Author Details

Danilov, S.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 117, No 1 (2016) Strength and Plasticity Accumulation and annealing of radiation defects and the hydrogen effect thereon in an austenitic steel 16Cr15Ni3Mo1Ti upon low-temperature neutron and electron irradiation
Vol 117, No 3 (2016) Strength and Plasticity The Accumulation and Annealing of Radiation-Induced Defects and the Effect of Hydrogen on the Physicomechanical Properties of the V−4Ti−4Cr and V−10Ti−5Cr Vanadium-Based Alloys under Low-Temperature (at 77 K) Neutron Irradiation
Vol 118, No 5 (2017) Strength and Plasticity Interactions between radiation defects and interstitial impurities in nickel microalloyed with carbon and Boron under electron and neutron irradiation
Vol 119, No 4 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Thermal Effects That Arise upon Different Heat Treatments in Austenitic Steels Alloyed with Titanium and Phosphorus
Vol 120, No 4 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Influence of Neutron and Electron Irradiation on Structural-Phase Transformations in Fe–12Cr–2W–V–Ta–B Steel Processed under Various Heat Treatment Conditions
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Short-Range Atomic Ordering Accelerated by Severe Plastic Deformation in FCC Invar Fe–Ni Alloys
Vol 120, No 11 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Structural Changes during Thermal and Radiation Impacts in a Stainless Steel Alloyed with Titanium
Vol 120, No 12 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Texture Inheritance in the Ferrito-Martensite Structure of Low-Alloy Steel after Thermomechanical Controlled Processing

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