
Electrical Conductivity of Ammonia–Alkali Solutions and Its Activation Energy
Kuznetsova O., Levin A., Sevost’yanov M., Tsybin O., Bol’shikh A.
Electrical Conductivities of Molten Aluminophosphate and Borosilicate Glasses Containing Analogs of High-Level Fuel-Processing Waste
Tkacheva O., Remizov M., Kozlov P., Belanova E., Vlasova N., Zaikov Y.
Relation between the thermal expansion coefficient and the heat capacity in halide melts
Redkin A., Zaykov Y.
Electrical Conductivity and Raman Spectra of Disperse Systems α-Al2O3–Li2CO3–Na2CO3–K2CO3–NaCl Melt
Zakir’yanova I., Nikolaeva E., Bove A., Antonov B.
Heat-insulating aerogel composites for a hydrothermal reactor
Vedenin A., Vityaz’ P., Galinovskii A., Ivanova I., Mazalov Y., Pustovgar A., Sudnik L.
LaCoO3 – δ as the Material of an Oxygen Electrode for a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell: I. Electrophysical Properties of Lithiated LaCoO3 – δ
Vecherskii S., Konopel’ko M., Antonov B., Batalov N., Zvezdkin M., Zvezdkina I.
Resistance of the Contact Welding Electrodes Made of a Cu–0.7% Cr–0.9% Hf Alloy with an Ultrafine-Grained Structure
Shan’gina D., Ivanov N., Bochvar N., Dobatkin S.
Electrical properties of the LaLiyCo1 – yO3 – δ (0 ≤ y ≤ 0.10) oxides
Vecherskii S., Konopel’ko M., Batalov N., Antonov B., Reznitskikh O., Yaroslavtseva T.
Electrical Conductivities of Solid and Liquid Cryolite Systems
Rudenko A., Kataev A., Tkacheva O., Red’kin A., Zaikov Y.
Synthesis of new metal-matrix Al–Al2O3–graphene composite materials
Elshina L., Muradymov R., Kvashnichev A., Vichuzhanin D., Molchanova N., Pankratov A.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
Electrical conductivity of KAlCl4–ZrCl4 molten mixtures
Salyulev A., Khokhlov V., Moskalenko N.
Thermal Conductivity of Low-Alloy Copper for Molds
Dubskii G., Vdovin K., Nefed’ev A., Egorova L.
Raman spectra and conductivity of PbO–PbCl2–CsCl melts
Zakir’yanova I., Arkhipov P.
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