
Development of a Single-Crystal Fifth-Generation Nickel Superalloy
Petrushin N.V., Elyutin E.S., Visik E.M., Golynets S.A.
Properties of shaped castings made of modern cast VML18 and VML20 magnesium alloys manufactured by new methods
Leonov A.A., Duyunova V.A., Uridiya Z.P., Trofimov N.V.
Mechanical properties of the compositions based on biopolyamide-1010 modified by carbon, glass, and cellulose chopped fibers
Nikiforov A.A., Vol’fson S.I., Okhotina N.A., Rinberg R., Hartmann T., Kroll L.
Microstructural Analysis of the Ni3Ge Intermetallic Compound after High Pressure Torsion
Greenberg B.A., Ivanov M.A., Pilyugin V.P., Pushkin M.S., Plotnikov A.V., Tolmachev T.P., Patselov A.M., Tankeyev A.P.
On the relation between the strength and the plasticity of polymers
Shtremel’ M.A.
Microstructure and Properties of Graphitized Free-Cutting Steel
Zhang Y., Han J.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: I. Experimental Studies
Chuvil’deev V.N., Nokhrin A.V., Myshlyaev M.M., Kopylov V.I., Lopatin Y.G., Melekhin N.V., Piskunov A.V., Bobrov A.A., Pirozhnikova O.E.
Thermal Stability and Deformation Mechanisms in Graphene- or Silicene-Reinforced Layered and Matrix Metallic Composites
Polukhin V.A., Vatolin N.A.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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