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Том 92, № 4 (2018)


Protecting Aluminum from Atmospheric Corrosion via Surface Hydrophobization with Stearic Acid and Trialkoxysilanes

Kuznetsov Y., Semiletov A., Chirkunov A., Arkhipushkin I., Kazanskii L., Andreeva N.


The possibility of subjecting aluminum to hydrophobization and superhydrophobization (SHP) with ethanol solutions of trialkoxysilanes and stearic acid is explored. It is shown that SHP coatings are highly effective in protecting Al against atmospheric corrosion. The thicknesses of surface SHP layers are determined via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ellipsometry. The protective ability of SHP coatings is determined by polarization measurements and corrosion tests in a salt fog chamber.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):621-629
pages 621-629 views

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Thermodynamic Properties of Alloys of the Sn–Yb System

Sudavtsova V., Shevchenko M., Ivanov M., Kozorezov A., Kudin V.


Thermochemical properties of liquid alloys of the Sn–Yb system are studied via calorimetry at 1110–1310 K over the ranges of concentrations 0 < xYb < 0.47 and 0.82 < xYb < 1. Considerable negative heat effects of the mixing of these alloys are identified. Activities of the components, the Gibbs energies and entropies of mixing, and the liquidus curve of the phase diagram of this system are calculated using the ideal associated solution (IAS) model and agree with data from the literature.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):630-639
pages 630-639 views

Heat Effects of the Thermal Decomposition of Amidoboranes of Potassium, Calcium, and Strontium

Kondrat’ev Y., Butlak A., Kazakov I., Krasnova I., Chislov M., Timoshkin A.


Thermal effects of the decomposition of potassium, calcium, and strontium amidoboranes at 354, 421, and 483 K are determined via drop calorimetry. The processes of decomposition are weakly exothermic and accompanied by the evolution of hydrogen. Upon the decomposition of calcium amidoborane at 421 K, a prolonged exothermic process is first observed; it is then followed by an endothermic effect, due possibly to the slow structural rearrangement of the product of decomposition. The solid products of decomposition are characterized by solid-state 11В NMR, FTIR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):640-645
pages 640-645 views

Standard Thermodynamic Functions of Crystalline Arsenate Mg0.5Zr2(AsO4)3 in the Range from T → 0 to 670 K

Pet’kov V., Shipilov A., Markin A., Smirnova N.


The temperature dependence of heat capacity C°p= f(T) of crystalline arsenate Mg0.5Zr2(AsO4)3 was studied by precision adiabatic vacuum and differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range 8−670 K. The standard thermodynamic functions C°p(T), H°(T)–H°(0), S°(T), and G°(T)–H°(0) of the arsenate for the range from Т → 0 to 670 K and the standard formation entropy at Т = 298.15 K were calculated from the obtained experimental data. Based on the low-temperature capacity data (30–50 K) the fractal dimension D of the arsenate was determined, and the topology of its structure was characterized. The results were compared with the thermodynamic data for the structurally related crystalline phosphates M0.5Zr2(PO4)3 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ni) and arsenate NaZr2(AsO4)3.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):646-652
pages 646-652 views

Thermodynamic Properties of Hexamethylenetetrammonium Dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborate

Saldin V., Bouznik V., Mikhailov Y., Ganina L.


The enthalpy of combustion of hexamethylenetetrammonium dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborate is determined via combustion in a KL-5 calorimeter and is found to be‒17660 kJ/mol. Its standard enthalpy of formation is calculated using the obtained experimental data (−538 kJ/mol).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):653-655
pages 653-655 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidative Conversion of n-Amyl Alcohol to Valeric Acid on a Modified Zeolite Catalyst

Aliev A., Bakhmanov M., Agaev F., Agaev V., Shabanova Z., Safarov A.


The catalytic activity of natural and synthetic mordenites modified with Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pd2+ cations via ion exchange was studied in the oxidative conversion of n-amyl alcohol to valeric acid under the action of oxygen. It is established that the highest activity and selectivity in this reaction is exhibited by mordenite hydrothermally synthesized from kaolinite and containing 3.0 wt % Cu2+, 0.1 wt % Pd2+, and 2.0 wt % Zn2+. The kinetics of this catalytic reaction is studied. Based on the experimental data, a possible stepwise mechanism is proposed, and a theoretically grounded kinetic model of the process is developed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):656-662
pages 656-662 views

Hydrogenation of Anthracene and Dehydrogenation of Perhydroanthracene on Pt/C Catalysts

Kalenchuk A., Koklin A., Bogdan V., Lunin V.


The hydrogenation of anthracene on a heterogeneous catalyst containing 3 wt % Pt/C (Aldrich) at 215, 245, and 280°C and the pressures of 40 and 90 atm is studied. The hydrogenation of anthracene to a completely hydrogenated product is considered in detail. The final product (perhydroanthracene) consists of five conformational isomers with total selectivity of more than 99%. The ratio of perhydroanthracene isomers in the end product is shown to be determined by the conditions (P, T) of hydrogenation. The rate of hydrogenation is found to slow upon an increase in the degree of benzene ring saturation. A mixture of perhydroanthracene isomers is dehydrogenated in an autoclave at 260−325°C on 3 wt % Pt/C catalyst (Aldrich) and in a flow reactor at 300–360°C on 3 wt% Pt/Sibunit catalyst. The reactivity of perhydroanthracene isomers in dehydrogenation is shown to differ.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):663-668
pages 663-668 views

Concentration Effects in the Hydrogenation of 4-Nitro-2′-Hydroxy-5′-Methylazobenzene over Skeletal Nickel in an Aqueous 2-Propanol Solution

Anh H., Nemtseva M., Lefedova O.


The kinetics of hydrogenation of 4-nitro-2′-hydroxy-5′-methylazobenzene in aqueous 2-propanol solution over the skeletal nickel is investigated at different initial concentrations. It is established that the hydrogenation of 4-nitro-2′-hydroxy-5′-methylazobenzene over a skeletal nickel in azeotropic aqueous 2-propanol solution proceeds via two parallel pathways at both low and high initial concentrations. It is shown that increasing the initial concentration of the hydrogenated compound above its level of solubility raises the rate of azo group transformation in 4-nitro-2′-hydroxy-5′-methylazobenzene, while the content of 4-amino-2′- hydroxy-5′-methylazobenzene does not change in the hydrogenate and is not accumulated in the bulk of solution.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):669-673
pages 669-673 views

Features of Laser-Induced Modification of Sclera and Cornea

Ignat’eva N., Zakharkina O., Dadasheva A., Sadekova A., Bagratashvili V., Lunin V.


Results are presented from studying collagen degradation in scleral and corneal tissues upon CW IR laser irradiation at a wavelength of 1.56 μm and powers of 1.4 and 7 W. The exposure time is such that the radiometrically determined maximum tissue temperature ranges from 55 to 70°C. It is shown that at a power of 1.4 W, laser-induced collagen denaturation in sclera and cornea starts at 55 and 60°C, respectively. When the power is increased to 7 W, the temperature of denaturation onset rises by 2°C. These findings are discussed from the viewpoint of the joint photothermal and photomechanical effects of laser irradiation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):674-677
pages 674-677 views

Dependence of the Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties of Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 Oxide on the Means of Synthesis

Kharlanov A., Turakulova A., Levanov A., Lunin V.


The effect the means of synthesis have on the texture, phase composition, redox properties, and catalytic activity of binary oxide systems with the composition Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 are studied. The obtained samples are characterized via BET, SEM, DTA, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. A comparative analysis is performed of the physicochemical properties of biomorphic systems Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 obtained using wood sawdust and cellulose as templates and the properties of binary oxides of the same composition obtained by template-free means. The catalytic properties of the obtained oxide systems Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 are studied in the reaction of carbon black oxidation. It is shown that the texture of the oxide depends on the means of synthesis. When biotemplates are used, fragile porous systems form from thin binary oxide plates containing micro-, meso-, and macropores. Oxide obtained via coprecipitation consists of dense agglomerates with pores around 30 Å in size. In supercritical water, nanoparticles of metal oxide form that are loosely agglomerated. The intermediate spaces between them act as pores more than 100 Å in size. A system of single-phase pseudocubic modification is obtained using a cellulose template. The crystal lattices of all the obtained systems contain a great many defects. It is shown that the system prepared via synthesis in supercritical water has the best oxygen-exchange properties. A comparative analysis is performed of the effect the physicochemical properties of the samples have on their activity in the catalytic oxidation of carbon black.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):678-688
pages 678-688 views

Nature of the Active Centers of In-, Zr-, and Zn-Aluminosilicates of the ZSM-5 Zeolite Structural Type

Zaikovskii V., Vosmerikova L., Vosmerikov A.


In-, Zr-, and Zn- containing elementoaluminosilicates of ZSM-5 zeolite structural type are synthesized by means of hydrothermal crystallization from alkaline alumina–silica gels. Based on the data of structural morphological studies on the samples, it is established that introducting metals into the zeolite structure leads to the formation of particles different in morphology and elemental composition. Studies of the electronic state of active centers in elementoaluminosilicates (E-AS) show that Zn2+ and In3+ cations are associated with oxygen ions in zeolite channels with bonding energies inherent in their oxides. The high value of Zn 3d bonding energy explains the stability of zinc ions in the Zn-AS structure with no formation of clusters under heating the sample by an electron microscope beam. The isomorphic substitution of Al3+ ions in the zeolite crystal lattice by Zr4+ and In3+ ions, despite the relatively low Zr 3d and In 3d bonding energies, also results in the stability of Zr-AS and In-AS systems. It is found that the aggregation of Zr and In into oxide clusters is observed only under strong heating with the electron beam after the destruction of the zeolite channel structure.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):689-695
pages 689-695 views

CeO2–ZrO2–Al2O3 Modified by Selective Doping with SrO for Improved Pd-Only Three-Way Catalyst

Lan L., Li H., Chen S., Yang W., Liu D., Wang W., Gong M., Chen Y.


Composite CeO2–ZrO2–Al2O3 (CZA) modified by selective doping with SrO was prepared by simple coprecipitation method. The characterization results reveal that the structural property of the modified sample is fundamentally different from that of undoped CZA, the doped SrO can selectively combine with Al2O3 and act as a stabilizer, meanwhile homogeneous CZ solid solution is formed which appears insusceptible to Al2O3. Consequently more lattice defects are created in CZAS, which facilitate the improvement of oxygen mobility. The UV–Vis DRS and XPS results demonstrate that after doping with SrO, the supported catalyst Pd/CZAS possesses higher surface Pd and Ce3+ concentrations, which consequently leads to improved reducibility and catalytic performance. Furthermore, the synergistic effect between CeO2–ZrO2 and SrO–Al2O3 helps improve the thermal stability of Pd/CZAS. As a result, after aging treatment, Pd/CZASa still maintains improved structural, textural, morphological and reduction properties along with enhanced three-way catalytic performance.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):696-705
pages 696-705 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Standard Enthalpies of Formation of N-Methylglycine and Products of Its Dissociation in Aqueous Solutions

Lytkin A., Chernikov V., Krutova O., Badelin V., Smirnova D.


Enthalpies of dissolution of crystalline N-methylglycine in water and in aqueous potassium hydroxide solutions are determined at 298.15 K via direct calorimetry. Standard enthalpies of formation of the amino acid and products of its dissociation in aqueous solution are calculated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):706-709
pages 706-709 views

Effect of Water–Ethanol Solvents on the Protonation Constants of Cryptand[2.2.2]

Isaeva V., Sharnin V.


The protonation constants of cryptand[2.2.2] are determined potentiometrically at 298 K in water–ethanol solvents of variable composition. An increase in the concentration of a solution’s nonaqueous component reduces the equilibrium constants of the reactions of mono- and biprotonated cryptand[2.2.2] formation. The contribution from the resolvation of reagents to the change in the Gibbs energy of the studied reactions is estimated. The reduction in the protonation constants of cryptand[2.2.2] in water–ethanol solvents is mainly due to enhancement of the solvation of protons in water–ethanol mixtures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):710-713
pages 710-713 views

Association Constants in the Bovine Serum Albumin/Human Serum Albumin–Tween 20 System in Aqueous Solutions

Vlasova I., Vlasov A., Grapendaal G., Saletskii A.


The association constants in the bovine serum albumin/human serum albumin–Tween 20 system are determined in aqueous solutions at pH 3.5–8.0 by means of nonpolarized fluorescence and protein fluorescence quenching. It is found that the most efficient association of serum albumin molecules with Tween 20 micelles occurs at pH 5.0 near the isoelectric points of proteins.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):714-718
pages 714-718 views

Density of N2O Solutions in Perfluorodecalin As a Function of Concentration

Moshnyaga A., Khoroshilov A., Semyashkin M., Mel’nikov V.


The dependence of density ρ of nitrogen oxide N2O solutions in perfluorodecalin on the N2O concentration is measured. At a constant temperature, this dependence has a linear character: ρ = аx + b. Coefficients a and b are tabulated for five temperatures: 293, 298, 303, 313, and 328 K. These data allow us to control the N2O concentration in perfluorodecalin.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):719-723
pages 719-723 views

The Temperature Effect on the Transport Properties of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquids

Grishina E., Kudryakova N., Ramenskaya L., Fadeeva Y.


The temperature dependences of specific and equivalent conductivities, viscosity, density, and crystallization temperature are determined for three 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide ([CnMeIm] [Tf2N], n = 2, 3, 4) ionic liquids saturated with water vapor at room temperature. It is established that in the area of positive temperatures, the relationship between viscosity and conductivity obeys the fractional Walden rule with exponents of 0.97, 0.92, and 0.92 for ionic liquids with ethyl-, propyl-, butylradicals, respectively. The temperature dependences of conductivity and viscosity are approximated using the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann equation (R2 > 0.999), and ideal glass transition temperatures T0 are calculated for the investigated liquids. The obtained values of T0 depend largely on the chosen range of temperatures. It is shown that [C2MeIm][Tf2N] occupies a separate position with regard to [C3MeIm][Tf2N] and [C4MeIm][Tf2N].

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):724-729
pages 724-729 views

Solute–Solvent Interactions of Methyl Violet in Different Solvents on Spectral Data

Ashfaq M., Saeed R., Masood S., Khan S., Yasmin F.


Spectroscopic studies of Methyl violet in protic (water, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and n-butanol) and aprotic solvents (acetone, DMF) were carried out. UV-Visible absorption spectra of Methyl violet in protic solvents showed a hypsochromic shift, as the solvent polarity was changed from less polar to more polar, while a bathochromic shift was observed for aprotic solvents. Transition energy of Methyl violet in different solvents was correlated with solvatochromic parameters to study solute–solvents interactions. The Kamlet–Taft, Catalan and unified scale models were applied to investigate interactions between Methyl violet and solvents. The best agreement is found for the Catalan model.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):730-733
pages 730-733 views

Solvation Thermodynamics of DL-Phenylalanine in Aqueous NaNO3 Solution at 298.15 K

Roy S., Mondal S., Dolui B.


By “formol titrimetry” method solubilities of DL-phenylalanine (PA) in aqueous NaNO3 solution were measured at 298.15 K. The standard Gibbs energy of PA in aqueous and aqueous NaNO3 solution and also transfer free energy of PA was evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters: molar volume, densities, dipole moment and solvent diameter of aqueous solution of NaNO3 have also been reported. Electrolyte effects on the solubility and relative stability of PA is guided by different types of interactions which are explained in this manuscript.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):734-738
pages 734-738 views

Crystallization and Simulation Studies in m-Dinitrobenzene–p-Chloroaniline Eutectic System

Singh J., Singh N.


Thaw-melt method showed that the phase diagram of m-dinitrobenzene (m-DNB)–p-chloroaniline (p-CA) system belongs to simple eutectic type. The kinetics of solidification followed Hillig and Turnbull’s equation. Excess thermodynamic functions and FT-IR spectral studies indicated some weak interaction between the component molecules in the eutectic. The mechanical strength of the eutectic was found to be higher than those of its components. Molecular stability was predicted on the basis of frontier molecular orbital analysis. The value was found to be 0.06073 a.u. for eutectic, indicating. the possibility of charge transfer interaction during the eutectic formation. Results showed that the eutectic is stabilized by hydrogen-bond formation. Calculated interaction energy of reactants and eutectic was found to be–17.4 kJ mol–1.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):739-745
pages 739-745 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Physicochemical Properties and Structure of 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Methyl Sulfate

Skrebets T.


Temperature dependences of density and dynamic viscosity are obtained for the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methyl sulfate in the temperature range of 298–328 K. Absorption bands in the IR and UV regions of the spectrum are identified and the structure of ionic liquid is characterized using the gap model.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):746-748
pages 746-748 views

Structure of LiBF4 Solvate Complexes in Ethylene Carbonate, Based on High-Resolution NMR and Quantum-Chemical Data

Tulibaeva G., Shestakov A., Volkov V., Yarmolenko O.


The ion solvation of LiBF4 in ethylene carbonate is studied via high resolution NMR, conductometry, and quantum-chemical simulation. 7Li, 11B, 19F, 13C, and 17O NMR spectra are acquired for LiBF4 solutions in ethylene carbonate, and their conductivity is measured in the concentration range of 0.07–1.77 mol kg–1 at 40°C. Molecular models of solvate complexes of a Li+BF4 ion pair containing n ethylene carbonate molecules are constructed. The calculated 11B chemical shifts are virtually independent of n, which can provide a relationship between 11B experimental shifts and degree of dissociation (α). The α value is estimated from a theoretical change in chemical shift of −0.414 ppm when a BF4 ion transitions from a free state to an associated one of the contact ion pair. The α values are in reasonable agreement with the degree of dissociation for LiBF4 in propylene carbonate, found from the Walden product of the equivalent electrical conductivity of a solution by its viscosity.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):749-755
pages 749-755 views

Ab Initio Simulation of Transport Properties in Rb–CH4 and Cs–CH4 Laser Media

Terashkevich V., Meshkov V., Pazyuk E., Stolyarov A.


The pair interaction potentials of the weakly bound Rb–CH4 and Cs–CH4 systems, which are active media of alkali metal vapor lasers with broadband diode or excimer laser pumping, were calculated by the ab initio method. The electronic problem was solved by the coupled-cluster method in the CCSD(T) version including the basis set superposition error and extrapolation to an infinite basis set. The obtained pointwise ab initio potentials were approximated by the analytical functions based on the orthogonal Chebyshev polynomial expansion with correct asymptotic behavior at the dissociation limit and then used within the framework of the molecular kinetic theory of rarefied gases to evaluate the reduced collision integrals and mutual diffusion coefficients.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):756-759
pages 756-759 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Thermodynamic and Electrophysical Properties of Nanosized LaMeFeCrMnO6.5 (Me = Li, Na, K) Ferro-Chromo-Manganites

Sagintaeva Z., Kasenova S., Ermaganbetov K., Kakenov K., Esenbaeva G., Kasenov B.


Ferro-chromo-manganites with compositions LaMeFeCrMnO6.5 (Me = Li, Na, K) are synthesized via ceramic technology from La2O3 (special purity grade), Fe2O3, Cr2O3, Mn2O3, and carbonates of alkali metals (analytical grade). The individuality of the resulting compounds is confirmed via X-ray phase analysis. The heat capacity of nanosized LaMeFeCrMnO6.5 (Me = Li, Na, K) ferro-chromo-manganites is measured via dynamic calorimetry in the temperature interval of 298.15–673 K on an IT-S-400 apparatus. The values of C°p(T) and thermodynamic functions H°(T)–H°(298.15), S°(T), and Φxx(T) are calculated. The temperature dependences of the electrical capacity (C), dielectric permeability (ε) and electrical resistivity (R) studied in the temperature range of 293–483 K show that these materials are also of interest for microelectronics.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):760-767
pages 760-767 views

Hydrothermal Synthesis and Optical Properties of the Monodisperse Spindle-Shaped CeO2 Microstructures

Niu X.


The monodisperse spindle-shaped CeO2 microstructures with irregular surface and the sharp ends have been successfully synthesized via a simple hydrothermal method. XRD, SEM, XPS, Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) spectrum were employed to characterize the samples. The results showed that the spindle-shaped CeO2 have a fluorite cubic structure and there are Ce3+ ions and oxygen vacancies in surface of samples. The synthesized CeO2 shows excellent room temperature optical properties, which is likely associated with Ce3+ ions and oxygen vacancies in the spindle-shaped CeO2 samples.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):768-771
pages 768-771 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Determining the Specific Surface Area of Carbon Electrode Materials for Electrodes of Supercapacitors via the Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye

Maltsev A., Bibikov S., Kalinichenko V., Gudkov M., Melnikov V., Varfolomeev S.


An improved way of measuring the specific surface area of carbon materials that is based on the adsorption of methylene blue is proposed. It is found that the proposed method is more accurate for microand mesoporous carbon materials than the one described in GOST (State Standard) 13144-79. It is shown that the method ensures good correlation with the measured specific electric capacitances of the materials and allows us to assess the geometric shape and average size of mesopores in an investigated carbon material.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):772-777
pages 772-777 views

Synthesis of Janus Particle Arrays and Janus Films through an Interfacial Polymerization Method

Wang L., Kang F., Shi G., Jin C., Li H., Liu H., Yao B.


We report the fabrication of Janus particle arrays and Janus films through the combination of selfassembly of spheres on a water surface and interfacial polymerization of pyrrole or aniline around the spheres. With a low concentration of monomer, it is found that only the water-exposed side of the spheres are coated with a thin layer of polypyrrole (PPy) or polyaniline (PANI), leading to the formation of Janus particle arrays. At an elevated monomer concentration an additional PPy or PANI layer forms on the water surface and further increase in the concentration leads to the coalescence of the layers on water surface and on the waterexposed side of spheres, both of which produce Janus films with PS spheres embedded in a structured conducting polymer.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):778-784
pages 778-784 views

A Mesoporous Сarbon Prepared by Сarbonizing Cu(II)–p-Phenylenediamine Polymer for the Adsorption of Methyl Orange from Water

Zhong L., Li B., Zhang L., Ma X., Chai S.


A new mesoporous carbon containing nitrogen and copper was prepared by carbonizing a polymer obtained by blending p-phenylenediamine, copper(II) sulfate, and glyoxal. XRD and XPS showed the existence of Cu metal and Cu2S, and XPS indicated the presence of nitrogen in the mesoporous carbon. The FT-IR spectra suggested that the material contains different functional groups, such as C=C and C=N. N2 adsorption–desorption indicated the presence of mesopores in the material. The mesoporous carbon was used as an adsorbent to investigate the adsorption for methyl orange. Static equilibrium test results showed that the adsorption isotherm for methyl orange is in agreement with the langmuir isotherm, and the Qm is 434 mg g–1. Adsorption kinetics indicated that the pseudo-second order adsorption mechanism is predominant in the adsorption process.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):785-792
pages 785-792 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes. Chromatography

The Properties of the Nucleodur HILIC Stationary Phase in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

Ovchinnikov D., Bogolitsyn K., Ul’yanovskii N., Kosyakov D., Falev D., Pokrovskii O.


The Nucleodur HILIC zwitterionic stationary phase was characterized by linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) analysis in the supercritical fluid chromatography mode. It was shown that the main contribution to retention is made by hydrogen bonding interactions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):793-798
pages 793-798 views

Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Krafft Temperature of 1-Alkyl-4-Aza-1-Azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane Bromide Complexes with Transition Metal Salts

Ibatullina M., Zhil’tsova E., Lukashenko S., Anuar M., Kutyreva M., Zakharova L.


The Krafft temperature (ТKr) of 1-alkyl-4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bromides (Alk = n-CnH2n + 1, n = 14, 16, 18) (D-n) and complexes of them with transition metals [Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), La(III)] in water is determined via conductometry and compared their corresponding acyclic analogs (alkyltrimethylammonium bromides). The dependence of the complexes’ ТKr on the structure of the inorganic salts and the hydrophobicity of ligands is established. It is shown that the complexation of D-n with metal nitrates and the shortening of the ligand hydrocarbon radical reduce ТKr.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):799-803
pages 799-803 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Photoisomerization of Styryl Derivatives of Pyridine N-Oxide

Gubarev Y., Lebedeva N., Yurina E., Andreev V., V’yugin A.


The trans–cis- and cis–trans-isomerization of styryl derivatives of heterocyclic N-oxides in acetonitrile and ethanol is studied. The isomerization quantum yields and spectral characteristics of the cis-form of the investigated N-oxides are determined. No thermally induced cis–trans-conversion is detected.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):804-808
pages 804-808 views

Photocatalytic Degradation of Binary Dyes Mixture over SrTiO3 Synthesized Using Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Additive

Xie J., He Y., Wang H., Duan M., Tang J., Wang Y., Chamas M., Wang H.


Photodegrading dye-contaminated effluents is a promising method for photo energy conversion and utilization. Herein, rhodamine B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) were used as simulated dye effluent to evaluate the photocatalytic performance of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC-Na) modified SrTiO3 (STO). Cubic aggregated STO was successfully prepared by one-pot hydrothermal method. For the purpose of exploring behavior of dye molecules, different dye concentration ranging from 10 to 30 mg/L and certain catalyst loading were adopted. Under the UV light, group hindrance significantly enhanced the preferential adsorption and photodegradation to MB in RhB–MB binary solution at 10 mg/L. Quantized calculation for dye mixture was achieved. Photodegradation kinetics at different initial concentrations of binary MB/RhB solution followed pseudo-first-order model. Results on residual dye concentration and reaction time were connected by mathematic model, which could be used for predicting the residual amount of organic contaminants in effluent.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):809-815
pages 809-815 views

Short Communications

Chemoluminescence of a UV-Irradiated Zn2SiO4–Mn Crystal Exposed to Hydrogen Atoms

Grankin D.


The effects of the transfer of reaction energy to electrons and the luminescence of trapped electrons under the influence of the recombination reaction of H atoms on the surfaces of light-sum accumulating Zn2SiO4–Mn crystals are studied. It is established that the intensity of heterogeneous chemoluminescence (HCL) from preliminarily UV-irradiated samples is directly proportional to the accumulated light sum and governed by trapped electrons, which are responsible for the accommodation of reaction energy through the electron channel with the resulting nonadiabatic chemoelectron excitation and luminescence of a crystal.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(4):816-818
pages 816-818 views

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