Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Volume 54, Nº 4 (2019) A New Genetic Type of Leaching Zone in Salts of the Verkhnyaya Kama Potassium Salt Deposit: Hydrochemical, Mineralogical, and Structural Indicators
Chaikovskiy I., Korotchenkova O., Trapeznikov D.
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2016) Absorbed complex of riverine solid substances and its role in geochemical balance of the ocean
Savenko A., Savenko V.
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2017) Alteration mineralogy of eocene volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks from Sivas basin in Turkey
Tetiker S., Yalçin H.
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2017) Amber in sediments of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian and Kaliningrad bays
Kharin G., Eroshenko D.
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2016) Anoxia in the Domanik basin of the Timan–Pechora region
Bushnev D., Burdel’naya N., Ponomarenko E., Zubova (Kiryukhina) T.
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2017) Anyui Volcano in Chukotka: Age, structure, pecularities of rocks’ composition and eruptions
Pevzner M., Gertsev D., Fedorov P., Romanenko F., Kushcheva Y.
Volume 53, Nº 6 (2018) Architecture of the Southern Marginal Zone of the Upper Jurassic–Valanginian Carbonate Platform of the Northeastern Caucasus (Dagestan, Shakhdag Massif)
Gavrilov Y.
Volume 52, Nº 2 (2017) Basal (basic) moraines: Problem of the identification and principles of new classification
Epshtein O.
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2018) Basal Moraines: Communication 1. Essential Lithological Features
Epshtein O.
Volume 53, Nº 5 (2018) Basal Moraines: Communication 2. Identification and Some Concepts of Their Genetic Interpretation
Epshtein O.
Volume 52, Nº 6 (2017) Basic-to-acid and acid-to-basic zonation in the sulfur isotope composition of diagenetic sulfide nodules
Pokrovsky B., Petrov O., Zaitsev A.
Volume 53, Nº 2 (2018) Biogenic Microstructures in Stromatolites of the Baikal–Patom Highland: Results of Complex Study
Litvinova T., Sergeev V.
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2016) Black shales and other sediments with high organic matter contents in Phanerozoic climatic cycles: Communication 2. Black shales during the Pangea existence
Konyukhov A.
Volume 51, Nº 1 (2016) Buried ferromanganese nodules of the Magellan Seamounts
Mel’nikov M., Avdonin V., Pletnev S., Sedysheva T.
Volume 53, Nº 4 (2018) C, О, S, and Sr Isotope Geochemistry and Chemostratigraphy of Ordovician Sediments in the Moyero River Section, Northern Siberian Platform
Pokrovsky B., Zaitsev A., Dronov A., Bujakaite M., Timokhin A., Petrov O.
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2016) Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in the middle-upper miocene and lower pliocene carbonates of the Eastern Paratethys (Kerch-Taman Region): Palaeoenvironments and post-sedimentation changes
Rostovtseva Y., Kuleshov V.
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2018) Carbon, oxygen, and sulfur isotope compositions and model of the Silurian rock formation in northwestern Belarus
Makhnach A., Kruchek S., Pokrovsky B., Strel’tsova G., Murashko O., Petrov O.
Volume 52, Nº 5 (2017) Catagenetic transformations of gravelly–sandy rocks of the Taseeva Group in the Irkineevo–Chadobetsk riftogenic trough (southern Siberian Platform)
Yapaskurt O., Postnikova O., Poshibaev V., Iz”yurov A., Danilko N.
Volume 51, Nº 5 (2016) Cenozoic lithogenesis in the Baikal rift zone
Tsekhovskii Y., Yapaskurt O.
Volume 54, Nº 3 (2019) Clay Minerals in Sediments from Contact Zones with Basalt Sills
Kurnosov V., Sakharov B., Geptner A., Konovalov Y., Goncharov E.
Volume 51, Nº 4 (2016) Clay minerals in sediments of the hydrothermally active southern trough in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California)
Kurnosov V., Sakharov B., Blinova E.
Volume 51, Nº 2 (2016) Comparative geochemistry of quaternary carbonaceous sediments from the continental slope of the Baja California and the miocene monterey formation
Baturin G., Murdmaa I., Beaufort L., Alekhina G.
Volume 52, Nº 4 (2017) Composition of interstitial waters and forms of sulfur compounds in bottom sediments in the northeastern Black Sea
Rozanov A., Kokryatskaya N., Gurskii Y.
Volume 53, Nº 1 (2018) Conditions of the formation of thermomineral waters in the Talysh fold zone of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan) based on isotope-geochemical data (3Не/4Не, \({\delta ^{13}}{C_{c{o_2}}},{\delta ^{13}}{C_{c{h_4}}},{\delta ^{15}}{N_{{N_2}}}{,^{87}}Sr{/^{86}}Sr,\delta {D_{{H_2}O}},and{\delta ^{18}}{O_{{H_2}O}}\))
Lavrushin V., Israfailov Y., Polyak B., Pokrovsky B., Bujakaite M., Kamensky I.
Volume 52, Nº 1 (2017) Correlation of Neopleistocene tills in the northern Russian plain: Evidence from petrography of the coarse-clastic material
Andreicheva L.
1 - 25 de 139 resultados 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> 

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