
Modeling of the Growth Kinetics of Boride Layers during the Diffusion Annealing Process
Keddam M., Kulka M., Makuch N.
Effect of Boron on the Kinetics of Low-Temperature Decomposition of Martensite in Quenched Medium-Carbon Steel
Alekseev A., Grinberg E.
Simulation of the Growth Kinetics of FeB and Fe2B Layers on AISI D2 Steel by the Integral Method
Keddam M., Kulka M.
Investigation of the microstructure and properties of Al–Si–Mg/SiC composite materials produced by solidification under pressure
Mohamed E., Churyumov A.
Simulation of the Evolution of Carbonitride Particles of Complex Composition upon Hot Deformation of a Low-Alloyed Steel
Gorbachev I., Pasynkov A., Popov V.
Effect of shock-wave loading on mechanical and thermomechanical characteristics of shape-memory alloys 45Ti–45Ni–10Nb and 43Ti–46Ni–8Nb–3Zr
Popov N., Lar’kin V., Ogorodnikov V., Presnyakov D., Lar’kina Y., Aushev A., Sysoyeva T., Suvorova E., Kostyleva A.
Recrystallization Kinetics of Niobium with Submicrocrystalline Structure
Voronova L., Degtyarev M., Chashchukhina T.
Synthesis of TiCr2 intermetallic compound from mechanically activated starting powders via calcio-thermic co-reduction
Bayat O., Khavandi A., Ghasemzadeh R.
Two-Side Growth of the Cu9Ga4 Phase during the Interfacial Reactions between Sn–Ag–Cu–Ga Solders and Copper Substrates
Wenjing Wang , Chen H., Chen J., Gong L., Wang H.
Effect of heat-treatment conditions on the structure and phase transformations in the shape-memory 45Ti–45Ni–10Nb alloy in as-cast and extruded states
Popov N., Sysoeva T., Grishin E.
Kinetics of Overlapping Precipitation and Particle Size Distribution of Ni3Al Phase
Zhou X., Li Y., Yan Z., Liu C., Zhu L.
Influence of deformation on the retention of helium in materials
Zaluzhnyi A.
Effect of the Rate, Temperature, and Magnitude of Prestraining on the Parameters of Phase Transformations and the Thermomechanical Characteristics of the 45% Ti–45% Ni–10% Nb Shape Memory Alloy in Press-Formed Conditions
Popov N., Sysoeva T., Presnyakov D., Kostyleva A.
Bimodal Structures of Solids Obtained under Megaplastic Strain
Metlov L., Brodova I., Tkachenko V., Petrova A., Shirinkina I.
Microstructure and Kinetics of Intermetallic Phase Formation during Solid State Diffusion Bonding in Bimetal Ti/Al
Amir Hossein Assari , Beitallah Eghbali
Origin of abnormal formation of pearlite in medium-carbon steel under nonequilibrium conditions of heating
Mirzaev D., Yakovleva I., Tereshchenko N., Urtsev V., Degtyarev V., Shmakov A.
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