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Volume 66, Nº 2 (2024)


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Lithium, sodium and strontium fluoroglutaratouranylates: structure and some properties

Serezhkin V., Grigoriev М., Sukacheva М., Pushkin D., Serezhkina L.


Using X-ray diffraction analysis, the structure of the crystals of Li(UO2)2(C5H6O4)2F⋅6H2O (I), NaUO2(C5H6O4)F⋅4H2O (II) and Sr(UO2)2(C5H6O4)2F2⋅8H2O (III) was studied for the first time. The uranium-containing structural units in crystals of I are 1D complexes [UO2(C5H6O4)F0.5(H2O)]0.5– with the crystal chemical formula AQ02M20.5M1, where A = UO22+, Q02 = C5H6O42–, M2= F, M1 = H2O, and in II and III, 1D complexes of the same composition and structure [UO2(C5H6O4)F] with the crystal chemical formula AQ02M2. In all compounds, the U(VI) atoms implement hexagonal-bipyramidal coordination, forming coordination polyhedra UO2FO5 (I) and UO2F2O4 (II and III). It was found that the long-characterized uranyl fluoroglutarate {UJUBEG}, for which the composition [UO25H6O4)F]⋅2H2O was erroneously indicated, contradicting the principle of electrical neutrality, should be considered as (Н3O)[UO25H6O4)F]⋅H2O.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):107–114
pages 107–114 views

Specific features of reduction of plutonium(VI) ozonation products in solutions of various nature alkalis

Pankratov D., Romanchuk A., Kalmykov S., Dolzhenko V., Kiselev Y.


The decomposition processes of plutonium hydroxo compounds formed under ozonation conditions in MOH (M = Li, Na, K) solutions of various concentrations were studied by UV–Vis spectroscopy using a modified nonlinear least squares method. The influence of the nature of alkali on the kinetics and mechanisms of spontaneous reduction of alkaline solutions of hydroxo compounds of plutonium(VII) was discovered. This influence and the “anomalies” in the UV–Vis spectra for ozonized plutonium solutions are associated with the presence in the systems of iron compounds in the form of impurities in commercially available LiOH, NaOH and KOH (analytically pure, chemically pure, and ultrapure grade). Even trace amounts of impurities in alkaline solutions of plutonium compounds change the mechanisms of their reduction through the active participation of iron in redox processes. They include the oxidation of iron to ferrate(VI) ions FeO42–, followed by reduction to Fe3+, probably through the stage of formation of an intermediate with a hydroxo derivative of plutonium(VI). As a result of the analysis of large arrays of spectral data, the spectra of individual components corresponding to compounds of plutonium(VI, VII) and iron (VI) were isolated.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):115–124
pages 115–124 views

XPS determination of the oxidation state of 99Тс isotope absorbed on the surface of pirrhotite FenSn+1 and stibnite Sb2S3

Maslakov K., Teterin A., Safonov A., Makarov A., Artemiev G., Teterin Y., Dvoriak S.


Sorption of pertechnetate on pyrrhotite FenSn+1 (I) and stibnite Sb2S3 (II) from distilled water was evaluated. The distribution coefficients were found to be 185 and 223 cm3/g, respectively. The XPS study of the chemical state of 99Tc absorbed on the surface of pyrrhotite and stibnite from aqueous solution of potassium pertechnetate (KTcO4) was carried out. It was found that Tc(IV) ions are present mostly on the surface of the studied samples, their concentration was 5.7 times higher on the surface of pyrrhotite compared to that on the surface of stibnite. A 13% admixture of Tc(VII) ions on the surface of pyrrhotite was observed.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):125–135
pages 125–135 views

Effect of high-temperature VVER-1000 SNF processing duration on the extent of fission product removal

Skrigan I., Metalidi M., Ismailov R., Shapovalov S., Shadrin A., Ryabkov D., Serebryanskikh R.


Experiments on high-temperature processing of VVER-1000 SNF with a burnout depth of 47 GW day/tU were carried out in order to determine the dependence of the extent of semi-volatile fission product removal on the time of SNF processing in an oxidizing atmosphere for subsequent optimization of technological modes of this process. It was found that, during high-temperature processing at 1200°С for 8 h, more than 30% of Mo, 90% of Cs, and 100% of Ru and Tc are removed.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):136–142
pages 136–142 views

Dynamic tests of cesium-137 recovery from the Mayak model alkaline HLW using p-isononylcalix[6]arene based extractant

Yumaguen A., Babitova E., Logunov M., Karavan M., Kozlov P., Konnikov A., Smirnov I.


The article presents the results of studies on composition optimization, properties, and laboratory dynamic tests of extraction mixtures based on p-isononylcalix[6]arene for the alkaline HLW purification to remove 137Cs. The distribution of 137Cs among the products of the technological scheme is presented and the coefficients of raffinate purification to remove 137Cs are determined. It was revealed that, in the case of using nitric acid as a stripping solution, nitrosation of p-isononylcalix[6]arene is possible in the technological process. The composition of the resulting product was determined. To prevent nitrosation of p-isononylcalix[6]arene, formic acid was used in the stripping stage, which ensured stable operation of the extraction stand for 48 h with 137Cs extraction from model alkaline HLW at a level of 99.7%.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):143–156
pages 143–156 views

Technology for reprocessing mother liquor and washing solution from crystalization purification of HTGR SNF

Tkachenko L., Vidanov V., Kenf E., Volodina N., Pleshakov Y., Shadrin A.


The extractants diphenyl-N,N-dioctylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide and diphenyl-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide for the processing of spent fuel were tested. The conditions for extraction and separation of uranium and TPE–REE were determined. A technological scheme was proposed for processing spent nuclear fuel from high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. During dynamic testing, at least 99.9% of uranium and plutonium and at least 99.5% of americium and rare earth elements were extracted. The TPE + REE and U+Pu fractions were isolated. The U+Pu fraction contained approximately 5% Am, while the TPE + REE fraction had less than 0.1% U and Pu.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):157–164
pages 157–164 views

Preparation of high-labeled graphene oxide by tritium thermal activation method for application in the betavoltaic cell of a nuclear battery

Badun G., Bunyaev V., Chernysheva M.


Possibility of tritium introduction into graphene oxide (GO) by tritium thermal activation method was demonstrated. It has been established that, in order to obtain the highest possible specific radioactivity, thin films of GO with a thickness of 5.6 mg/m2 must be treated with tritium atoms. The experiment provided at 77 K showed a number of advantages. Under these conditions, the specific activity of [3H]GO of 2.6 Ci/mg was reached when calculated by the mass of the initial GO (0.7 Ci/mg if purified to remove the labile tritium). Specific energy release in [3H]GO with such specific activity is 22.3 W/kg, which is enough for its application as a component of an atomic battery.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):165–170
pages 165–170 views

Nanodiamonds as lutetium-177 carriers for nuclear medicine

Kazakov A., Babenya J., Ekatova T., Vinokurov S., Khvorostinin E., Ushakov I., Zukau V., Stasyuk E., Nesterov E., Sadkin V., Rogov A., Myasoedov B.


The work investigated the sorption of carrier-free 177Lu isolated from neutron-irradiated 176Yb2O3, and with a carrier obtained by irradiation of natLu2O3, by commercial and oxidized nanodiamonds (NDs) of various brands from aqueous solutions to identify among them a promising carrier for further research for the purposes of nuclear medicine. A promising sorbent was found: oxidized NDs of the STP brand (ox-STP); conditions for the rapid sorption of lutetium by it in an amount equivalent to 1.2 GBq of carrier-free 177Lu were determined, which corresponds to the activity used in therapy.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):171–177
pages 171–177 views

The influence of the sizes of nanodiamond aggregates in their suspensions on the efficiency of sorption of 90Y and 177Lu isotopes for their subsequent use in nuclear medicine

Kazakov A., Babenya J., Ekatova T., Vinokurov S., Khvorostinin E., Ushakov I., Zukau V., Stasyuk E., Nesterov E., Sadkin V., Rogov A., Myasoedov B.


Nanodiamonds (NDs) are promising carriers of radionuclides in radiopharmaceuticals for use in nuclear medicine. In this work, we investigated the influence of the properties of ND suspensions, including the sizes of their aggregates, in aqueous solutions with different pH on their binding of medical isotopes 90Y and 177Lu and found the conditions for obtaining promising conjugates for further in vivo studies. It was shown that sorption is influenced by the composition of the solution, which determines the properties of the ND surface, while the forms of cations of the studied nuclides in the solution do not affect the degree of sorption.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):178–184
pages 178–184 views

Preparation of nanodiamond conjugates with scandium isotopes for use in nuclear medicine

Kazakov A., Ekatova T., Vinokurov S., Khvorostinin E., Ushakov I., Zukau V., Stasyuk E., Nesterov E., Sadkin V., Rogov A., Myasoedov B.


In this work, we studied the sorption of scandium, whose isotopes 44Sc and 47Sc are studied for diagnostics and therapy in nuclear medicine, by aggregates of commercial (TAN, STP) and oxidized ND nanodiamonds (ox-STP) from aqueous solutions. The sorption capacity of the studied NDs for scandium was determined; it was shown that 100 μg of NDs is sufficient for the sorption of 1 GBq of 47Sc, which is equivalent to the activity of isotopes used in therapy. It has been shown that the supposed mechanism for the binding of Sc(III) to ND aggregates is chemisorption, and the chemical composition of the ND surface affects the sorption efficiency to a greater extent than the forms of scandium in solution. The obtained data on Sc(III) sorption are compared with the sizes of ND aggregates; it is shown that sorption under experimental conditions does not depend on the size of the aggregates. Optimal carriers of the 47Sc isotope have been found for further studies of radiopharmaceuticals based on it – TAN and ox-STP.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):185–190
pages 185–190 views

Diffusion of radioactive waste elements from underground water and leachates of phosphate waste forms in pore solution of clay materials

Martynov K., Zakharova E.


Using through diffusion method at room temperature, migration of RW element simulators (P, Se, Br, Mo, Cs, U) in compacted samples of clay materials of various mineral compositions was studied during porous diffusion from model solutions: underground water and leachates of phosphate waste forms having a total salt content of up to 500 mg/L. Based on the results of experiments, effective diffusion coefficients and sorption distribution coefficients of elements in barrier materials were determined. Numerical models are proposed to describe diffusion transfer of selenium, cesium and uranium depending on porosity, mineral composition of materials, and concentration of elements in pore solution. Patterns of diffusion of elements from solutions of different salt composition were revealed.

Radiohimiâ. 2024;66(2):191–204
pages 191–204 views

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