Semibalanus balanoides (L.) and Balanus crenatus Bruguière (Balanidae) are intermediate hosts of fimbriarioides intermedia (fuhrmann, 1913) and two species of the genus Microsomacanthus (Cestoda, Hymenolepididae), parasites of sea ducks from the atlantic sector of the Arctic and Northern Pacific

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Metacestode infestation of Semibalanus balanoides and Balanus crenatus, collected in the Barents and White Seas and in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk in 2020 and 2021, correspondingly, has been studied. 313 S. balanoides from Mogilnaya Bay of Kildin Island (Barents Sea) and isolated mature wrinkled barnacles B. crenatus, 2 and 4 specimens from the Pechora Sea and Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea, respectively, were examined in 2020. Metacestodes Fimbriarioides intermedia (Fuhrmann, 1913) (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae) were found in 1.0 ± 0.6% of S. balanoides in the Barents Sea with an invasion intensity (I I) of 2-5 specimens, and in one of two B. crenatus from the Pechora Sea (I I = 15). For the first time in both B. crenatus from the Pechora Sea, taken from the valves of the mussel Mytilus edulis, metacestodes Microsomacanthus sp. I (I I = 13 and 20) with proboscis hooks 38-41 (39.4 ± 0.1) µm long, blades of 9.5-11 (10.7 ± 0.1) µm were obtained. One of four B. crenatus from the Kandalaksha Bay was infected with another Microsomacanthus sp. II (I I = 19) with proboscis hooks 44.0-49.5 (45.7 ± 0.5) µm long and blades - 14.0-16.0 (14.8 ± 0.07) µm. 362 S. balanoides were collected and dissected in Gizhiginskaya Bay of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk in 2021, of which 8.0 ± 1.4% were infected with F. intermedia metacestodes (I I = 1-19). Study results of the infestation of S. balanoides on the Koni-Pyagin coast of the Sea of Okhotsk (according to the collections of 2006-2007) were supplemented and clarified. Description of metacestodes and the taxonomic affiliation of cysticercoids Microsomacanthus spp. are given.

About the authors

K. V Regel

Институт биологических проблем Севера ДВО РАН



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