The phenomenon of attachment and feeding of unfed ticks (ixodoidea) on fed and feeding specimens of the same or different species: terminological issues




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The feeding by unfed ticks on engorged or feeding specimens of the same (or different) species has been repeatedly documented in laboratory colonies of ticks of the subfamily Ixodoidea. We review the lack of terminological consistency in descriptions of this phenomenon, especially in Russian-language papers. The term “cannibalism” is clearly inapplicable, since it necessarily involves the destruction of the victim by way of consumption (which concerns only specimens of the same species), whereas the tick specimens used as a source for feeding by other ticks typically remain viable. “Homovampirism” (омовампиризм), which is found exclusively in the Russian-language literature, is also unsuitable, “vampirism” being a folkloric word and as such inappropriate for use in the scientific literature. The term “kleptoparasitism”, which appears to reflect the specificity of this phenomenon, is vague and covers many different types of relationships between living organisms. “Hyperparasitism” appears to be the most fitting name for this phenomenon widely used now by acarologists. When using this term, it would be necessary to specify whether the parasitism is conspecific or heterospecific.


I. Uspensky

Иерусалимский еврейский университет



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