
Phase States of Carbon, Oxygen, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Silicon, and Lead Impurities. Thermodynamics of Formation and Kinetics of Removal of the Impurities in a Cast ZhS36-VI Nickel Superalloy
Kablov D., Simonov V., Simonov N.
Structure formation in grade 20 steel during equal-channel angular pressing and subsequent heating
Dobatkin S., Odesskii P., Raab G., Tyutin M., Rybalchenko O.
Effect of Annealing on the Structure and the Hardness of Die Steel with a Controllable Austenitic Transformation during Operation
Kruglyakov A., Nikulin S., Rogachev S., Lebedeva N., Panova G., Nguen H., Serikov E.
Formation of the Structure and the Properties of Multicomponent Iron-Based Alloys as a Function of Hydrogenated Melt Solidification Conditions
Belyakova R., Polukhin V., Sidorov N.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
Analysis of the Nonuniform Reinforcing-Phase Distribution in Cast Rods and a Deposited Layer Made of an Aluminum-Matrix Composite Material
Martynova A., Chen’ I., Lopatina Y., Kurganova Y., Kovalev V., Mikheev R., Kobernik N.
Structural-Phase Transitions in Cold-Resistant Low-Carbon Martensitic Steels Susceptible to Structural Heredity
Berezin S., Shatsov A., Greben’kov S., Spivak L.
Influence of Tungsten Carbide and Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles on the Structure and Properties of the Weld Metal
Aleshin N., Brovko V., Kobernik N., Mikheev R., Linnik A., Pankratov A., Samokhin A., Alekseev N., Sinayskiy M., Shtokolov S.
Interaction of niobium and tungsten monocarbides in molten copper
Bodrova L., Fedorova O., Shubin A., Pastukhov E.
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