin S., Khatkevich V., Tabachkova N., Sundeev R.
Effect of chromium on the structure evolution in single-phase Ni–Cr alloys during high-pressure torsion
Krasnoperova Y., Degtyarev M., Chashchukhina T., Voronova L.
Role of crushing-induced fragmentation in the consolidation of quartz ceramic and glass powders during high-pressure torsion
Greenberg B., Ivanov M., Pilyugin V., Patselov A., Tolmachev T.
Effect of the deformation temperature on the structural refinement of BCC metals with a high stacking fault energy during high pressure torsion
Voronova L., Chashchukhina T., Gapontseva T., Krasnoperova Y., Degtyarev M., Pilyugin V.
Effect of the Fractionality and Direction of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Structure and Properties of Commercial-Purity Titanium
Shurygina N., Glezer A., D’yakonov D., Medvedeva A., Tomchuk A., Rassadina T.
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