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Age-Related Changes in the Ratios of the Components of Aboveground Phytomass of Forest-Forming Species of Eurasia

Usoltsev V., Tsepordey I.


The assessment of phytomass, as the most important characteristic of forest ecosystems, plays a key role in monitoring the global carbon cycle and assessing the state of forests. In order for the species to achieve optimal productivity at the plant level, some proportionality between the functions and phytomass of its components must be ensured. The theory of optimal phytomass partitioning suggests that plants adapt the size of their organs not only to the external environment, but also to the physiological activity of various tissues. According to this theory, it has been established that the share of the component in the total phytomass (i.e., the relative phytomass of the component) is not constant: if in mature trees the largest share of phytomass falls on the stem and the smallest on the assimilation apparatus, then in seedlings the largest share of phytomass falls not on the stem, but on the assimilation organs. In order to establish the age at which the aforementioned trends change, the author’s database on the phytomass of trees belonging to the forest-forming genera of Eurasia was used. Models of changes in relative phytomasses for four coniferous and four deciduous forest-forming genera have been developed in relation to the age and the aboveground phytomass. Their contributions to the explanation of the variability of relative phytomass components amounted to 57–60 and 40–43%, respectively. It is established that with age the positive dependence of the relative phytomass of the stem upon the aboveground phytomass is replaced by a negative one, and the negative dependence of the relative phytomass of the branches is replaced by a positive one. The negative dependence of the relative foliage mass upon the aboveground phytomass by the age of maturity is leveled. The ages of the change of the positive or negative dependence of the relative phytomass of the components upon the aboveground phytomass by the opposite dependence in the studied age range have been established. However, the ages of the change of these rankings vary greatly in different genera, and further research is needed both to clarify the ages of the named shift and to clarify the reasons for such a significant variation. The obtained results showed that the relative phytomasses of the components change with age and phytomass in their interaction, i.e. there is a synergy of factors.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):563-576
pages 563-576 views

Structural Features of Pine Catena Stands: from Forest to Oligotrophic Bog

Storozhenko V., Glukhova T.


The article presents the results of studies of the pine catena’s stands structure, conducted in the Zapadnodvinsky forestry of the Tver region (Zapadnodvinsky forest-swamp station of the Institute of Forest Science of the RAS, IFS RAS), linking the biogeocenosis of the forest and swamp parts of the oligotrophic bog. The purpose of the research is to study the forestry characteristics, morphometric indices, origin, age structure, dynamic processes and volume indicators of pine stands during the transition of the forest part of the catena to the oligotrophic bog. The pine catena includes four sections with a total length of 110 m and a width of 40 m: the upper forest automorphous zone (PP 1), the slope transit zone (PP 2 and 3) and accumulative zone (PP 4) with forest types changing from cranberry-blueberry pine woods of II quality class to shrub-sphagnum meso-oligotrophic pine woods on 6 m of peat (V quality class), underlain by organic lake sediments. The age structure of stands varies from the conditional evenly-aged restorative dynamics in the forest part to the highly-unevenly-aged dynamics found closer to the climax phase of the meso-oligotrophic sphagnum swamp. The forest part is characterized by the better condition indicators’ values, while the oligotrophic bog’s stands have the worst ones. The pine biogeocenosis of an oligotrophic sphagnum bog is close in dynamic characteristics to sustainable climax forest communities with a maximum age of the first generations trees of approximately 240–280 years. The stands condition along the catena profile varies from healthy in the forest part to the weakened with the degradation development dynamics in the accumulative part of the sphagnum bog.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):577-586
pages 577-586 views

Tree Storey Structure and Condition Dynamics in Middle-Taiga Native Spruce Forests of the Northern Ural Foothills

Manov A., Kutyavin I.


The paper focuses on the dynamic processes occurring in indigenous spruce phytocenoses developing on the territory of one of the large reserves of spontaneous dark coniferous taiga in the European North – the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve. The aim of the study was to assess the size structure dynamics of the forest stands and the undergrowth, as well as changes in their vital status in naturally developing spruce stands of the green moss and long-stem moss groups of forest types in the foothills of the Northern Urals (the basin of the upper reaches of the Pechora River). The spruce stands, mixed in composition and complex in structure, form a cyclic uneven-aged type of structure. For the middle taiga indigenous spruce forests, based on the assessment of inequality in the woody plants’ sizes distribution, the results of the long-term structure monitoring of the forest stands and the undergrowth on four permanent sample plots were analysed. In forest stands of different types, a similar dynamics of tree differentiation by trunk volume and undergrowth by trunk height was observed. There is a significant accumulation of small woody plants individuals, with a smooth, evenly fading distribution of their numbers in the direction of size increase. Under the canopy of forest stands there is a continuous regrowth process. According to the data of stationary observations of the vitality and damage degree of trees and undergrowth of spruce forests, based on a visual assessment of a woody plant state according to the characteristics of the crown, a slightly weakened condition of both the upper tree layers of the phytocenosis and the lower – undergrowth was revealed. Spruce stands are at the stage of initial weakening or are already weakened, the undergrowth is predominantly healthy.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):587-595
pages 587-595 views

Siberian Fir Needles Growth and Structural Features Studied in the North-East of the European Russia

Gerling N., Tarasov S.


Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) is the subject of this research and is the least studied forest-forming species in the North-East of the European Russia. The purpose of the work is to study changes in the structure of fir needles in the process of its growth. The paper is based on a growth model and examines the relationship between the linear dimensions of Siberian fir needles and changes in the anatomical structure and ultrastructure of its assimilation apparatus during the period of its growth outside the bud. A logistic model was successfully tested as a model of changes in fir needles’ linear dimensions (length, width and thickness), and proved to be a convenient tool for analysing the processes of needle development at all structural levels. The application of the model makes it possible to identify the phases of needle development and confirm the synchronism in changes in the linear dimensions of needles with the development of assimilation cells. It has been shown that when the needles of Siberian fir emerge from the bud, they are already qualitatively capable of photosynthesis, as evidenced by the presence of developed thylakoids and grana in chloroplasts, as well as photosynthetic pigments. The assimilation apparatus reaches its highest qualitative and quantitative development after the end of the last phase of needle growth in length, which gives us grounds to conclude that under optimal environmental conditions, already developed needles reach the highest functional activity during this period.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):596-607
pages 596-607 views

Biological Properties of the Siberian Pine’s Seeds

Tretyakova I.


A study of the biological properties of the Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) seeds was carried out. Four seed categories were used in the work, differing in size: large (1114 mm in length), medium (910 mm), small (78 mm) and very small seeds (<6 mm). The seeds quality study using the X-ray and the histochemical analyses showed that the size of the seeds can indicate their defectiveness. Fractions of small and very small seeds of Siberian pine turned out to be completely sterile, most of the seeds of large and medium fractions were viable. Cytoembryological studies have shown that in trees that form empty and underdeveloped seeds (fractions of medium and large seeds), disturbances in the embryological structures development can be observed. These disturbances take place at the stage of gametophytogenesis and the archegonia development. In trees with large seeds, gametogenesis proceeds without deviations, four archegonia are formed in the ovules, and polyembryonic seeds are formed (up to 16 embryos in the germinal canal). In Siberian pine trees with a one-year reproductive cycle, the seed size varies from very small to large. In these trees, the development of the female gametophyte is completed and archegonia are formed. However, in the ovules of trees with a one-year reproductive cycle, fertilization of eggs does not occur and seeds without an embryo are formed. During the period of stratification (four months), in most seeds of the medium and large fractions the intraseed, growth of the embryo was completely completed. In in vitro culture on MS medium with a low concentration of hormones, the growth of the germinal axis was carried out in seven days of cultivation. The embryos germinated successfully. Thus, based on experiments on the Siberian pine embryos cultivation, it can be concluded that the seeds of this species can enter organic (morphophysiological) dormancy. When creating optimal conditions for germination (nutrient substrat, temperature 24 ± 1°C), Siberian pine seeds are able to germinate.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):608-616
pages 608-616 views

Syntaxonomical Diversity and Overall Condition of Protective Forest Plantations in the Myasnikovsky District of the Rostov Region

Sokolova T.


Studying the current state of protective forest plantations (PFP) not only in the Rostov region, but in the country as a whole, are necessary due to the deterioration of their sanitary condition, lack of care and restoration. Such events require large financial and physical (labour) investments. That is why the development of a simplified system for assessing the state of the PFP is of crucial importance. The article provides a brief history of the PFP creation, presents the results of the inventory of the PFP in the Myasnikovsky district using various research methods (geobotanical techniques), including remote sensing. In total, 62 geobotanical sites were established to assess the state of protective forest plantations in the area. The detailed route method was used to study and measure 858 shelter belts. The main type of the local PFP are field-protective ones, followed by the gully-side PFP almost twice as small in area, and finally the least prominent of all – roadside and garden-protective ones. The age of most of the PFPs has reached 55–60 years, and measures are needed to be taken for their reconstruction. All forest belts are characterised by the presence of various types of rubbish and sanitary cuttings taking place. In addition to assessing the state of the PFP, a classification of the shelter belts vegetation was carried out. Overall, 6 associations have been identified, including 3 new ones within the framework of 1 alliance, 1 order and 1 class. Within the study area, 30 new locations were identified for 8 plant species listed in the Red List of the Rostov Region (Red List …, 2014). The condition of the forest belts within the study area was assessed as satisfactory, however, there are areas of plantations that require restoration. Based on the information received, recommendations were given for the further management of the PFPs.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):617-636
pages 617-636 views

Species and Structural Diversity of Coniferous-Broadleaved Mixed Forests of the Pshekha River, North-Western Caucasus

Shevchenko N., Geraskina A.


The article presents the species and structural diversity of coniferous-broadleaved forests of the Pshekha river – the largest tributary of the Kuban river. All in all, 7 main types of forest were identified and described: fir-beech fern-forb forest, fir-hornbeam blackberry-forb forest, aspen-hornbeam honeysuckle-small-herb forest, hornbeam-black alder nitrophilic-tall-herb forest, hornbeam-oak rhododendron-blackberry forest, hornbeam-beech blackberry-forb forest and hornbeam honeysuckle-blackberry forest. The composition of the forest flora of the Pshekha river includes 270 species, including 221 species of vascular plants and 49 species of mosses. Floristic diversity of coniferous-broadleaved forests of the Pshekha river is inversely related to the crown density of the stand and the proportion of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis). The highest species saturation was noted in the hornbeam-black alder nitrophilic-high-grass forest type, the lowest – in the fir-beech fern-forb type. Ecological and coenotic structure of coniferous-broadleaved forest types of the Pshekha river depends on the height above sea level, which determines the indicators of the average annual precipitation and average annual temperature – with a decrease in altitude above sea level. m. the proportion of boreal species in the composition of the flora decreases, while the proportion of nemoral and meadow-edge species increases. In the coniferous-broadleaved forests of the river. Pshekha, 11 species of earthworms were identified, belonging to four morpho-ecological groups: epigeic, epi-endogeic and endogeic, as well as anecic. In forests with a high quality of litter (hornbeam-dominated), the greatest contribution to the biomass is made by epigeic (up to 41%) and endogeic (up to 45%) groups of earthworms. In forests with low quality litter (fir- and beech-dominated), the share of endogeic earthworms is high (up to 66%). Anecic worms are mostly confined to forests on moist soils. In all types of forests, Crimean-Caucasian endemics make a large contribution to biomass and abundance: polymorphic species D. schmidti, anecic D. mariupolienis, as well as Mediterranean species: litter D. attemsi (often inhabiting oak and hornbeam deadwood) and proper soil A. jassyensis. Cosmopolitan species (D. r. tenuis, D. octaedra) are numerous among the epigeic worms and often inhabit deadwood of coniferous tree species.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):637-654
pages 637-654 views

Assessment of the Negative Impact of the Quarantine Pest Oak Lace Bug in the Western Caucasus

Bibin A., Belous O., Platonova N.


In 2015, an invasive oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata) (Say, 1832), a representative of the North American fauna of lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae), was discovered in the Krasnodar Territory. The main harmfulness of oak lace bug lies in it sucking the cell juices from the leaves, as a result of which their chlorosis develops, which can be especially dangerous and serve as a cause of repression and death of oaks. To assess the foraging impact of oak lace nug, we analysed the pigment composition of English oak (Quercus robur L.) leaves before and after infestation. The optical density of the extracted pigments was measured on a spectrophotometer. The functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus was assessed using a portable chlorophyll fluorometer. As a result, a significant decrease in the content of the main photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll, as well as carotenoids was found, which indicates the suppression of the plant’s nonspecific protective mechanism. In parallel, there occurs a decrease in the photosynthetic activity coefficient and the vitality level. However, these negative processes are at least partially offset by an increase in chlorophyll b, which prevents the inhibition of CO2 assimilation. Pest damage causes a significant decrease in leaf thickness, mainly due to a decrease in the biometric parameters of spongy and columnar parenchyma.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):655-662
pages 655-662 views


Approaches to the Carbon Sequestration in Climatic Projects

Nekrasov S.


Projects aimed at achieving carbon neutrality will increasingly determine the direction of the global economy. Their implementation will cause not only an increase in the cost of energy supply, but also lead to additional extraction of fossil fuel and an increase in demand for electricity. Under these conditions, the Russian Federation should adjust the vector of its development and use natural resources, taking into account the accumulated experience in solving complex problems based on a systematic approach. The transition from a fragmented approach to the integrated use of the afforestation and reforestation sequestration possibilities is the way to maintain the structural stability of the domestic economy. It is shown that the reforestation and afforestation on areas equivalent to those occupied by the Volga-Kama HPPs’ cascade’s reservoirs will result in an increase in carbon dioxide absorption comparative to a decrease in emissions when the energy from the gas-powered thermal power plants will be replaced by hydropower. Also presented are the numerical estimates of the increase in CO2 sequestration resulting from the reforestation on the area of an ancient lake, which used to occupy a significant part of the Mologo-Sheksninskaya lowland at the end of the ice age, in case of a change in the level of the Rybinsk reservoir.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):663-674
pages 663-674 views


Landscape Planning Organisation of the “Severny Les” Park of Voronezh

Kartashova N., Kulakova E.


The relevance of the topic is due to the growth of urban agglomerations, resulting in the problem of preserving natural objects that perform important environmental, aesthetic, recreational functions. One of such objects is the “Severny Les” park, created in 2014, which has been chosen as the subject for the study. The park is located in the Kominternovsky district of Voronezh, its area is 51.57 hectares. The park has the status of a nature park, its territories (together with water areas) include natural complexes and objects of significant ecological and aesthetic value and intended for use in environmental protection, educational and recreational purposes. The main purpose of the study was to determine the recreational value of the park. In the work, recreational and sanitary-hygienic assessments were carried out, the stages of digression and the plantations’ stability classes were determined. The description of tree and shrub vegetation was given together with the identification of its condition. Based on the object’s complex assessment, functional zoning was developed, which made it possible to identify the problems of the territory, reveal its potential, and carry out basic transformations. A range of plants for the park’s landscaping was recommended, taking into account age and seasonal variability, decorativeness, resistance to the park’s conditions and anthropogenic stress.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):675-684
pages 675-684 views

Assessing the Amount of Force Necessary to Pick off Cones from Siberian Larch, Scots Pine and Siberian Pine Trees

Orlovskiy S., Karnaukhov A.


The article presents the results of studies conducted in Eastern Siberia, dedicated to determining the amount of force required for detachment of Siberian larch, Scots pine and Siberian pine cones, which is one of the main indicators that determines the parameters of cone collecting machines and mechanisms for coniferous species. The pick-off force for the cones was measured at different collection times in the upper, middle, and lower parts of the crown and at different angles of pull-off force direction. The limits of these forces variability are: for the Scots pine – 23.5–48.1 N, for the Siberian larch – 27.5–42.2 N; for the Siberian pine – 3.9–7.8 N. The data obtained can serve as a basis for calculating the parameters of cone collecting mechanisation tools for the aforementioned species. When designing machines and mechanisms for collecting the coniferous trees’ cones, it is necessary to have initial data that determine the parameters of the working bodies. One of these parameters is the amount of effort required to separate the cones from the branches. The forces of detaching cones from trees in the European part of Russia were determined by a number of researchers. According to I.M. Zima with co-authors (1966), the force of detachment of cones in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is 41.2 N. According to I.A. Lavrov (1970), pine cones can be torn off with a force of 21.1 N, and the cones of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb) – with a force of 39.2 N. In Siberia, studies on the cones detachment were first carried out in 1970 by the laboratory of mechanization of the forest seeds collection and processing of the ASRIM forestry enterprise (Orlovsky et al., 2016). The detachment of Siberian larch, Scots pine and Siberian pine cones was studied in the forestry enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk and Altai regions and in the Republic of Tyva. The pull-off forces of Scots pine and Siberian larch cones were measured in the lower, middle, and upper parts of the crowns using dynamometers with a 0.1 N division value and with a maximum force recording device. The measurements were carried out along the branch, at an angle of 40°–50° and at an angle of 90° to the branch.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):685-689
pages 685-689 views

Photosynthesis of widespread lichen species in pine forests of Central Siberia

Polosukhina D., Makhnykina A., Aryasov V., Trusov D., Prokushkin A.


Lichens and other terrestrial photosynthetic unicellular organisms of the planet consume nearly 14.3 billion tons of atmospheric CO2. Due to climate change, such important components of the forest ground cover as lichens are very vulnerable. This study evaluates the photosynthetic activity in widespread lichens by measuring the indices of net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and prompt fluorescence. Hence, cryptogams of pine forests in Central Siberia near the Zotino tall tower observatory (ZOTTO) are characterized as highly active. Cladonia stellaris (Opiz.) Brodo and Cladonia rangiferina (L.) are the main representatives of ground cover species. The purpose of this study was to determine the photosynthetic activity in dominant species of ground cover lichens during a growing season. We found the seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis with the lowest values being observed in June, and the highest ones in August. Dark respiration peaks in June and is the lowest in September. Fluorescence values are within the range of 6.7 ± 0.3. The species under study that grow on podzol soils in pine forests show fast kinetic activation.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):690-696
pages 690-696 views


Цельникер Юдифь Львовна (1921–2023)

Уткина И.
Lesovedenie. 2023;(6):697-698
pages 697-698 views