Gastrophylosis Patogens in ungulates kept in the steppe research field station “Orenburg Tarpania”

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The fauna of gastrophylids was studied based on the collection of eggs and larvae of the 1st-3rd stages of development of bot fly of the family Gasterophilidae from kiang and horses of the Przhevalsk steppe scientific station “Orenburg Tarpania” and domestic horses of the village of Sazan.

The Orenburg Province is inhabited by G. haemorrhoidalis (Linnaeus, 1758), G. inermis (Braurer, 1858), G. intestinalis (De Geer, 1776), G. nasalis (Linnaeus, 1758) and G. pecorum (Fabricius, 1794). We found G. intestinalis and G. nasalis. G. intestinalis is the most common species parasitizing solidungulate host animals. The infestation intensity for Przewalski horses and kiangs was low, the prevalence was 100%.

Morphological features of the preimaginal forms in parasitic flies G. intestinalis and G. nasalis were caused by extreme conditions in the mammalian digestive tract.

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About the authors

E. N. Кузьмина

Институт степи ОФИЦ УрО РАН

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Пионерская 11, Оренбург, 460000

Д. A. Грудинин

Институт степи ОФИЦ УрО РАН

Russian Federation, Пионерская 11, Оренбург, 460000


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. G. intestinalis, eggs on the hair shafts of ungulates: A – high infestation intensity in the domestic horse. The arrows indicate the egg lids (1); B – the plates of the attachment appendage (2) partially cover the hair shaft.

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3. Figure 2. G. intestinalis, larva of the 1st stage of development hatching: A – a mobile segmented larva can be seen through the moistened shell of the egg, the arrows indicate the rows of spikes (4). The pseudocephalus is directed towards the lid: B – emergence of the larva of the 1st stage of development (1) after opening the lid (2). The neighboring larva is in the egg (3).

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4. Figure 3. G. intestinalis, extraordinary mobility of the larva of the 1st stage of development. A – oral hooks and the first dorsal segment armed with spikes (1); B – the tracheal trunks and posterior spiracles protrude far beyond the last abdominal segment (2); С –‘red spot’ (3); D – rows of spikes on the segments of the larva (4).

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5. Figure 4. G. intestinalis parasitic larvae of the 3rd stage of development in the stomach cavity of ungulates: A – larvaes in kiang’s stomach; B – attachment points of the larvae of the Przewalski’s horse stomach.

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6. Figure 5. G. intestinalis, larvaes. On the pseudocephalus, two lateral groups of small pigmented spikes are located between the sensory organs and the oral hooks (indicated by arrows): A – larva of the 2nd stage of development; B – larva of the 3rd stage of development.

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7. Figure 6. G. intestinalis, pseudocephalic larvae of the 3rd stage of development. Arrows point to sensory organs: A – view of the papillaes from below; B – view of the papillaes from above – the lateral surfaces are highly pigmented, and a pair of sensory organs on each papillae are clearly visible.

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8. Figure 7. Armament of larvaes of the 3rd stage of development pertaining to the family Gasterophilidae, the arrows indicate the spikes A–С – G. intestinalis – two rows of well-developed spines with a pigmented blunt tip are arranged in chessboard order (1), the spikes of the second row are much smaller; В – G. nasalis – one row of sharp pigmented spikes.

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9. Figure 8. The posterior spiracles in the larvaes G. intestinalis and G. nasalis: A – G. intestinalis, the 3rd stage of development, view from above – well-developed lateral warts on the lower flap of the respiratory cavity (indicated by arrows); В – G. intestinalis, the 3rd stage of development, rear view – lateral warts (indicated by arrows); С – G. intestinalis the 3rd stage of development, rear view (the horizontal flaps are prepared) – posterior spiracles and respiratory slits; D – G. nasalis 2nd stage of development, view from above, lateral warts.

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