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Vol 90, No 1 (2016)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Thermodynamic properties of alloys of the binary Gd–In system

Shevchenko M.A., Ivanov M.I., Berezutski V.V., Sudavtsova V.S.


The thermochemical properties of melts of the binary Gd–In system were studied by the calorimetry method at 1470–1700 K over the whole concentration interval. It was shown that significant negative heat effects of mixing are characteristic features for these melts. Using the ideal associated solution (IAS) model, the activities of components, Gibbs energies and the entropies of mixing in the alloys of this systems and its phase diagram were calculated. They agree with the data from literature.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):1-10
pages 1-10 views

Estimation of thermodynamic properties of Cu–La binary alloy with modified Miedema’s theory

Li H., Zhang S., Chen Y., Cheng M., Song H., Liu J.


According to modified Miedema’s theory, mixing enthalpies (ΔH), excess entropies (SE), excess Gibbs free energy (GE), and component activities (a) of Cu–La binary alloy were estimated using the basic thermodynamic principles and some simple physical parameters of Cu and La, such as electronegativity, atomic volume and electron density. Based on the Cu–La binary alloy phase diagram, the Gibbs free energy of the phase precipitation reactions of Cu6La and Cu5La was deduced. The results showed that the values of ΔH, SE, and GE of Cu–La binary alloy were all negative. Compared to the ideal solution, the activities of the components presented a large negative deviation from Raoult’s law, which indicated that there was a strong interaction between Cu and La. The calculated data are well consistent with the experimental data. The Gibbs free energies of the phase precipitation reactions of Cu6La are lower than those for Cu5La, which means that Cu6La is thermodynamically more stable than Cu5La. Furthermore, the experimental results show that rareearth rich Cu6La phase particles in copper matrix are formed after La microalloying.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):11-17
pages 11-17 views

Molecular interactions in atenolol—ethanol mixtures: An ultrasonic study

Naik R.R., Bawankar S.V.


In the present study ultrasonic velocity (υ), density (ρ), and viscosity (η) of the mixtures of atenolol drug with ethanol have been measured at frequency 1 MHz in the concentration range 0.1–0.0125% at 303, 308, and 313 K using multifrequency ultrasonic interferometer. The measured values have been used for calculations of the mixtures acoustical parameters. These parameters explained molecular interactions existing in the solution.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

CO oxidation catalyzed by AlnPt (n = 1–11) clusters: A density functional theory simulations

Li A., Guo L., An X.


We have elucidated the details of mechanism of CO oxidation catalyzed by AlnPt (n = 1–11) clusters through first-principle density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. These subnanometer species transform into reaction complexes which catalyze CO oxidation through a kind of mechanism, occurring via Langmuir-Hinshelwood path. It is shown that mixing two different metals (Al and Pt) can have beneficial effects on the catalytic activity. The alloyed AlnPt clusters are proposed as effective nanocatalysts at lower temperatures (equal to room temperature). The adsorption of O2, CO, and their coadsorption at various sites of neutral AlnPt (n = 1–11) clusters have been modeled. It was found that in all situations, Pt sites are the catalytically active centers for CO but that for O2 molecule is not the same result.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):72-88
pages 72-88 views

Kinetic models of conjugated metabolic cycles

Ershov Y.A.


A general method is developed for the quantitative kinetic analysis of conjugated metabolic cycles in the human organism. This method is used as a basis for constructing a kinetic graph and model of the conjugated citric acid and ureapoiesis cycles. The results from a kinetic analysis of the model for these cycles are given.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):22-24
pages 22-24 views

Kinetic schemes of chemical transformations and particle morphology upon interaction between Ln2(SO4)3 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) and hydrogen

Andreev P.O., Sal’nikova E.I., Andreev O.V., Kovenskii I.M.


The phase compositions of samples obtained during the treatment of anhydrous sulfates Ln2(SO4)3 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) in a stream with an excess of hydrogen in the temperature range of 400 to 1100°C at exposures of up to 420 min are determined. Kinetic schemes are compiled for the chemical transformations and changes of phase composition of the mixtures in coordinates of temperature and time that have six fields of the phase combinations: Ln2(SO4)3, Ln2(SO4)3 + Ln2O2SO4, Ln2O2SO4, Ln2O2SO4 + Ln2O2S, Ln2O2S, and Ln2O2S + Ln2O3. Single-phase samples of Ln2O2SO4 compounds are obtained at temperatures (°C) of 540–560 (La), 460–520 (Pr), 470–520 (Nd), and 480–520 (Sm). The temperatures (°C) of Ln2O2S compounds are 580–920 (La), 600–900 (Pr), 600–900 (Nd), and 600–800 (Sm). It is shown via electron microscopy that particles of La2(SO4)3 in the shape of cylinders are converted into flakes of Ln2O2SO4, predominantly flat Ln2O2S crystallites.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Acid−base and catalytic properties of the products of oxidative thermolysis of double complex compounds

Pechenyuk S.I., Semushina Y.P., Kuz’mich L.F., Ivanov Y.V.


Acid–base properties of the products of thermal decomposition of [М(А)6]х1(L)6]у (where M is Co, Cr, Cu, Ni; M1 is Fe, Cr, Co; A is NH3, 1/2 en, 1/2 pn, CO(NH2)2; and L is CN, 1/2C2O4) binary complexes in air and their catalytic properties in the oxidation reaction of ethanol with atmospheric oxygen are studied. It is found that these thermolysis products are mixed oxides of the central atoms of complexes characterized by pH values of the zero charge point in the region of 4–9, OH-group sorption limits from 1 × 10–4 to 4.5 × 10−4 g-eq/g, OH-group surface concentrations of 10–50 nm–2 in 0.1 M NaCl solutions, and Ssp from 3 to 95 m2/g. Their catalytic activity is estimated from the apparent rate constant of the conversion of ethanol in CO2. The values of constants are (1–6.5) × 10–5 s–1, depending on the gas flow rate and the Ssp value.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Kinetics of the chemical oxidation of (5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphinato)(chloro)(aqua)iridium(III)

Tyulyaeva E.Y., Bichan N.G., Mozhzhukhina E.G., Lomova T.N.


The oxidation of (Cl)(H2O)IrTPP with atmospheric oxygen in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 accompanied by coordination of molecular O2 and substitution of axial ligands was studied spectrophotometrically. In 16.785–18.09 М H2SO4 at 298–318 K, (Cl)(H2O)IrTPP experienced two single-electron oxidations in sequence: with an increase in the oxidation state of the iridium cation and with formation of the π-radical cation form (HSO4)IrIVTPP•+ oxidized at the aromatic ligand (k298 = 7.2 × 10–6 mol–1 L s–1). Referring to the literature data on the oxidation of (Cl)(H2O)IrTPP in AcOH and CF3COOH, it was shown that the medium acidity and the nature of the axial ligands affect the electron removal site in the chemical oxidation of (Cl)(H2O)IrTPP with atmospheric oxygen in proton-donor solvents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Inhibiting the combustion of air–acetylene mixtures

Kopylov S.N., Gubina T.V.


The effect propane, methane, and a mixture of 18 vol % С3Н6–40 vol % С3Н8–42 vol % С4Н10 have on the combustion of air–acetylene mixtures is investigated experimentally. The upper concentration limit of flame propagation, maximum explosion pressure, and maximum rate of rise of explosion pressure are determined. It is found that propane and a mixture of 18 vol % С3Н6–40 vol % С3Н8–42 vol % С4Н10 are strong inhibitors of combustion of acetylene in its concentration ranges of 2–8 vol %. The inhibition effect becomes weaker as the acetylene content in the mixture increases. It disappears completely at C2H2 concentrations exceeding 15 vol %. The above experimental findings are explained using the proposed scheme of acetylene oxidation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Polycondensation kinetics of furfuryl alcohol solutions

Zherebtsov D.A., Galimov D.M., Zagorul’ko O.V., Frolova E.V., Bol’shakov O.I., Zakharov V.G., Mikhailov G.G.


Changes in the viscosity, electrical conductivity, monomer concentration, and the size of growing molecules of polycondensed furfuryl alcohol are studied in solutions containing triethylene glycol and isooctylphenyldecaethylene glycol. The effect the solution compositions have on the condensation kinetics is considered.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Mechanism of oxygen ion transfer in oxide melts based on V2O5

Klimashin A.A., Belousov V.V.


A model of oxygen ion transport in molten V2O5 is proposed. Within the framework of this model, the values of the parabolic rate constant of the catastrophic oxidation of copper in contact with V2O5 and oxygen flux through an ion transport membrane with liquid-channel grain-boundary structure on the basis of V2O5 are calculated as k′′ = 2.4 × 10–5 kg2/(m4 s) and J = 2.7 × 10–4 mol/(m2 s) at 700°C. These values are in agreement with the experimental data in order of magnitude, indicating the agreement between theory and experiment.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Study on the catalytic activity of vanadium doped TiO2: Anatase-to-rutile phase transition

Zhang H., Bian H., Zhang S.


The catalytic activity of vanadium doped TiO2 in the ethylbenzene oxidative dehydrogenation with CO2 was studied experimentally and theoretically. The experimental results showed that the reduction of ethylbenzene conversion and the styrene selectivity was caused by the transition of anatase to rutile phase. Theoretical results showed that the transition of the anatase to rutile phase was mainly caused by vanadium ions and oxygen vacancies.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):60-64
pages 60-64 views

Catalytic performance of V2O5–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for partial oxidation of n-hexane1

Mahmoudian R., Khodadadi Z., Mahdavi V., Salehi M.


In the current study, a series of V2O5–MoO3 catalyst supported on γ-Al2O3 with various V2O5 and MoO3 loadings was prepared by wet impregnation technique. The characterization of prepared catalysts includes BET surface area, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), and oxygen chemisorptions. The partial oxidation of n-hexane by air over V2O5–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts was carried out under flow condition in a fixed bed glass reactor. The effect of V2O5 loading, temperature, MoO3 loading, and n-hexane LHSV on the n-hexane conversion and the product selectivity were investigated. The partial oxygenated products of n-hexane oxidation were ethanol, acetic anhydride, acetic acid, and acetaldehyde. The 10% V2O5–1%MoO3/γ-Al2O3 was found in most active and selective catalyst during partial oxidation of n-hexane. The results indicated that by increasing the temperature, the n-hexane conversion increases as well, although the selectivity of the products passes through a maximum by increasing the temperature.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):65-71
pages 65-71 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Synthesis and application of magnetic chitosan nanoparticles in oilfield

Lian Q., Zheng X.


The novel magnetic Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticles has the advantage of excellent biodegradation and a high level of controllability. The Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticles was prepared successfully. The size of the Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticles were all below 100 nm. The saturated magnetization of the Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticles could reach 80 emu/g and showed the characteristics of superparamagnetism at the same time. The image of TEM and SEM electron microscopy showed that the cubic-shape magnetic Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4 particles were encapsulated by the spherical chitosan nanoparticles. The evaluation on the interfacial properties of the product showed that the interfacial tension between crude oil and water could be reduce to ultra-low values as low as 10–3 mN/m when the magnetic Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticle was used in several blocks in Shengli Oilfield without other additives. Meanwhile, the magnetic Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4-chitosan nanoparticles possessed good salt-resisting capacity.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):158-165
pages 158-165 views

Efficiency of intramolecular electron transfer from the second excited state of the donor in molecular triads D–A1–A2

Feskov S.V., Ivanov A.I.


It is found that intramolecular and intermolecular electron transfer from the second singlet excited state of the donor in all molecular dyads studied up to now is accompanied by ultrafast recombination into the first excited state, resulting in a low quantum yield of the thermalized state with separated charges. The ultrafast photoinduced intramolecular charge transfer in donor‒acceptor 1‒acceptor 2 molecular triads is studied to ascertain the possibilities of increasing the quantum yield of ionic state. It is demonstrated that nonthermal (hot) electron transfer from the primary acceptor to the secondary acceptor can, in parallel with relaxation of a polar solvent, efficiently suppress the ultrafast recombination of charges into the first excited state of the donor and increase the yield of the ionic state. It is established that the angle between the directions of reaction coordinates corresponding to the electron transfer from the donor to the primary acceptor and from the primary acceptor to the secondary acceptor play the most important role in describing these processes. It is concluded that the value of this angle is governed by the ratio between the reorganization energies of the three possible electron transfers in the triad and can vary within wide limits. The parametric regions with maximum quantum yield of the thermalized ionic state are revealed. The strong effect the geometry of a studied triad has on charge separation efficiency is observed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Synthesis of large uniform gold and core–shell gold–silver nanoparticles: Effect of temperature control

Tiunov I.A., Gorbachevskyy M.V., Kopitsyn D.S., Kotelev M.S., Ivanov E.V., Vinokurov V.A., Novikov A.A.


The temperatures of nucleation and growth for gold and silver nanoparticles are quite close to each other in citrate-based seeded-growth synthesis. Hence, thorough temperature control during the synthesis of gold and gold–silver core–shell nanoparticles is expected to improve the yield of uniform non-aggregated nanoparticles suitable for selective contrasting of surface defects. Gold and gold–silver core–shell nanoparticles of size ranging from 20 to 160 nm were synthesized using various means of temperature control. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV–Vis spectroscopy. Model nanocracks were milled on pipeline steel specimen by focused ion beam (FIB). It was found that to produce large uniform core–shell nanoparticles, thorough temperature control is required during formation of the gold seeds and the silver shell. Moreover, the synthesized nanoparticles were used for selective contrasting of defects on metal surface.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):152-157
pages 152-157 views

Au/Ce0.72Zr0.18Pr0.1O2 nanodisperse catalyst for oxidation of carbon monoxide

Mikhailichenko A.I., Batrakova M.K., Maslakov K.I., Revina A.A., Papkova M.V., Kon’kova T.V., Grunskii V.N., Gasparyan M.D., Karpovich A.L., Lizunova A.A., Liberman E.Y., Naumkin A.V.


The nanodisperse Au/Cе0.72Zr0.18Pr0.1O2 catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide were synthesized. The compounds were identified by XRD, XPS, TEM, ISP-MS, and gas chromatography. The samples containing gold nanoparticles obtained by radiation chemical reduction in reverse micellar dispersion exhibited higher activity than the catalysts obtained by deposition-precipitation (DP) despite the higher content of the active component.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):166-172
pages 166-172 views

Quantum chemical insight into the reactivity of 1,3-dipoles on coronene as model for nanographenes

Yuan Y., Chen P., Yang L., Ju Y., Wang H.


In this paper, we present a systematic investigation into reactivity of 1,3-dipoles on coronene as model for nanographenes using the density functional theory (DFT). The calculations show that the dipole nature mainly involving the structure and electrical effect is the major influence on reactivity. The 18-valence-electron azomethine ylides shows more active than the other two types of 1,3-dipoles with 16-valence-electron to NG, which may due to a smaller singlet-triple splitting. The more electronegative terminate group leads a higher stability and chemical inertness of the 1,3-dipole. There the reactivity order is oxide < imine < ylide. The varied distortion energy which determines the activation energy depends on the deformation of the 1,3-dipole. It can be obviously observed the distortion energy increases as the strengths of two resonance bonds of the 1,3-dipole increase in each series. The less electronegative terminate group leads the more electron-deficient and the less electron delocalization of the 1,3-dipole and even the more stable of the intermediate, which leads the cycloaddition proceed easier. The trend that the activation energy decreases as the strengths differences of the two new bonds of intermediate is also very clear in each series. All the reactivities are consistent analyzing in frontier molecular orbitals (FMO) theory. Unlike the 1,3-DC toward some other dipolarophiles, the vast majority of the studied 1,3-dipole cycloaddtions (DC) are of largely negative Gibbs free energies (ΔG) values which are spontaneous at the temperature. There is correlation between the extent of spontaneous of reaction and the activation energy. There is also good relationship between the activation energy and the reaction energy, which follows the Hammond postulate.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):173-182
pages 173-182 views

Nanorods and nanoblocks of polyaniline and their solvent resistance

Tao Y., Wang G., Zhu J.


The PANI crystals have been produced through a novel simple one-step method in which bulk PANI self-crystallize in mixture solvent. Nanorods have better solvent resistance and stability than any other morphologies of PANI. The nanorods could be useful for next generation organic electronics such as nanotransistors. The crystallization method will be readily scalable to produce bulk quantities of PANI crystals with high-quality and low-cost.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):183-186
pages 183-186 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Thermodynamic and structural studies of DMPC and DSPC with DOTAP mixed monolayers at the air–water interface

Hao C., Liu Q., Li Q., Zhang J., Sun R.


According to the method of Langmuir-Blodgett the thermodynamic behavior and the miscibility of the two phospholipids 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) with 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP) in the mixed monolayer were evaluated in terms of the excess mean molecular area, excess Gibbs free energy and compressibility coefficient. DMPC and DOTAP were miscible and a repulsive interaction appeared between DMPC and DOTAP molecules at most of selected ratios and surface pressures. Meanwhile, the interaction between DSPC and DOTAP were attractive and the most stable monolayers were formed at the 3: 2 and 1: 4 stoichiometry. The morphology observations by fluorescence microscopy reveals that the size of the domains composed of DSPC were larger than DMPC.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):214-219
pages 214-219 views

Theoretical study on the adsorption of carbon dioxide on individual and alkali-metal doped MOF-5s

Ha N.T., Lefedova O.V., Ha N.N.


Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to investigate the adsorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) on metal-organic framework (MOF-5) and alkali-metal (Li, K, Na) doped MOF-5s. The adsorption energy calculation showed that metal atom adsorption is exothermic in MOF-5 system. Moreover, alkali-metal doping can significantly improve the adsorption ability of carbon dioxide on MOF-5. The best influence is observed for Li-doping.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):220-225
pages 220-225 views

Effect of the preparation conditions of Al–3%Y powder on its structural and adsorption properties

Ryabina A.V., Shevchenko V.G.


In view of the great practical utility of aluminum–rare earth metal (REM) powders as adsorbents and catalyst supports, the dispersion composition and morphology of Al–3%Y alloy powder particles obtained by various methods (gas plasma recondensation, nitrogen sputtering) were studied by low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy, XRD, etc. The phase composition of the powders was determined, and the amount of active aluminum was calculated. The nitrogen adsorption on the powder surface was studied experimentally at–196°С at relative pressures of Р/Рs = 10–3–0.999. The specific surface areas of the powders were determined.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):187-190
pages 187-190 views

Physicochemical properties of surfaces of SBA-15 silicas, according to adsorption-static, gas-chromatographic, and IR spectroscopic data

Roshchina T.M., Shoniya N.K., Tegina O.Y., Tkachenko O.P., Kustov L.M.


Interaction between vapors of organic compounds and water with surfaces of mesoporous silica SBA-15 and silica SBA-15 modified with n-C6F13(CH2)2Si(CH3)2Cl via adsorption under static conditions is studied by means of gas chromatography and IR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It is shown that modification notably reduces the energy of disperse and specific interactions, along with the acidity of adsorption centers. Even low concentrations of the grafted groups (0.76 nm–2) allows us to obtain highly hydrophobic coatings on SBA-15 surfaces.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):191-200
pages 191-200 views

Equilibrium distribution of samarium and europium between fluoride salt melts and liquid bismuth

Zagnit’ko A.V., Ignat’ev V.V.


The extraction of samarium and europium from a melt of a molar composition 73LiF–27BeF2 into liquid bismuth with additions of lithium as a reducing agent at a temperature of 600–610°С was studied. The equilibrium distribution coefficients of samarium and europium were measured. In the metal fluoride salt melt under study, the valence of samarium and europium was shown to be equal to two.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):201-204
pages 201-204 views

Effect of the internal motions of an adsorbate on the characteristics of adsorption for structurally heterogenous surfaces of slit-like pores

Tovbin Y.K., Zaitseva E.S., Rabinovich A.B.


The effect of internal motions of an adsorbate on the local characteristics of adsorption and layering phase diagrams are studied for structurally heterogeneous surfaces of slit-like pores. A molecular model describing adsorbate distributions inside slit-like pores, which is based on discrete distribution functions (lattice gas model), is used for the calculation. Molecular distributions are calculated by the Lennard-Jones potential (12–6) in a quasi-chemical approximation reflecting the effects of direct correlations of interacting particles and for the combined interaction of an adsorbate with walls in the average potential approximation (9–3) and the short-range Lennard-Jones potential for structurally heterogeneous surface areas. The conclusion is made that internal motions reflect the vibrational motion of molecules within a modified quasi-dimer model and a displacement of the adsorbate during its translational motion inside cells. It was found that the taking into account of internal motions decreases the critical temperature of adsorbate layering in slit-like pores.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):205-213
pages 205-213 views

Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Preparation and performance of Nano-LiFePO4/C cathode material for lithium-ion battery

Qin X., Yang G., Ma F., Cai F.


A high energy density LiFePO4/C material for lithium batteries was synthesized by controlled crystallization-carbothermal reaction, which has been experienced as an effective process for mass production of electrode materials. The structure and morphology of the LiFePO4/C material were characterized by X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The electrochemical properties of the synthesized nano-LiFePO4/C were investigated by charge-discharge processing and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The initial discharge capacities of the LiFePO4/C battery were 163.9, 158.4, 154.5, 151.4, and 142 mA h g–1 at 0.1C, 1C, 2C, 5C, and 10C, respectively. The capacity of LiFePO4/C material maintained 98.5% at the rate of 1C after 100 cycles, demonstrating excellent rate capability and cycling performance.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):233-239
pages 233-239 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Study of the structure and luminescent properties of terbium complex intercalated Zn/Al layered double hydroxide

Gao X., Xie J., Yin Y., Hao Y., Lian Y.


Terbium complex of ethylenediaminetetraacetate ([Tb(EDTA)]) intercalated Zn/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH), as an inorganic-organic green-emitting phosphor, was synthesized through an ion exchange method. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra exhibit a successful intercalation of [Tb(EDTA)] anions between the hydroxide sheets of the LDH. The basal spacing of 14.5 Å indicate a vertical arrangement of [Tb(EDTA)] anions with the maximal dimension in the gallery is adopted. The luminescent properties of this material were studied by excitation and emission spectra. The results show that the strongest emission peak of Tb3+ ion occurs at 544 nm. This material may supply a candidate of green light emitting phosphor.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):246-249
pages 246-249 views

Effect of the surfaces of Zn3(PO4)2:Mn2+ phosphors on their luminescent properties

Mjakin S.V., Minakova T.S., Bakhmetyev V.V., Sychov M.M.


The effect the activator concentration, the precipitation medium, and the annealing temperature have on the surface properties of Zn3(PO4)2:Mn2+ phosphors synthesized by the sol–gel method is studied using the indicator method and by pH-metry. The interrelation between the intensity of X-ray excited luminescence and the relative surface content of certain absorption sites is established. The earlier works of some authors on synthesizing and studying the properties of zinc phosphate phosphors are analyzed. The final results are considered promising for predicting the effectiveness of applying the considered phosphors’ analogs on the basis of analyzing their surfaces, optimizing the conditions for the synthesis of studied materials, and developing a model that would completely describe their surface states.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):240-245
pages 240-245 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Studying the frequency dispersion of the dielectric permeability of electrolyte solutions

Odinaev S., Makhmadbegov R.S.


Analytical equations for coefficients of dielectric permeability ε1(ω) and dielectric losses ε2(ω) of electrolyte solutions are obtained, based on the relationship between complex dielectric permeability and specific conductivity coefficients. The region of frequency dispersion is considered for dynamic dielectric permeability coefficient ε1(ω) of an aqueous NaCl solution. Friction coefficients βa and βb, relaxation times τa, τb, and τab, and dielectric permeability coefficient ε1(ω) are numerically calculated for selected intermolecular interaction potentials \({\Phi _{ab}}(\left| {\bar r} \right|)\) and equilibrium radial distribution functions \({g_{ab}}(\left| {\bar r} \right|)\) over a wide range of variation in density ρ, concentration c, temperature T, and frequencies ω. The theoretically calculated results for ε1(ω) are found to be in quantitative agreement with experimental data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):89-94
pages 89-94 views

Thermodynamics of micelle formation in a water–alcohol solution of sodium tetradecyl sulfate

Shilova S.V., Tret’yakova A.Y., Barabanov V.P.


The effects of addition of ethanol and propan-1-ol on sodium tetradecyl sulfate micelle formation in an aqueous solution are studied via microprobe fluorescence microscopy and conductometry. The critical micelle concentration, quantitative characteristics of micelles, and thermodynamic parameters of micelle formation are determined. Addition of 5–15 vol % of ethanol or 5–10 vol % of propan-1-ol is shown to result in a lower critical micelle concentration than in the aqueous solution, and in the formation of mixed spherical micelles whose sizes and aggregation numbers are less than those for the systems without alcohol. The contribution from the enthalpy factor to the free energy of sodium tetradecyl sulfate micelle formation is found to dominate in mixed solvents, in contrast to aqueous solutions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):95-99
pages 95-99 views

Molecular dynamics models of pores in the liquid monoethanolamine structure

Belashchenko D.K., Rodnikova M.N., Balabaev N.K., Solonina I.A.


Models of liquid monoethanolamine with 1000 molecules in a basic cell in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped are constructed by means of molecular dynamics simulation in the temperature range of 293 to 453 K. The simulation is performed in the NVT mode at real densities, and in the NpT mode at p = 1 atm. Voids (pores) in monoethanolamine structure and the temperature dependences of their sizes are analyzed. It is established that the pores appear and disappear via fluctuation in different places. No dynamic relationship between them is observed; during heating, the radius of a maximal pore grows from 1.98 Å at 293 K to 2.53 Å at 453 K. The inner surface of the pores is notably enriched with oxygen and nitrogen atoms and considerably depleted of hydrogen atoms. At temperatures above 290 K, a maximal pore can freely enclose an argon atom. The pores available in monoethanolamine can freely enclose 20 mol % of helium at 293 K and 57 mol % at 453 K; the solubilities of argon are estimated as 0.1 mol % at 293 K and 6.4 mol % at 453 K. The radius of a maximal pore in monoethanolamine is greater than in ethylene glycol by ~0.1–0.3 Å.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):100-104
pages 100-104 views

Standard enthalpies of formation of crystalline L-threonine and the products of its dissociation in aqueous solutions

Lytkin A.I., Chernikov V.V., Krutova O.N., Damrina K.V., Skvortsov I.A.


Enthalpies of dissolution of crystalline L-threonine in water and in aqueous solutions of potassium hydroxide are measured at 298.15 K via direct calorimetric. The standard enthalpies of formation of L-threonine and the products of its dissociation in aqueous solutions are calculated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):105-108
pages 105-108 views

A regression model for calculating the boiling point isobars of tetrachloromethane-based binary solutions

Preobrazhenskii M.P., Rudakov O.B.


A regression model for calculating the boiling point isobars of tetrachloromethane–organic solvent binary homogeneous systems is proposed. The parameters of the model proposed were calculated for a series of solutions. The correlation between the nonadditivity parameter of the regression model and the hydrophobicity criterion of the organic solvent is established. The parameter value of the proposed model is shown to allow prediction of the potential formation of azeotropic mixtures of solvents with tetrachloromethane.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):109-112
pages 109-112 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Features of the electronic structure of the active center of an HbS molecule

Novoselov D.Y., Korotin D.M., Anisimov V.I.


Features of the electronic structure of the nonprotein part of the mutant form of the human hemoglobin molecule, HbS, are studied along with the magnetic state of the iron ion that is the “nucleus” of the active center of the molecule. It is found that the mutant form of the HbS molecule differs from a normal hemoglobin molecule by the distortion of the local environment of the iron ion, which changes the energy level splitting by a crystal field. As a result of ab initio calculations, the magnetic transition in the iron atom from the high-spin state to the low-spin state upon the addition of molecular oxygen to hemoglobin molecule is reproduced. It is established for the first time that a change in the crystal and electronic structure of the active center as a result of a mutation can lead to a substantial change in the energy of the bond between the active center of the hemoglobin molecule and an oxygen molecule.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):113-116
pages 113-116 views

Dielectric spectroscopy of amino alcohols at low temperatures

Solonina I.A., Vasilyeva M.A., Greenbaum (Gutina) A., Gusev Y.A., Lounev I.V., Rodnikova M.N., Feldman Y.


The dielectric properties of three vicinal amino alcohols are studied at temperatures in the range of‒140–70°C and the frequency interval of 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. The temperature dependences of the observed relaxation processes indicate both glass transition and melting processes. The relatively high conductivity of the samples was considered from the viewpoint of proton conductivity through a network of hydrogen bonds of amino alcohol molecules.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):117-121
pages 117-121 views

DFT modeling of adsorption of formaldehyde and methanediol anion on the (111) face of IB metals

Starodubov S.S., Nechaev I.V., Vvedenskii A.V.


Gas-phase adsorption of formaldehyde and gas- and liquid-phase adsorption of the methanediol anion on the (111) face of copper, silver, and gold was modeled in terms of the density functional theory and the cluster model of the metal single-crystal surface. In the gas phase, formaldehyde was found to be physically adsorbed on the metals, while the methanediol anion was found to be chemisorbed. It exists on the surface in two different stable states. In aqueous solution, the H3CO2- anion can spontaneously dissociate into the formate ion and two hydrogen atoms.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):122-129
pages 122-129 views

The theoretical investigation of solvent effects on the relative stability and 15N NMR shielding of antidepressant heterocyclic drug

Tahan A., Khojandi M., Salari A.A.


The density functional theory (DFT) and Tomasi’s polarized continuum model (PCM) were used for the investigation of solvent polarity and its dielectric constant effects on the relative stability and NMR shielding tensors of antidepressant mirtazapine (MIR). The obtained results indicated that the relative stability in the polar solvents is higher than that in non-polar solvents and the most stable structure was observed in the water at the B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) level of theory. Also, natural bond orbital (NBO) interpretation demonstrated that by increase of solvent dielectric constant, negative charge on nitrogen atoms of heterocycles and resonance energy for LP(N10) → σ* and π* delocalization of the structure’s azepine ring increase and the highest values of them were observed in water. On the other hand, NMR calculations showed that with an increase in negative charge of nitrogen atoms, isotropic chemical shielding (σiso) around them increase and nitrogen of piperazine ring (N19) has the highest values of negative charge and σiso among nitrogen atoms. NMR calculations also represented that direct solvent effect on nitrogen of pyridine ring (N15) is more than other nitrogens, while its effect on N19 is less than other ones. Based on NMR data and NBO interpretation, it can be deduced that with a decrease in the negative charge on nitrogen atoms, the intramolecular effects on them decrease, while direct solvent effect increases.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):130-135
pages 130-135 views

Maximizing the solar energy storage of the four substituted norbornadiene-quadricyclane system: DFT calculations

Vessally E., Aryana S.


The purpose of this research is to study the solar energy storage in norbornadiene (1)/quadricyclane (2) system by four direct attachments of substituents at two carbon atoms on both sides of the double bonds C2=C3 and C5=C6 in 1X and 2X; calculating the relative energies at B3LYP/6-311++G** level of theory. The solar energy storage of four electron donating substituents, (push-push effect), X (X =–NH2,–OH) and four electron withdrawing substituents, (pull-pull effect) X (X =–CO2H,–CONH2,–NO2 and CN) were examined. The solar absorption bands were calculated for 1X. The DFT calculations reveal that the bands were shifted to the visible spectrum region when the electron withdrawing substituents were used rather than the electron donating substituents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):136-143
pages 136-143 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes: Chromatography

Loss of thermodynamic work at the cascade stages during the separation of a multicomponent mixture of ideal gases

Chizhkov V.P., Boitsov V.N.


Formulas for estimating the thermodynamic work during the separation of components of binary and multicomponent mixtures are discussed and generalized. The difference between the work of separation determined from the separation potential and the thermodynamically estimated work during the isobaric–isothermal mixing of fractions separated at the ends of a cascade is calculated and explained.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):226-232
pages 226-232 views

Short Communications

Optical properties and structure of silicon monooxide

Batsanov S.S.


Refractometric studies of amorphous SiO show that it is not a mixture of Si + SiO2, but comprises silicon atoms in silicon-oxygen tetrahedra in all oxidation states (with an average value of Z = 2.06) and oxygen ions corresponding to this cation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):250-251
pages 250-251 views

Growth and spectral properties of Tm:BaY2F8 crystals with different Tm3+ concentration

Liu W., Li C., Xu J., Zhou Y., Xie H., Gao M., Yin R., Zheng D., Lin H., Liu J., Zeng F.


Tm3+:BaY2F8 (Tm:BYF) laser crystals with different doping concentrations were successfully grown by Czochralski method. The optimal growth parameters obtained are as follows: the pulling rate is 0.5 mm/h; the rotation speed is 5 rpm; the cooling rate is 10°C/h. Phase composition, absorption spectra, and fluorescence properties of crystals were studied by XRD and spectral methods. XRD analysis indicates that the crystal belongs to monoclinic system with the C2/m space group. The lattice parameters were calculated and the anisotropy of the crystals was studied, confirming that the a axis is the best growth direction. The absorption peaks around 790 nm became larger with increase of Tm3+ concentration. The cross section of 15% Tm:BYF crystal around 791 nm is 9.47 × 10–21 cm2. The 10% Tm:BYF crystal has the strongest emission peak around 1879.6 nm with the FWHM of 79 nm and the emission cross-section of 2.13 × 10–21 cm2, which is favorable for the 1.88 μm laser output.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(1):252-256
pages 252-256 views

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