
Misoriented dislocation substructures and the fracture of polycrystalline Cu–Al alloys
Koneva N., Trishkina L., Cherkasova T., Kozlov E.
Effect of the Deformation Axis Orientation on the Strength of Dislocation Junctions in FCC Single Crystals
Kurinnaya R., Zgolich M., Starenchenko V., Matveev M., Zgolich I., Shalygina T., Sadritdinova G.
Microstructural Analysis of the Ni3Ge Intermetallic Compound after High Pressure Torsion
Greenberg B., Ivanov M., Pilyugin V., Pushkin M., Plotnikov A., Tolmachev T., Patselov A., Tankeyev A.
Effect of a Structure and Test Conditions on the Critical Strains and Stresses in Titanium Nickelide-Based Alloys
Gusev D., Kollerov M., Vinogradov R.
Conditions for the appearance of a stable microcrack in the elastic field of a screened disclination
Sarafanov G., Perevezentsev V.
Computer Simulation of the Kinetics of Accumulation of Primary Mesodefects at Grain Boundaries and Their Junctions
Kirikov S., Perevezentsev V., Svirina Y.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: II. Model for Calculating the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
Phase Dynamics of Metal Fragmentation during Megaplastic (Severe) Deformation
Khomenko A., Troshchenko D., Metlov L.
Relaxation of the elastic field of a crystal during the subgrain boundary formation induced by plastic deformation
Sarafanov G., Perevezentsev V.
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