
Changes in the Physical Properties and the Damage of Low- and Medium-Carbon Steels during Tension
Tyutin M., Botvina L., Sinev I.
Mathematical simulation of pressing X-ray lenses from nanocrystalline beryllium
Mishin V., Shishov I., Glukhov P., Zabrodin A., Semenov A., Brylev D., Anikin A.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Layered Composites Made of Multicomponent Niobium Alloys and Hardening Silicon–Carbon Compounds Formed by Solid-Phase Sintering
Korzhov V., Kiiko V., Zheltyakova I.
Brittle Fracture of a Material upon Microcutting of the Workpiece Surface by the Microrelief Protrusions of Loose Abrasive Grains
Skryabin V., Zverovshchikov A., Zotov E.
Structure and Phase Formation in the Mo–Si–Al–Zr–N System during the Formation of Arc-PVD Coatings and Their Properties
Blinkov I., Chernogor A., Volkhonskii A., Levinskii Y., Sergevnin V., Belov D.
Estimation of the resistance to the initiation of fatigue cracks in the welded joints of steel constructions
Odesskii P., Shuvalov A., Emel’yanov O.
Fatigue strength of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy produced by selective laser melting
Gerov M., Vladislavskaya E., Terent’ev V., Prosvirnin D., Kolmakov A., Antonova O.
Estimation of the Local State of Stress and Strains in Stress Concentration Zones in a Wide Strain Range
Makhutov N., Reznikov D.
Numerical Simulation of the Loss of Stability of a Set of Cracks
Mel’nichenko A.
Ensemble of secondary cracks near the fatigue fracture surface of a titanium alloy VT23M specimen
Lavrov A., Erasov V., Nochovnaya N., Kotova E.
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