
Detection of Phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrXXI group in Scott pine and mountain pine
Girsova N., Bogoutdinov D., Molchanov A., Kastalyeva T.
Bark Thickness of Forest-forming Species: Modeling and Comparative Analysis
Usoltsev V., Tsepordey I., Urazova A., Bornikov A., Plyukha N.
Assessing the Amount of Force Necessary to Pick off Cones from Siberian Larch, Scots Pine and Siberian Pine Trees
Orlovskiy S., Karnaukhov A.
Restoration of Vegetation on Fallows in Krasnoyarsk Territory’s Forest Steppes
Kovaleva N., Sobachkin R.
Vitality Structure of the Middle-Aged Northern Taiga Pine Forest Stands
Stavrova N., Gorshkov V., Katyutin P.
Grey Heron Colonies Affect the Radial Growth of Trees in Pine Plantations
Demakov Y., Tishin D., Demitrov I.
Feeding Area and Growth of Trees in the Middle-Aged Pine Plantations
Rogozin M.
Scots Pine Generative Sphere as an Indicator of the Climate-Determined Change in Vital States of the Populations
Kuznetsova N.
Use of Stimulants for Pre-Sowing Treatment of the Scots Pine Seeds
Kabanova S., Kabanov A., Kochegarov I., Danchenko M., Bortsov V., Shakhmatov P.
Development and Application of Two Multiplexes of Nuclear Microsatellite Loci for the Analysis of Genetic Variability of Scots Pine Populations in Different Parts of the Range
Semerikov N.
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