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Issue Title File
Vol 54, No 4 (2019) Rare Elements—Markers of the Formation Setting of Manganese and Iron Ore Deposits in the Kalahari and Postmasburg Fields (South Africa): Communication 1. Kalahari Manganese Field
Varentsov I.M., Kuleshov V.N.
Vol 54, No 5 (2019) Rare Elements—Markers of the Formation Setting of Manganese and Iron Ores in the Kalahari and Postmasburg Manganese Fields (South Africa): Communication 2. Postmasburg Iron and Manganese Field
Varentsov I.M., Kuleshov V.N.
Vol 53, No 3 (2018) Reef Formations in the West Canada Basin and Their Oil and Gas Potential
Kuznetsov V.G., Zhuravleva L.M.
Vol 54, No 2 (2019) Reference Sections of Late‒Middle Neopleistocene Friable Sediments in Kamchatka: Present-Day State and Issue of Age, and Perspectives of Study
Pevzner M.M., Yashina O.V., Smyshlyaeva O.I., Nechushkin R.I., Karimov T.D., Rozhdestvensky O.Y.
Vol 52, No 1 (2017) Reflection of seismic paleoevents in Mesozoic–Cenozoic terrigenous sequences of the northern Caucasus
Gavrilov Y.O.
Vol 52, No 6 (2017) Response of the bering sea to Heinrich Event 11
Ovsepyan E.A., Murdmaa I.O.
Vol 53, No 2 (2018) Rhythmic Structure of the Productive Sylvinite Lode in the Gremyachinsk Deposit (Southern Volga Monocline)
Moskovskii G.A., Goncharenko O.P., Solomon M.V.
Vol 54, No 3 (2019) Role of Elisional Water Exchange in the Hydrodynamic Field Formation in the Yamal–Kara Depression
Novikov D.A.
Vol 52, No 5 (2017) Secondary alterations of globular and platy phyllosilicates of the glauconite–illite series in the Precambrian and Vendian–Cambrian rocks
Ivanovskaya T.A., Zviagina B.B., Zaitseva T.S.
Vol 52, No 6 (2017) Sedimentary environments and geochemistry of Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene rocks in the northeastern Caucasus
Gavrilov Y.O., Shchepetova E.V., Shcherbinina E.A., Golovanova O.V., Nedumov R.I., Pokrovsky B.G.
Vol 52, No 6 (2017) Sedimentary infill in the equatorial Mid-Oceanic Canyon, Atlantic Ocean
Simagin N.V., Murdmaa I.O., Seitkalieva E.A., Borisov D.G., Dorokhova E.V., Emel’yanov E.M., Levchenko O.V.
Vol 53, No 2 (2018) Sedimentation Model of Rocks of the Pokur Formation: Basis for the Prediction of Filtration-Volumetric Characteristics (Upper Cretaceous, West Siberia)
Zhemchugova V.A., Berbenev M.O.
Vol 51, No 2 (2016) Siderite layers in the fresh-water Neogene sediments of Vietnam
Geptner A.R., Petrova V.V., Pha P.D., Huyen N.X., Nginh L.T.
Vol 54, No 4 (2019) Sorption of Y3+, La3+, and Ce3+ Cations in the Co-Bearing Manganese Crusts on the Magellan Seamounts and Marcus-Wake Rise, Pacific Ocean
Novikov G.V., Lobus N.V., Drozdova A.N., Dikov Y.P.
Vol 53, No 3 (2018) Sources and Typomorphism of Platinum in Carbonaceous Rocks in Far East Russia
Khanchuk A.I., Berdnikov N.V., Nevstruev V.G.
Vol 53, No 6 (2018) Specific Features of Sulfide Ores in the Pobeda Hydrothermal Cluster, Mid-Atlantic Rise 17°07′–17°08′ N
Gablina I.F., Dobretzova I.G., Laiba A.A., Narkevsky E.V., Maksimov F.E., Kuznetsov V.Y.
Vol 52, No 6 (2017) Sr chemostratigrphy, δ13C, and δ18O of rocks in the Crimean carbonate platform (Late Jurassic, northern Peri-Tethys)
Rud’ko S.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Pokrovsky B.G.
Vol 54, No 5 (2019) Strontium Isotope Composition of Mud Volcanic Waters in Azerbaijan
Bujakaite M.I., Lavrushin V.Y., Pokrovsky B.G.
Vol 53, No 1 (2018) Structure and composition of debris flows in the Eastern Sayan
Akulov N.I., Akulova V.V., Shtel’makh S.I., Rubtsova M.N., Sholokhov P.A.
Vol 53, No 3 (2018) Structure and Formation Conditions of the Bazhenovo Horizon in the Pal’yanovo Area, West Siberia
Grabovskaya F.R., Zhukov V.V., Zagranovskaya D.E.
Vol 52, No 4 (2017) Structure and petroleum potential of the Laptev Sea region
Polyakova I.D., Borukaev G.C.
Vol 51, No 6 (2016) Structure and stages in development of the cataplatform cover in the Central Russian‒Belomorian province
Chamov N.P.
Vol 54, No 5 (2019) Synrift Sandstones and Mudstones: Bulk Chemical Composition and Position in Some Discriminant Paleogeodynamic Diagrams
Maslov A.V., Podkovyrov V.N., Gareev E.Z., Nozhkin A.D.
Vol 54, No 5 (2019) Tectonic-Sedimentary System of the Atlantis‒Meteor Seamounts (North Atlantic): Volcanism and Sedimentation in the Late Miocene‒Pliocene and Position in the Atlantic‒Arctic Rift System
Chamov N.P., Stukalova I.E., Sokolov S.Y., Peive A.A., Gor’kova N.V., Razumovskii A.A., Bylinskaya M.E., Golovina L.A.
Vol 52, No 6 (2017) Tectono-depositional history of the Central Russian aulacogen and Moscow syneclise
Chamov N.P.
101 - 125 of 139 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> 

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