
First Fossil Xiphosuran (Chelicerata, Xiphosura) Egg Clutch from the Carboniferous of Khakassia
Shpinev E., Vasilenko D.
New Late Viséan and Early Serpukhovian ammonoids in the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section (Eastern Slope of the South Urals)
Nikolaeva S., Konovalova V.
A new species of the genus Medfracaulus from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Basin; Morphology and taxonomy and the family Ptychocaulidae (Gastropoda)
Mazaev A.
Carboniferous Ammonoids of the Taimyr Peninsula
Borisenkov K., Konovalova V., Kutygin R.
Evolution of asteroarchaediscidae A. Miklukho-Maclay, 1957 in the Carboniferous
Kulagina E.
Formation of the Diversity of the Brachiopod Order Spiriferida at the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary
Afanasjeva G.
Marine algal flora of the Late Viséan (Early Carboniferous) of the Moscow Basin
Gibshman N., Alekseev A.
A new species of the conodont genus Polygnathus from the Tournaisian of the northern Urals, Chernyshev Ridge and Pai-Khoi
Plotitsyn A., Zhuravlev A.
New Data on Carboniferous Xiphosurans (Xiphosura, Chelicerata) of the Donets Coal Basin
Shpinev E.
Studies of fossil brachiopods of Mongolia: Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
Afanasjeva G.
Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia
Alekseeva R., Afanasjeva G., Grechishnikova I., Oleneva N., Pakhnevich A.
Paleozoic bryozoans of Mongolia
Ariunchimeg Y.
Chondrichthyans from the Lower Carboniferous of Yakutia, Russia
Ivanov A.
Foraminifers of the genus Tournayellina Lipina, 1955
Kulagina E., Vevel Y., Stepanova T., Zaytseva E.
Ontogeny of the Early Carboniferous acanthodian Acanthodes lopatini Rohon
Beznosov P.
New records of the Late Carboniferous ammonoid genus Eoshumardites in the Kolyma–Omolon Region, and notes on the evolution of Eoshumarditidae
Kutygin R., Ganelin V., Biakov A.
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