
The Origin of the Chionoecetes Opilio Snow Crab Larvae in the Kara Sea
Lipukhin E., Zalota A., Mishin A., Simakova U.
Grain Size Distribution, Organic Carbon and Geochemical Markers in the Surface Layer of Bottom Sediments in the Northeastern Part of the Kara Sea
Streltsova E., Belyaev N., Fedulov V., Pushkareva E.
Differences in Megabenthos Communities in the Eastern and Western Parts of the Kara Sea Based on Video Observations
Udalov A., Anisimov I., Muravya V., Lesin A., Kuzmin V., Zalota A., Chikina M.
Organic Carbon Content in Dissolved and Particulated Forms in the Kara Sea Water
Belyaev N., Fedulov V., Kravchishina M., Shchuka S.
Comparative Analysis of Morphometric and Reproductive Parameters of Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) of the Kara and Barents Seas
Bakanev S., Pavlov V.
New Estimate of the Supply of Dissolved Organic Carbon with the Waters of the Ob and Yenisei to the Kara Sea Basin
Fedulov V., Belyaev N., Gordeev V., Romankevich E.
Ecosystems of Siberian Arctic Seas – 2022: Ecosystem of the Eastern Kara Sea, Ecological Risks Accumulated in the Basin (89 Cruise of Research Vessel “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”)
Flint M., Poyarkov S., Polukhin A., Miroshnikov A.
Heterotrophic Nano- and Microplankton in the Kara Sea in Autumn
Sazhin A., Romanova N., Kopylov A., Romanenko A., Zabotkina E.
Influence of Regional Warming on Primary Production of the Kara Sea during the Last Two Decades (2002–2021)
Demidov A., Gagarin V., Sheberstov S.
Video Registration of the “In Situ” Zooplankton Vertical Distribution
Olenin A., Mishin A.
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