
Effect of Hydrotropic Compounds on the Self-Organization and Solubilization Properties of Cationic Surfactants
Gaynanova G., Valeeva F., Kushnazarova R., Bekmukhametova A., Zakharov S., Mirgorodskaya A., Zakharova L.
Thermochemical Properties of the 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquid under Conditions of Equilibrium with Atmospheric Moisture
Ramenskaya L., Grishina E., Kudryakova N.
Standard thermodynamic functions and constants of complex formation of Nd3+ and La3+ with L-asparagine in aqueous solutions at 298 K
Lytkin A., Chernyavskaya N., Chernov A., Litvinenko V.
Layers of cyclam-substituted PVC with sodium hydroxide aqua complexes with aza-crown ligands on cellulose tissue filled with active coal
Fridman A., Tsivadze A., Morozova E., Sokolova N., Voloshchuk A., Petukhova G., Bardyshev I., Gorbunov A., Novikov A., Polyakova I., Titova V., Yavich A., Petrova N.
Determining the Basis of Homodesmotic Reactions of Cyclic Organic Compounds by Means of Graph Theory
Khursan S., Ismagilova A., Akhmetyanova A.
Thermodynamics of the equilibrium of the reaction between (5,10,15,20-tetra(2-methoxyphenyl)porphinato)chloroindium(III) and pyridine
Bichan N., Ovchenkova E., Mozhzhukhina E., Lomova T.
Enthalpies of the formation and decomposition of hydrogen trioxide HOOOH in an aqueous solution
Levanov A., Isaikina O., Lunin V.
Graph theory in structure–property correlations
Vinogradova M., Fedina Y., Papulov Y.
Calculating Equilibrium Constants in the SnCl2–H2O–NaOH System According to Potentiometric Titration Data
Maskaeva L., Fedorova E., Yusupov R., Markov V.
Thermodynamic functions of arsenic selenides
Babanly D., Velieva G., Imamaliyeva S., Babanly M.
Standard enthalpies of formation of γ-aminobutyric acid and the products of its dissociation in aqueous solution
Lytkin A., Chernikov V., Krutova O., Skvortsov I., Korchagina A.
Standard enthalpies of formation for crystalline serine and isoserine and products of their dissociation in aqueous solutions
Lytkin A., Chernikov V., Krutova O., Damrina K., Skvortsov I.
Equilibria in a ZnCl2–H2O–NaOH System, According to Data from Potentiometric Titration, and Selecting Conditions for the Hydrochemical Synthesis of ZnS and ZnSe Films
Fedorova E., Maskaeva L., Markov V., Bakhteev S., Yusupov R.
Thermodynamic Characteristics of Reactions of the Formation of Complexes between Triglycine and Ni2+ Ions in Aqueous Solution
Gorboletova G., Metlin A., Bychkova S.
Thermodynamics of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide micelle formation
Velikov A.
Materials based on carbon-filled porous layers of PVC cyclam derivatives cross-linked with the surfaces of asbestos fabric fibers
Tzivadze A., Fridman A., Morozova E., Sokolova N., Voloshchuk A., Petukhova G., Bardishev I., Gorbunov A., Novikov A., Polyakova I., Titova V., Yavich A., Petrova N.
Effect of the nature of phospholipids on the degree of their interaction with isobornylphenol antioxidants
Chukicheva I., Kutchin A., Shishkina L., Marakulina K., Kramor R., Lukanina Y., Plashchina I., Polyakov A., Fedorova I.
Retention of Cyclodextrins under the Conditions of Reversed-Phase Chromatography and Determining the Stability Constants of Inclusion Complexes of Antocyanins with β-Cyclodextrein
Deineka V., Doronin A., Deineka L., Oleinits E.
Thermodynamic Properties of Hexamethylenetetrammonium Dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborate
Saldin V., Bouznik V., Mikhailov Y., Ganina L.
Thermodynamic functions and the enthalpies of formation of gaseous VOX3 vanadium oxotrihalides
Gorokhov L., Osina E.
Thermodynamic properties of sesquiterpene lactone grossheimin
Kasenova S., Atazhanova G., Sagintaeva Z., Kasenov B., Kishkentaeva A., Adekenov S.
Thermodynamic properties of lanthanum molybdates
Suponitskiy Y., Proshina O., Dyunin A., Liashenko S.
Formation of Molybdenum Blue Particles via the Reduction of a Molybdate Solution with Glucose
Myachina M., Gavrilova N., Nazarov V.
Initial Stage of Aerosol Formation from Oversaturated Vapors
Lushnikov A., Zagainov V., Lyubovtseva Y.
Solvent influence on complex formation between Cd2+ and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone in binary mixed nonaqueous solvents at 15–45°C
Farazandeh R., Rounaghi G., Ebrahimi M., Basafa S.
1 - 25 из 35 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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