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Vol 117, No 6 (2016)

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

The formation of hysteretic magnetic properties in amorphous alloys of various classes upon thermomagmetic treatment in a transverse magnetic field

Kekalo I.B., Mogil’nikov P.S.


In this paper, we have studied the effects of the thermomagnetic treatment in a transverse magnetic field (TMaT) on the permeability of the amorphous alloy Co69Fe3.7Cr3.8Si12.5B11 with such a low saturation magnetostriction (λs 10–7) that, in the ribbons of this alloy rolled into a toroid, a sharp longitudinal magnetic texture is observed (Ksq > 0.90). It has been revealed that the permeability μ4 (H = 4 mOe, f = 1 kHz) as a function of the annealing temperature or time of holding at a temperature is described by a curve with a maximum. This maximum is observed at a coefficient of the squareness of the hysteresis loop Ksq,m in the range of 0.2 ≤ Ksq,m ≤ 0.4. The regimes of the TMaT have been determined that provide optimum values of the permeability μ4 (15000) without a loss of the ductile state of the ribbons of this alloy. Based on the example of an iron-based alloy of composition Fe57Co31Si2.9B9.1 with λs = 35 × 10–6, it has been shown that the formation of the hysteretic magnetic properties upon the TMaT depends substantially on the magnitude of the magnetostriction and the Curie temperature of the amorphous alloys.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):529-539
pages 529-539 views

Effect of the nanocrystalline state and electrical resistance of Fe and Fe75Si25 powders produced by the method of high-energy ball milling on the frequency dispersion of microwave material parameters

Rozanov K.N., Petrov D.A., Yelsukov E.P., Protasov A.V., Yurovskikh A.S., Yazovskikh K.A., Lomayeva S.F.


The influence of the nanocrystalline state of Fe and Fe75Si25 particles and their electrical resistance on the microwave properties of composite materials that contain these particles has been investigated experimentally. The main factors that determine changes in the frequency dispersion of the permeability are the skin effect and the decrease in the internal field of anisotropy of the particles. In the case of Fe particles, the role of skin effect of prevails.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):540-549
pages 540-549 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Modification of the structure of surface layers of commercial titanium in the process of treatment by low-energy high-current electron beams

Panin A.V., Kazachenok M.S., Borodovitsina O.M., Perevalova O.B., Stepanova O.M., Ivanov Y.F.


Methods of optical, atomic-force, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy, as well as X-ray diffraction analysis have been used to study the effect of electron-beam treatment on the surface morphology and structure of titanium of grade VT1-0. It has been shown that irradiation by three electron pulses with an energy density in the beam of W = 12–24 J/cm2 and a pulse duration of 50 μs leads to the formation of VT1-0 samples of a multilayer structure in the surface layers that consist of fine particles of the α phase, which have a subgrain structure, and of the underlying coarse grains, which contain α’ martensitic phase. The influence of the density of energy of the electron beam on the hardness and the magnitude of microand macrostresses that develop in the modified surface layer has been demonstrated. The results of calculating the thermal fields that appear in the process of treatment by electron beam are presented.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):550-561
pages 550-561 views

Crystallographic peculiarities of the eutectoid and martensite structures in the U–1.5 % Mo alloy

Kabanova I.G., Klyukina M.F., Sagaradze V.V., Pecherkina N.L., Zuev Y.N.


Using electron microscopy, samples of U–1.5 wt % Mo alloy with a partial structure of eutectoid, which consists of alternating plates of α phase depleted of molybdenum (α-U) and ordered γ’ phase (U2Mo), have been studied. The structures of a eutectoid and martensite have been obtained by the quenching of samples characterized by delayed cooling from 1000°C. It has been shown that, in the eutectoid, the constant orientation relationships (ORs) are observed between the α-U and U2Mo phases, namely, \({\left[ {100} \right]_\alpha }{\left\| {\left[ {331} \right]} \right._{\gamma '}},\;{\left( {010} \right)_\alpha }{\left\| {\left( {11\bar 6} \right)} \right._{\gamma '}},\;{\left( {010} \right)_\alpha }{\left\| {\left( {\bar 110} \right)} \right._{\gamma '}}\) These relationships are similar to the ORs observed in the martensite between an orthorhombic α’ martensite and initial bcc γ phase that have been found in low alloys of U–Nb, U–Zr, U–Mo and experimentally confirmed in this work. It has been established that, in the γ’ phase, principal axes a, b, c remain parallel to the principal axes of the matrix γ phase. However, its axis of tetragonality c has the only nonequivalent crystallographic direction at which the plates in the eutectoid colonies that are parallel to the planes of atomic ordering of the γ’ phase have interphase boundaries of \((001)_{\gamma '} ||(130)_\alpha \).

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):562-571
pages 562-571 views

Origin of abnormal formation of pearlite in medium-carbon steel under nonequilibrium conditions of heating

Mirzaev D.A., Yakovleva I.L., Tereshchenko N.A., Urtsev V.N., Degtyarev V.N., Shmakov A.V.


The structure and kinetics of the formation of austenite in medium-carbon steel during shortterm heating above the temperature Ac1 followed by accelerated cooling are analyzed. It has been shown that the abnormal formation of pearlite in steel results from the concentrational and structural inhomogeneity of austenite, as well as the presence of carbide particles in ferrite areas.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):572-578
pages 572-578 views

Phase composition and structure of aluminum Al–Cu–Si–Sn–Pb alloys

Belov N.A., Stolyarova O.O., Murav’eva T.I., Zagorskii D.L.


The structure and phase composition of cast and heat treated Al–Cu–Si–Sn–Pb alloys containing 6 wt % Sn, 2 wt % Pb, 0–4 wt % Cu, 0–10 wt % Si have been studied using calculations and experimental methods. Polythermal and isothermal sections are reported, which indicate the existence of two liquid phases. It was found that the low-melting phase is inhomogeneous and consists of individual leadand tin-based particles.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):579-587
pages 579-587 views

Influence of copper on the structure and mechanical properties of pearlitic steels

Izotov V.I., Ilyukhin D.S., Getmanova M.E., Filippov G.A.


The structure and mechanical properties of pearlitic steels, which contain ~0.6% carbon and copper in the amount of 1.25 and 1.4%, have been studied in the states immediately after the pearlitic transformation (with different rates of cooling) and after tempering at 500°C. It has been established that tempered pearlitic steel with copper is 10–15% stronger than the steel of similar composition without copper. The strengthening of copper-containing pearlitic steel after tempering is caused by the precipitation of copper particles 5–20 nm in size in the ferritic regions of pearlite and in grains of free ferrite.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):588-593
pages 588-593 views

Strength and Plasticity

Superhardness effect in transition-metal diborides films

Bazhin A.I., Goncharov A.A., Pogrebnyak A.D., Stupak V.A., Goncharova S.A.


The structure, composition, and properties of transition-metal diboride films have been studied. It was shown that they are characterized by a wide range of structural states, namely from amorphous-like to nanocrystalline with crystallite sizes of 1–50 nm. The characteristic peculiarity of the structure of film transition-metal diborides with high physical and mechanical properties is the formation of a nanocrystalline (columnar) structure with the growth texture in plane [00.1] and a nanocrystallite size of 20–50 nm. The element composition of a superhard highly textured film transition-metal diborides was studied by ion mass spectrometry and Auger electron spectroscopy. The overstoichiometry effect in nanocrystalline transitionmetal diboride films is explained. It was shown that this effect is related to the formation of an additional B⎯B covalent bond, which is realized at subgrain boundaries and leads to the appearance of superhardness in the formed coatings.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):594-601
pages 594-601 views

Analysis of factors responsible for the accelerated creep rupture of 12% Cr martensitic steel weld joints

Kudryavtsev A.S., Okhapkin K.A., Mikhailov M.S., Skutin V.S., Zubova G.E., Fedotov B.V.


In the process of the investigation of the heat resistance of a 0.07C–12Cr–Ni–Mo–V–Nb steel of the martensitic–ferritic class, a reduction was revealed in the long-term strength of its welded joints to below the level of the strength of the base metal. To establish the causes for the accelerated failure of the welded joints, an imitation of the thermal cycles was carried out that produce the structure of the heataffected zone using a dilatometer. In the samples with the structure that corresponds to that of the heataffected zone, a local zone of softening was revealed. The investigations of the metal structure using transmission electron microscopy have shown that the reduction in the creep rupture strength was caused by structural changes under the conditions of the thermal cycle of welding upon the staying of the steel in the temperature range between the Ac1 and Ac3 points.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):602-610
pages 602-610 views

Characteristics of radiation porosity and structural phase state of reactor austenitic 07C–16Cr–19Ni–2Mo–2Mn–Ti–Si–V–P–B Steel after neutron irradiation at a temperature of 440–600°C to damaging doses of 36–94 dpa

Portnykh I.A., Panchenko V.L.


The phase composition and the characteristics of vacancy voids in cold-worked steel 07C–16Cr–19Ni–2Mo–2Mn–Ti–Si–V–P–B (CW EK164-ID) after neutron irradiation at damaging doses of 36–94 dpa and temperatures of 440–600°C are investigated. In the entire range of damaging doses and temperatures, voids with different sizes are observed in the material. The maximum void size increases with irradiation temperature up to ~550°C, whereas their concentration decreases. At higher irradiation temperatures, almost no coarse voids are observed. The concentration of fine voids (to 10 nm in size) sharply increases with temperature from 440 to 480°C. Further increases in the temperature do not result in the noticeable concentration growth. In the irradiation temperature range of 440–515°C, second phases precipitate (G phase, γ’ phase, and complex fcc carbides). At higher irradiation temperatures, there are Laves-phase particles, fine second carbides of the MC type, and needle shape precipitates identified as phosphides in the material.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):611-623
pages 611-623 views

The analysis of severely deformed pure Fe structure aided by X-ray diffraction profile

Forouzanmehr N., Nili-Ahmadabadi M., Bönisch M.


Pure Fe was severely deformed by a combination of shaped cold rolling and cold drawing. X-ray diffraction profiles analysis was applied in accordance with the Williamson-Hall (WH) and modified Williamson-Hall (MWH) methods to identify crystallite sizes of the deformed specimens. It was found that some differences exist between the results of WH and MWH procedures using the hkl dependent Young’s modulus or considering the average dislocation contrast factor. The latter method is more accurate and enables the determination of the character of dislocations in plastically deformed Fe. It was shown that by increasing deformation strain, the screw dislocations dominated. The enhancement of hardness occurs in the deformed Fe due to grain refinement, dislocation accumulation and deformation-induced vacancies.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):624-633
pages 624-633 views

Structure and properties of the Al/SiC composite material

Pugacheva N.B., Michurov N.S., Bykova T.M.


Structure has been studied and the distribution of the filler in the samples of the metal-matrix Al/SiC composite containing 50% SiC has been analyzed. The sizes and shapes of the particles of the filler have been determined; the cohesion of the metallic matrix with the filler has been investigated. The analysis of the mechanism of fracture after tensile tests at 350°C and uniaxial compression of the samples of composite at 300 and 600°C has been carried out.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(6):634-640
pages 634-640 views

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