
Thermal-Barrier Coatings with an External Magnetron-Sputtered Ceramic Layer for High-Temperature Nickel Alloy Turbine Blades
Budinovskii S., Matveev P., Smirnov A., Chubarov D.
Corrosion-resistant coating for GTE compressor parts made of steels with low tempering temperatures
Muboyadzhyan S., Egorova L., Gorlov D., Bulavintseva E.
Structure of electroexplosive TiC–Ni composite coatings on steel after electron-beam treatment
Romanov D., Goncharova E., Budovskikh E., Gromov V., Ivanov Y., Teresov A., Kazimirov S.
Technology for the Deposition of Wear-Resistant Coatings on the Airfoil Shroud Platforms of GTE Turbine Blades
Abraimov N., Lukina V., Ivanova A.
Structure and Microporosity of Ion-Plasma Condensed Coatings Deposited from a Two-Phase Vacuum-Arc Discharge Plasma Flow Containing Evaporated Material Microdroplets
Muboyadzhyan S., Budinovskii S., Gorlov D., Doronin O.
Structure and Phase Formation in the Mo–Si–Al–Zr–N System during the Formation of Arc-PVD Coatings and Their Properties
Blinkov I., Chernogor A., Volkhonskii A., Levinskii Y., Sergevnin V., Belov D.
Experimental-calculation study of ion-plasma thermal barrier coatings for turbine blades made of intermetallic nickel superalloys
Budinovskii S., Matveev P., Zhivushkin A., Tikhomirova E., Belyaeva L., Balakin S.
Physicomechanical properties of galvanic chromium coatings on steel parts
Skryabin V.
Effect of High-Temperature Coatings on the Reliability Characteristics of GTE Blade Elements
Abraimov N., Zolotareva A.
Estimation of the efficiency of application of protective coatings on the turbine blades in a gas turbine engine
Ivanov E., Samoilenko V., Drevnyak V., Ravilov R.
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