Информация об авторе

Danilov, S.

Выпуск Раздел Название Файл
Том 117, № 1 (2016) Strength and Plasticity Accumulation and annealing of radiation defects and the hydrogen effect thereon in an austenitic steel 16Cr15Ni3Mo1Ti upon low-temperature neutron and electron irradiation
Том 117, № 3 (2016) Strength and Plasticity The Accumulation and Annealing of Radiation-Induced Defects and the Effect of Hydrogen on the Physicomechanical Properties of the V−4Ti−4Cr and V−10Ti−5Cr Vanadium-Based Alloys under Low-Temperature (at 77 K) Neutron Irradiation
Том 118, № 5 (2017) Strength and Plasticity Interactions between radiation defects and interstitial impurities in nickel microalloyed with carbon and Boron under electron and neutron irradiation
Том 119, № 4 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Thermal Effects That Arise upon Different Heat Treatments in Austenitic Steels Alloyed with Titanium and Phosphorus
Том 120, № 4 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Influence of Neutron and Electron Irradiation on Structural-Phase Transformations in Fe–12Cr–2W–V–Ta–B Steel Processed under Various Heat Treatment Conditions
Том 120, № 7 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Short-Range Atomic Ordering Accelerated by Severe Plastic Deformation in FCC Invar Fe–Ni Alloys
Том 120, № 11 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Structural Changes during Thermal and Radiation Impacts in a Stainless Steel Alloyed with Titanium
Том 120, № 12 (2019) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Texture Inheritance in the Ferrito-Martensite Structure of Low-Alloy Steel after Thermomechanical Controlled Processing

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