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Vol 53, No 5 (2018) Lithological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Paleocene/Eocene Sediments corresponding to the PETM Biospheric Event in the Eastern Crimea (Nasypnoe Section)
Gavrilov Y.O., Golovanova O.V., Shchepetova E.V., Pokrovsky B.G.
Vol 54, No 6 (2019) Lithostructural Geological-Genetic Model and Mineral Composition of the Krasnokutsk Rare Metal–Titanium Placer Deposit (Ukraine)
Ganzha E.A., Lalomov A.V., Chefranova A.V., Grigor’eva A.V., Magazina L.O.
Vol 51, No 3 (2016) Lower–Middle Devonian rocks at junction of the Volga–Ural anteclise, Ural foredeep, and North Caspian basin: Lithology and perspectives of petroleum potential
Selezeneva N.N.
Vol 53, No 5 (2018) Mercury in the Sedimentary Cover and Basalts of the Basement in the Recent Hydrothermal Activity Area, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Kurnosov V.B., Luchsheva L.N., Konovalov Y.I.
Vol 54, No 6 (2019) Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Paleoecological Events in the Sedimentary Record of the NE Peri-Tethys and Adjacent Areas: An Overview
Gavrilov Y.O., Shcherbinina E.A., Aleksandrova G.N.
Vol 54, No 2 (2019) Metasomatites Developed after Shungite-Bearing Rocks of the Maksovo Deposit (Onega Basin, Karelia)
Kuleshevich L.V., Filippov M.M., Goltsin N.A., Krymsky R.S., Lokhov K.I.
Vol 54, No 6 (2019) Microbiota of Bauxites in the Eva Deposit (Guinea-Bissau)
Georgievskiy A.F., Zhegallo E.A., Bugina V.M.
Vol 54, No 6 (2019) Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of Pyrite Nodules from Sulfide Turbidites in the Talgan Cu-Zn Massive Sulfide Deposit (Southern Urals)
Ayupova N.R., Maslennikov V.V., Artem’ev D.A., Blinov I.A.
Vol 53, No 2 (2018) Mineralogical–Geochemical Features of Ice-Rafted Sediments in Some Arctic Regions
Maslov A.V., Shevchenko V.P., Bobrov V.A., Belogub E.V., Ershova V.B., Vereshchagin O.S., Khvorov P.V.
Vol 51, No 5 (2016) Minerals in the Triassic carbonaceous silicites of Sikhote Alin
Volokhin Y.G., Karabtsov A.A.
Vol 51, No 4 (2016) Molar tooth structures and origin of peloids in proterozoic carbonate platforms (Middle Riphean of the Turukhansk Uplift, Siberia)
Petrov P.Y.
Vol 51, No 6 (2016) Noble metal specialization of Lower and Middle Riphean terrigenous rocks in the South Urals
Kovalev S.G., Maslov A.V., Gareev E.Z.
Vol 51, No 5 (2016) Noble metal-bearing ferromanganese deposits in the Kimkan basin, Russian Far East
Zhirnov A.M.
Vol 52, No 4 (2017) Notion of “sedimentary rock” and its evolution in time
Kholodov V.N.
Vol 53, No 3 (2018) Ocean Redox State at 2500‒500 Ma: Modern Concepts
Maslov A.V., Podkovyrov V.N.
Vol 51, No 2 (2016) Paleoclimate changes in the late precambrian: Evidence from the upper precambrian section of the South Urals
Maslov A.V., Podkovyrov V.N., Gareev E.Z., Graunov O.V.
Vol 52, No 1 (2017) Paleogeographic provinces of the periglacial loess association in the middle Volga basin
Sudakova N.G., Vvedenskaya A.I., Glushankova N.I., Kostomakha V.A.
Vol 53, No 4 (2018) Phosphides in Volcanic Seamount Basalts in the Sea of Japan
S”edin V.T., Kolesnik O.N., Yaroshchuk E.I.
Vol 54, No 4 (2019) Pore Space in Carbonate Tidalites: Paleoclimatic Aspect
Kuznetsov V.G., Zhuravleva L.M.
Vol 53, No 5 (2018) Postglacial Deposits of the Dal’nyaya Taiga Group: Early Vendian in the Ura Uplift, Siberia. Communication 1. Barakun Formation
Petrov P.Y.
Vol 53, No 6 (2018) Postglacial Deposits of the Dal’nyaya Taiga Group: Early Vendian in the Ura Uplift, Siberia. Communication 2. Ura and Kalancha Formations and History of the Basin
Petrov P.Y.
Vol 53, No 4 (2018) Problem of the Application of Mathematical Methods in Geology
Lalomov A.V., Naumov V.A.
Vol 51, No 4 (2016) Provenance analysis for Middle Eocene sediments in the West Kamchatka sedimentary basin (Tigil area)
Khisamutdinova A.I., Solov’ev A.V., Rozhkova D.V.
Vol 51, No 2 (2016) Rare earth elements and Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd systematics in the peat bog iron ore and moss of the NW East European Platform
Felitsyn S.B., Bogomolov E.S.
Vol 52, No 2 (2017) Rare elements and Nd and Sr isotopic composition in micronodules from the Brazil Basin, Atlantic Ocean
Dubinin A.V., Uspenskaya T.Y., Rimskaya-Korsakova M.N., Demidova T.P.
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