
Sharnin, V.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 90, 编号 2 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Constants and thermodynamics of the acid-base equilibria of triglycine in water–ethanol solutions containing sodium perchlorate at 298 K
卷 90, 编号 5 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Enthalpies of glycylglycinate ion transfer from water to a water–ethanol solvent
卷 90, 编号 10 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Thermodynamics of the formation of Cu2+–glycyl-glycyl-glycine complex in water–ethanol solutions at 298 K
卷 90, 编号 12 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Thermodynamic characteristics of acid–base equilibria of glycyl-glycyl-glycine in water–ethanol solutions at 298 K
卷 91, 编号 4 (2017) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Stability of coordination compounds of Ni2+ and Co2+ ions with succinic acid anion in water–ethanol solvents
卷 91, 编号 5 (2017) Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis Effect of medium acidity on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate with isoniazid in an aqueous solution
卷 91, 编号 7 (2017) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Thermodynamics of the complex formation between Cu2+ and triglycine in water–ethanol solutions at 298 K
卷 92, 编号 2 (2018) Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry Heat Effect of the Protonation of Glycine and the Enthalpies of Resolvation of Participating Chemical Species in Water–Dimethylsulfoxide Solvent Mixtures
卷 92, 编号 4 (2018) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Effect of Water–Ethanol Solvents on the Protonation Constants of Cryptand[2.2.2]
卷 92, 编号 8 (2018) Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry Energy of Solvation and a Quantum-Chemical Model of the Structure of 18-Crown-6 Ether in Nonaqueous Solvents
卷 92, 编号 10 (2018) Short Communications Solvation of Piperidine in Nonaqueous Solvents
卷 92, 编号 11 (2018) Physical Chemistry of Solutions Enthalpies of Glycine Protonation in Water–Acetone and Water–Ethanol Solvents
卷 92, 编号 12 (2018) Short Communications Effect of Solvation on the Acid–Base Equilibria of Succinic Acid in Н2О–EtOH and Н2О–DMSO Solutions