Author Details

Tovbin, Yu. K.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 90, No 1 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Effect of the internal motions of an adsorbate on the characteristics of adsorption for structurally heterogenous surfaces of slit-like pores
Vol 90, No 6 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Linear tension of two-dimensional drops on planar adsorbent faces
Vol 90, No 7 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Local chemical potentials and pressures in heterogeneous systems: Adsorptive, absorptive, interfaces
Vol 90, No 8 (2016) Article Equilibrium molecular theory of two-dimensional adsorbate drops on surfaces of heterogeneous adsorbents
Vol 90, No 10 (2016) Short Communications Times of metastable droplet relaxation to equilibrium states
Vol 90, No 11 (2016) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Analysis of the linear tension of two-dimensional droplets on heterogeneous adsorbents
Vol 90, No 11 (2016) Short Communications Thermodynamic properties of water in the lattice gas model with сonsideration of the vibrational motions of molecules
Vol 91, No 1 (2017) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Molecular basis for calculating the surface tension of binary droplets
Vol 91, No 3 (2017) Article Local equations of state in nonequilibrium heterogeneous physicochemical systems
Vol 91, No 8 (2017) Article Diffusion relaxation times of nonequilibrium isolated small bodies and their solid phase ensembles to equilibrium states
Vol 91, No 9 (2017) Article Deformability of adsorbents during adsorption and principles of the thermodynamics of solid-phase systems
Vol 91, No 10 (2017) Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials Surface tension of different sized single-component droplets, according to macroscopic data obtained using the lattice gas model and the critical droplet size during phase formation
Vol 91, No 11 (2017) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Calculating the surface tension of binary solutions of simple fluids of comparable size
Vol 91, No 11 (2017) Short Communications Effect of the collective motions of molecules inside a condensed phase on fluctuations in the density of small bodies
Vol 91, No 12 (2017) Short Communications Estimating the sizes of small single crystals satisfying the Wolf theorem
Vol 92, No 1 (2018) Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry Principles of Considering the Effect of the Limited Volume of a System on Its Thermodynamic State
Vol 92, No 1 (2018) Article Small Systems and Limitations on the Use of Chemical Thermodynamics
Vol 92, No 3 (2018) Physical Chemistry of Aerosols Simulating the Surface Relief of Nanoaerosols Obtained via the Rapid Cooling of Droplets
Vol 92, No 5 (2018) Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena Polylayer Adsorption on Rough Surfaces of Nanoaerosols Obtained via the Rapid Cooling of Droplets
Vol 92, No 6 (2018) To the 100Th Anniversary of the Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry Surface Tension: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Relaxation Times
Vol 92, No 6 (2018) To the 100Th Anniversary of the Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry Self-Consistency of the Theory of Elementary Stage Rates of Reversible Processes and the Equilibrium Distribution of Reaction Mixture Components
Vol 92, No 11 (2018) Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry Structure of Equations for Multicomponent Mixtures in Heterogeneous Systems According to Size Fluctuations and the Intermolecular Degrees of Freedom of Components
Vol 92, No 12 (2018) Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry Gibbs Calculations of the Equilibrium Surface Tension in a Vapor–Liquid System

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